066 Please support me
在饭桌上,王老师频频为林梦挑饭,这让林梦很不开心.她其实有一点点干净,就是不想和非亲人共用饭锅.换句话说,当别人用筷子给她挑食物时,她会有心理障碍.再说了,眼前的王先生,实在难看.说实话,每个人都爱美,林梦也不例外.她受不了啤酒肚的男人,王先生就是这样的人.林梦憋了很久,终于忍不住了.她打算打破自己一直信奉的原则,那就是客人在场时多吃少说."我自己也能做到!"她微微红着脸说.事实上,她很尴尬.她不时抬头向林宝寻求帮助,但林宝似乎没有看到,自己开心地吃着.这顿饭其实还不错.林梦不仅吃得不够,还觉得吃东西头都疼了.临走前,王先生还是用那种暧昧的眼神看着她,甚至还笑着告诉林宝下次带林梦过来,这样他们就可以一起吃饭了.林梦一言不发,黑着脸上了林宝的车.林宝转动方向盘,开着车.林梦在座位上坐了半天,然后她忍不住说道:"爸爸,我不喜欢那个人!林宝立刻就知道林梦在说谁,笑了起来."孟孟,这是爸爸的朋友.爸爸不是很喜欢他,但他必须社交.爸爸现在年纪大了,还有很多事情不是那么方便做,所以他不得不靠一些朋友来帮助他.林梦愣住了,心里一痛.她歪着头看她父亲的个人资料.直到她看到它,她才知道.她意识到她的父亲年纪大了,耳朵上有一头白发.所以,她的心更加痛苦."爸爸,是不是...最近生意不太好?!林梦不太了解林宝的事.她只知道,关于建筑行业,有很多话要说,看来最重要的一步就是找到好人.在上级的照顾下,您可以顺利完成并赚取稳定的利润.林宝叹了口气."对,最近生意不太好!"林梦觉得心里一堵,想问问他,上次...上次荣玲不是给他一个项目吗?有没有可能,有了那个项目,业务仍然...不好?!然而,林梦却不能问.两个女孩有说有笑,叽叽喳喳地谈论着她们以后会看到什么漂亮的衣服.林梦也笑了起来,偶尔说一两句话,但眼神飘忽不定.也许这是一种永远无法挽回的命运,又或许是天主在黑暗中的旨意.穿过人群后,她居然看到了他!太不可思议了,她甚至怀疑自己的眼睛出了什么问题.她眨了好几次眼,但每次穿过人流时,她还是把目光锁定在他身上!他依旧意气风发,依旧俯视着一切,被月亮星星一般的人包围着.那套黑色的立体西装真的很适合他,让他看起来更加帅气不凡,更加出众.那些围着他的人,只能成为陪衬的绿叶!林梦的心跳了起来,也许比她跑完十公里马拉松时还要猛烈.她可以控制自己的眼睛,紧紧地盯着他,但她无法控制自己的腿和她的心脏!她奔跑着,穿过浓重的人群,眼前似乎什么都没有存在,耳边似乎什么也听不见.在她身后,朱小萌和杨浩青困惑地喊了一声,但她还是顽强地跑了出去,朝着最耀眼的闪光跑去.低沉的惊呼声和急促的喊叫声,似乎越来越大,仿佛在喊着"小心,快回来",但林梦却来不及理会他们!有刺耳的汽车喇叭声和低沉的咒骂声,似乎更加尖锐,仿佛在咒骂"你在做什么,你想死吗",但林梦还是没有时间理会他们.在她眼里,那些用铁皮包裹的精美汽车成了她爬山的障碍.无论这些铁墙多么强大,都无法阻止她靠近他!汽车的喇叭声,咒骂声,惊叹声和喊叫声一片混乱.街上几乎每个人都停下了手头的工作,看着一个美得令人难以置信的女孩在疯狂的车流中奔跑.刺耳的刹车声不断,紧接着是响亮的咒骂声!That was a street that was nearly 30 meters wide, and there were a lot of cars coming and going. Could that girl be crazy?Rong Ling, who was listening to the other manager's brief report from a distance, also noticed this abnormal behavior. He raised his long and domineering eyebrows, looked up, and looked at the girl. Seeing the crazy behavior of the little woman, his heartbeat almost stopped!At that moment, he lost his reaction, his limbs were stiff, and his whole body was faintly cold. He watched her jump onto the sidewalk when she was almost hit by the last car, and ran straight towards him without looking around.She was getting closer and closer.She stood in front of him panting, with some abnormal pastels on her fair face. She smiled, raised the corners of her mouth, revealing her cute teeth like woven shells, but tears, like mercury, poured out from her pair of autumn water-like eyes.The whole world was quiet.Even the manager who was respectfully making a preliminary report to Rong Ling and was praised by the industry as someone who could remain calm even when facing a mountain collapse was speechless!She looked at Rong Ling without saying anything, and just cried quietly. Those eyes, which seemed like black gemstones, were calm, as if they had gone through many years and buried too many long-lasting thoughts after the austerity!Rong Ling frowned slightly, and his eyes, which always tended to be cold, turned into warm pity.She only had him in her eyes, and it seemed that the whole world only had him and her!She opened her mouth and cried like a devastated person -"Will you support me?!"