075 Be nice to me
她像洋娃娃一样被他抱在怀里洗漱.洗完澡后,他拍了拍她的屁股,把她赶出了浴室.林梦茫然地走出来,从包里又掏出一套睡衣穿上,茫然地向卧室走去.她坐在卧室里,发呆.五分钟后,这名男子从浴室里出来.他浑身湿漉漉的,腰间只缠着一条毛巾.他似乎洗了个澡.男人在她旁边坐下,巨大的存在让她缩了缩.话好多要说,但刚才经历了这么诡异的事情之后,她突然不知道该说什么了.他侧头看了看她,发现她正茫然地盯着他,眼神有些模糊,落在他的胸口,显然处于心不在焉的状态.他忍不住皱起了眉头.他想说些什么,但看到她这样,他顿时对说话失去了兴趣.他打开一侧的抽屉,拿出一包已经打开的南京烟.他掏出一根烟,用打火机点燃.他慢慢地抽烟.他不经常抽烟,但现在似乎有必要抽根烟.说实话,他有点困惑.他从来没有想过,萧逸和林梦会有这么深的感情.这让他觉得很麻烦!他嘴里叼着一根烟,半闭着眼睛,懒洋洋地靠在床头上.他的长腿随意地晃在床上.他看起来懒洋洋的性感,有一种很皇帝的感觉.林梦斜眼看着他,莫名其妙地被吸引住了.她像个伟人一样盯着他抽着烟.也许他抽烟时看起来太性感了,又或许是烟草的味道激起了她的憧憬,于是她轻轻地俯身.半坐着,身体前倾,小脸盯着慢慢散发着奇特白雾的香烟.白烟蜷缩起来,仿佛她已经升天了.容玲微微眨了眨眼,然后又眯起了眼睛,默默地看着像猫一样靠近的女人.她的脸色白皙有光泽,狭长的眼睛紧紧地眯着,仿佛在勾引人.她的小鼻子微微歪斜,似乎被它迷住了,在烟头前来回摆动.那个眼神莫名其词地迷人,但也有点滑稽.他伸手接过嘴里的香烟,挑了挑眉,默默地问道.她的目光顺着香烟看去,当她看到他用手指夹着香烟时,她伸出手来慢慢地握住他的手,把它举到空中.他很惊讶!然后她俯下身来,小心翼翼地,像一个尝过禁果的女孩子一样,把她的小嘴凑到烟头上.她一脸虔诚,仿佛不是在亲吻一根烟,而是一个神!那一刻,他愣住了,看着她粉红色的红唇咬着烟头,然后抿着嘴唇,似乎要吸一口.他立刻像猫毛被吹掉一样跳了起来,一把抢过她嘴里咬着的香烟,用手指刺了出去,然后狠狠地甩了出去.她困惑地看着他,困惑不解!他沉下脸,抓住她的衣领,用力把她拉到浴室里,仿佛又生气了.她踉踉跄跄地跟着他,却没有意识到发生了什么!当他们到了浴室时,他拿起水杯,装满了水,然后直接塞进了她的嘴里."漱口!"她茫然地张开嘴,他用力将水倒入她的嘴里,逼得她吐了出来.然后,他迅速地把牙膏挤进她的手里,又命令道:"刷牙!看来她刚才吃的那一口比被毒还糟糕!他点了命令,她动了起来,尽管她的头仍然头晕目眩.她刷完牙后,他拿起毛巾用力擦她的嘴,擦掉牙膏泡沫.他咬牙切齿,阴沉地命令道:"从现在开始,不准抽烟,不准去酒吧!想了想,他还是有些担忧地补充道:"总之,学生不该做的事,你都是不许做的!此时的他,有点像一个爱儿子的父母,生怕自己的好女儿在不知情的情况下被别人引入歧途!林梦眨了眨眼,无辜地看着容玲,依旧眨了眨眼.如果你不被允许做学生不该做的事情,那么她现在做的事情似乎是学生不应该做的事情吧?!他看起来对她抽烟去酒吧好恶心,所以,你能放她走吗?!"荣玲..."她喃喃自语.He hung the towel back, turned around, and looked back at her.She bit her lip, lowered her head, and showed a black head to him.He was silent, standing aside, quietly looking at her, waiting for her to speak. He could feel that she had something to say to him, and she had been holding it back from just now until now."I... I want to... I want to live alone!" She finally raised her head and looked at him bravely. Perhaps, some words, when spoken, were not as difficult as she imagined. Once she opened her mouth, it seemed that the next words became easier."I want to live alone." She reiterated again. "I owe you this, please be kind and help me once. You should still help me stop my father. You... lend me money so that I can finish high school, and when I... when I get into college, I will slowly pay you back the money!"She also found out that after going to college, it seems that she can apply for student loans, and there are also work-study programs. Good schools also provide a lot of scholarships every semester, so she should be able to slowly pay back some money to Rong Ling.Lin Meng looked at Rong Ling eagerly, but Rong Ling's face was very heavy, his chin was tightened, and he was silent, looking a little cold. After a while, he asked solemnly: "You want to leave me?!" The ending tone was slightly raised, slightly unhappy!She slowly lowered her eyelids, silently expressing her acknowledgment.Rong Ling leaned against the sink, crossed his arms, and looked at Lin Meng arrogantly and coldly - this weak girl who he could easily destroy."You provoke me, and you want to pat your butt and leave?!" He mocked!Lin Meng's heart tightened, and she waved her hands repeatedly, her face slightly red because of nervousness."No... It's not like that." She twisted her smoky eyebrows and explained distressedly and sincerely. "That day... That day I came to ask you, originally... Originally I wanted to ask you to do this, but... But..."But things were completely beyond her expectations. She ran over to ask Rong Ling to support her. At that moment, her head was buzzing, and she only had eyes for him. He pulled her away, and she was full of joy. He got in the car and lowered his head to kiss her. She didn't expect to refuse. Later, she was even more confused and possessed by him. Then, his dominance made her not dare to say such words. She deceived herself and told herself that this was actually possible. However, Xiao Yi's sarcasm and scolding woke her up. Her current behavior is actually wrong, isn't it? ! This disordered relationship is also an insult to herself, isn't it? !Why can't she boldly ask Rong Ling? ! Without her, he can have other women, and one more of her is not much. So, why should she covet his occasional tenderness? ! Since she will be dumped at any time, it is better not to contact him from the beginning!Rong Ling looked at the girl who had the courage to negotiate with him, and sneered in his heart. In addition to this, there was an inexplicable anger in his heart. What was he angry about, but he didn't want to care!"So, you want me to be a philanthropist who is willing to help you finish your studies without asking for anything else?!"Rong Ling smiled, but his smile was very sarcastic. His deep eyes were as cold as a lonely star. His face was as sharp as a knife, and there was no softness at all.Lin Meng might not understand Rong Ling very well, but after so many close contacts with him, she could probably capture some of his joys, sorrows, anger and happiness from his facial expressions. Her heart sank, and she immediately understood that Rong Ling should be a little angry now. He was tall, aggressive, and too powerful. His anger made her feel helpless, and more subconsciously afraid.Her face changed slightly, and her watery eyes trembled helplessly. Her hands hung on both sides, and she didn't know what to do in embarrassment, as if just being stared at by him like this was a silent guilt.Rong Ling stretched out his big hand and pulled the embarrassed her into his arms. He held her waist tightly with his big hand. He lowered his head and stared at her eyes. His eyes like lonely stars locked onto her black eyes sharply. He said coldly, "Lin Meng, I am definitely not a philanthropist, so I will not support useless people. There are two ways for you to choose: one, as we agreed before, I will pretend that I didn't see what happened just now and didn't hear what you said just now; two, as you wish, you can leave now, but you and I will have nothing to do with each other anymore. This is the last time I tolerate your willfulness and let you choose. Think about it carefully, and when you leave this bathroom, you will do what you should do!" After that, he let go of Lin Meng and strode away, obviously very angry! Leaving her alone in the bathroom. Her body suddenly lost his heat and became a little cold. Lin Meng stretched out her hand, hugged herself, and shivered. Recalling his deep and powerful admonitions, staring at the tooth cup and toothbrush, thinking of him staring at her rinsing her mouth and brushing her teeth with a sullen face, and fiercely ordering her not to learn bad things, she was a little stunned!It felt like a long time had passed, but her mind was still empty. Two choices were swaying in her mind, but she couldn't grasp them. She only thought of his rage when he saw her smoking; she only thought of him whispering in her ear that she should wear a condom, just because taking birth control pills would be bad for her health; she only thought of him running around with her for a day just to find her a house where she could study better...He cared about her in a vague way, she knew it. She was just a girl, a girl who longed for someone to care for her. Even her family couldn't give her this care!She sniffed, feeling a little sour in her heart. She looked up and saw herself in the large glass mirror, with a small face, red eyes, and red, swollen and broken lips. She looked not only not glamorous, but also a little pitiful. But, isn't this the path she chose at the beginning? ! She said to herself, since she has chosen it, she won't regret it. Now it's just the beginning, is she going to regret it? ! If she leaves Rong Ling, can she guarantee a better life than now? ! So she wants to leave, there is Xiao Yi's ridicule, but in fact, it is also because of that strange woman, right? !Her heart was slightly stabbed, a little painful, a little sour!She reached out and gently touched her swollen lips, staring at the little face surrounded by black hair in the mirror, bloody, pale under the black! In the end, she lowered her head, exhausted and helpless.When she walked out of the bathroom, she could see him when she looked up. He was still leaning on **, half-squinting his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, but this time, he didn't smoke again. She slowly approached, moving very lightly and carefully, perhaps wanting to confirm something. He looked up at her, but his eyes were different and sharp, as if he wanted to see through her from head to toe.She came to his side, lowered her head, and finally could look down at him, but unfortunately, she could never be stronger than him in terms of momentum. His eyes were too sharp, and she couldn't look at him for a long time, so she moved her eyes away in defeat.The man was actually a little embarrassed because of the fight with Xiao Yi before. The blue and purple on his body were all the result of the fight just now. There were even two big bruises on his face. The skin on his lips was slightly broken, which was also done by Xiao Yi. But this man just had the ability to ignore all his embarrassment, and still looked at others coldly with that arrogant look, as if everyone he looked at was destined to be more miserable than him!She tilted her head slightly, thought about it, and slowly sat down beside him.He also sat down slowly immediately, straightened his body, pursed his thin lips, and looked at her coldly, his gloomy eyes were gloomy, and no light could enter. He knew that this was the time for her to announce the result of her choice! Seeing her lips move slightly, he had an impulse to rush over and tightly block her lips to prevent her from speaking. He regretted that he shouldn't have been so kind and gave in to her again and again. Just now, he even stupidly and ridiculously proposed to let her choose! God knows what stupidity he had committed to tolerate her like this. Shouldn't he have refused without thinking just now, or even directly pulled her and killed her on the spot in **, how could he give her a chance? !If she dared to say the second choice...He thought bitterly, let's see how he would deal with her in the future? !She really opened her mouth and spoke, but it was definitely beyond his expectation."Do you have medicine? Let me apply some medicine for you!"She said softly, her dark eyes looked at him innocently, like a lamb, with a very faint gentleness on her face, as if nothing had happened before!He was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, exhaled a long breath, and his tense body quietly relaxed. Perhaps he realized that he had overreacted, and turned his head away unnaturally for a moment. After a moment of silence, he regained his normal look and hummed coolly. "There is a medicine box in the big cabinet against the wall over there!" He stretched out his hand and pointed at it. Lin Meng stood up and went to get it.Behind him, Rong Ling lazily leaned back against the bedside, his mouth curled up slightly, the amplitude was very small, but he was indeed smiling.Lin Meng took back the medicine box and opened it. There were a lot of things inside, including Yunnan Baiyao, herbal wine for trauma, which were very practical, as well as iodine, gauze, cotton, band-aids, etc., which were all very practical things. She vaguely guessed that the things in this medicine box were so complete, this man would not fight often!Over there, Rong Ling had already cooperated and sat in the middle of the bed, waiting for Lin Meng to get serious.Lin Meng pushed the medicine box and knelt beside Rong Ling, treating Rong Ling's injuries like a little wife. The bruises were easy to deal with, but the bruises needed to be kneaded hard with herbal wine to rub the blood stasis. She was not very strong, and he was thick-skinned. After a while, she was exhausted and panting, and her little hands began to ache faintly, so she could only change hands and toss back and forth.Rong Ling lowered his eyes, looking at her red face due to sweat from hard work, his eyes gradually became deep. He did not help, and did not even want to deal with the wound on her chest that he could treat himself, preferring to let her toss and turn there breathlessly. Because, he had to admit that he enjoyed the little hand kneading there. Because of this, the depression of fighting with Xiao Yi also dissipated a lot. In fact, he hoped that there would be more bruises on his body, so that the little hand could stay for a while longer.The smell of medicinal wine slowly spread in the air, with a kind of tranquility that made people intoxicated and unwilling to disturb!Lin Meng squatted behind Rong Ling, took the medicinal wine, kneaded the last bruise on her back, and after finally kneading it open, she wiped the sweat from her forehead with her back. Looking at the red wounds on the strong back in front of her, one after another, because of the medicinal wine, she was stunned for a moment, and she didn't know what to feel for a while. Screw the cap of the medicinal wine bottle and put it aside. She pursed her lips and looked at Rong Ling's back. The man was still sitting there like a boss, motionless. His wet black hair still covered his neck a little, and he lay there softly, not looking so cold and arrogant.If you don't look at the front of the man, just look at his back, there is actually not such a big sense of distance. The man's back looks very broad, and she doesn't know why she is a little moved, moved by the moving wheat-colored luster, and moved by the tight touch. She moved forward for some reason, stretched out her hand eagerly, and finally, bit her lip, boldly hugged him from behind, and pressed her body against his back. His muscles seemed to tighten for a while, but she didn't care, and gently leaned her head on his shoulder.After rubbing it, she found a more comfortable angle and half closed her eyes. Just hugged him like this, and didn't move. He didn't move either, and indulged her very much, allowing her to put most of the weight of her body on him.After a while, when he thought she had fallen asleep, he heard her whispering softly, as if she was talking in her sleep."Rong Ling, be... nice to me!"His eyes flashed, but he quickly responded."Yeah."