果然,林梦在陆家住了几天后,陆有道带着心爱的相机来找林梦."Sister Mu Xi, please do me a favor!" His dark eyes blinked like a big black dog, innocent and cute.林梦看着他,感觉就像在看一个弟弟.陆有道今年才14岁,比林梦小2岁,就像个弟弟一样.林梦在这里住的几天里,陆阿姨和陆有道把她照顾得很好.知道她怀孕了,有些事情不方便,他们帮助了她,屈服了她.或许陆阿姨猜到了林梦有什么困难,她很直截了当地说,以后会说自己是外界的远侄女,这样也会让林梦更容易更快地融入这个地方.此刻,看着陆有道,林梦的心中缓和了几分.看着这个干净的男孩,她想到了同样干净的江坡浪,所以她也愿意和陆有道聊聊天."怎么了?!"她放下手中的剪刀.生活不易,她也没有多少积蓄,就接了一些陆阿姨的体力活,帮忙干些杂活,赚点小钱.钱不多,但经不起时间的积累.她刚到,一天能赚几块钱,林梦还是挺满意的.陆有道脸红了,又露出了羞涩."沐习姐姐,你能做我的模特吗?!"林梦一愣,陆有道脸红了,尴尬地继续说道:"慕习姐,你好漂亮啊,我想如果我给你拍张照片,你一定会很漂亮.我的志向是把世间所有美好的事物都拍下来,慕习姐姐,呵呵,你能让我给你拍张照吗?!林梦犹豫了.陆有道像个孩子一样乞求着."沐习姐姐,求求你...请好心让我给你拍张照片.如果我不给你拍照,我就吃不睡,比一朵黄花还瘦..."小男孩胡说八道,脸红了,轻声乞求.在他眼里,眼前的林梦已经是这片区域最美的风景线.与她相比,所有的风景都显得苍白无力.这些日子,他急切地想给她拍照,那是热爱摄影的人对美好事物的本能追求.然而,他的本性中有一个简单的一面.如果他想给林梦拍照片,他会先征求林梦的意见,只有在得到她的同意后才能开始拍摄.林梦自然拒绝了.林紫的视频事件对她来说是一个教训,她本能地抵制了视频这种事情.现在她是个逃犯,被拍下来对她来说不是好事.此视频一播出,潜伏的木马程序就会悄无声息地锁定此视频,然后迅速将其吃掉!黑客叹了口气,不知道什么样的有权势的人会不惜花这么大的钱吃这个视频.试想一下,这个国家有数亿计算机用户,而且有无数的计算机.普通的财力怎么能支持木马程序如此广泛地传播?!不知道沐习有没有得罪谁?!危险!又或者,他被什么有权势的人发现了?!那么,强大的人想一个人享受它?!这是不人道的,好东西应该大家分享!这座建筑一建成,自然就吸引了无数的追随者,他们纷纷猜测.许多潜伏在暗中的黑客浮出水面,对这个木马程序如洪流般表达了敬佩之情,急切地想要拦截和反击这个木马.当然,这些急切的尝试都以徒劳告终!The building was slowly built crooked!One person shouted, "Who still has Mu Xi's video? He is willing to pay 10,000 yuan to ask for it!"Immediately, everyone repented and turned back, and they increased the price to ask for a video of Mu Xi!However, the few survivors found that once they tried to trade videos, their videos would be the first to be hacked, which was simply not worth the loss!In the end, the price of seeking Mu Xi's video strangely reached a high price of one million on the Internet, but no one sold it!Basically, as long as you touch the computer, the video will die!Some people joked that Mu Xi was like Medusa in Greek mythology. Medusa would be petrified if anyone looked at her, but Mu Xi would be killed immediately if anyone looked at her!Naturally, as soon as this person posted the post, he immediately attracted countless pursuers. Thousands of netizens blocked him and wanted to beat and scold him! Anyone who dared to compare Mu Xi to Medusa was simply looking for death!In the hearts of most netizens, Mu Xi has long become a symbol of beauty!Ordinary women who have something to do with Mu Xi, or who talk like Mu Xi, look like Mu Xi, have a personality like Mu Xi, or hum songs like Mu Xi, these women can be so beautiful that they will immediately post to express their excitement and pride!How can we allow such evil people to insult Mu Xi? !In short, this building is getting higher and higher, and more and more crooked!As time goes by, the most common words on the roof are like this -Mu Xi!When the migratory birds fly over, they bring you here!Did the migratory birds take you with them when they flew away? !Then when spring turns to winter this year, will the migratory birds bring you back? !Mu Xi, where did you go? !We... are worried about you!We also... miss you...(End of Selling My Body Volume)The author has something to say: I want to take a few days off to relax, hehe...I'm so tired!It's finally four years later!