呸——这两个字如晴天霹雳般在林梦的脑海中炸开,她彻底愣住了!回家!她真的要回家了!她该回家了!她以前一直很期待,但为什么在真正的时候还需要有人提醒她呢!"林梦?!"女人笑了笑,微微扬起的嘴唇上带着一丝疑惑!林梦茫然地盯着那女子的笑脸,觉得她现在的脸色可能会难看可笑.她实际上忘记了她要回家;她居然忘了她和他的合同只有一周!"你没事吧?!"女人温柔的关心,只会让林梦更加尴尬."我...我没事!她的脸色一定是苍白的,嘴唇微微颤抖,说出的话仿佛被风吹走了."我...我来洗脸!她用不稳定的声音说这句话,急忙避开那个女人,生怕眼前的女人会误会或嘲笑她.她急忙补充道:"我...我还没洗呢,我...我去洗脸!女人点点头."来吧,慢慢来,我先帮你收拾一下!"林梦勉强笑了笑,转身跑向浴室,砰的一声关上了浴室的门."嗖"的一声,旅行包被拉了起来,林梦知道她要走了.她的手颤抖了一会儿,然后她迅速握紧并握住了旅行包的交叉带.她抬起头,装作自由自在的看着苗青."你现在要走吗?"苗青点点头,假装没看到林梦红红的眼睛,率先走了出去,林梦紧随其后.在客厅的玻璃茶几上,绿意盎然中漂浮着白色的铃兰落入林梦的眼中.她的心很痛,她的脚步开始变得困难.她想看看,但她却不情愿地转头看了好几遍.终于,当她要穿过客厅时,她忍不住停了下来."苗...苗青!女人停了下来,转身看着她.林梦指了指茶几上的铃兰."我想把它带走!"苗青微微眯起眼睛.林梦连忙解释道."这是...别人给我的!她心中的痛苦让她甚至没有勇气提起那个名字,生怕一旦她说出那个名字,她就会控制不住自己在这个自由能干的女人面前卑微懦弱的泪水.苗青点点头,"我帮你弄到!她假装拿着那盆铃兰,林梦却比她快了一步冲了过来."不,我能做到!"她一只手拿着铃兰盆,一手拎着行李.虽然她看起来很瘦弱,但她还是有力气扛起这些的.当我出门时,负责打扫房间的酒店工作人员已经在门口等着了.那件白色的裙子异常干净整洁.那个似乎是领班的女人向苗青点了点头,领着一行人进了房间.林梦猜测,这豪华的总统套房,一定是在最短的时间内被清理干净了,干净得仿佛以前没有人住过一样,她存在的所有痕迹都被抹去了!原来,被抹去的不仅仅是旅行包里的衣服!I got off the elevator in a daze and walked out of the door of Yujin Hotel. A ray of sunset came out of the clouds and shone over, and I felt dazzling immediately. I couldn't help squinting my eyes, and I felt more and more painful in my eyes!The hotel's younger brother quickly delivered Miao Qing's car, and Miao Qing took the key. "Let's go, I'll take you home!"Lin Meng shook her head and slowly stepped back.Miao Qing raised her eyebrows.Lin Meng tried to raise the corners of her mouth and smiled: "No need to trouble you, I will take a car home by myself!"Miao Qing frowned. "Mr. Rong asked me to take you home, please don't make it difficult for me!"Lin Meng squeezed the strap of the travel bag in her hand, slightly raised her pointed chin, and looked at Miao Qing, who was half a head taller than her. Her eyes that were about to break revealed a determination that was hard to ignore."Thank you for your kindness, but - I insist on leaving by myself, please - don't make it difficult for me!"Let his people send her away like this, maybe he was kind, but she really couldn't bear his kindness! She didn't want to collapse in front of his people with her pretended strength!Miao Qing took a deep look at Lin Meng, who seemed to be about to collapse, and slowly lowered her eyelids, almost sighing. "Okay then!"Lin Meng slowly lowered her head. "Thank you!"Turning around, she took steps step by step, slowly leaving the Yujin Hotel behind.