吸引她眼球的女人很漂亮.她的眉毛被精心修剪,她的大眼睛涂上了眼影,她的嘴唇涂了粉和红色.这件轻而不重的连衣裙展现了细致工作的美感.她的小脸上裹着深金色的头发,像浪一样,显得十分时髦.那个女人也很高,看起来至少有 1.6 米高.她精致的身材,加上她穿着的米白色过膝风衣,让她看起来高贵.高跟靴让她看起来非常漂亮.但你还是能看到女人表情中的不安,以及她再细致的工作也掩饰不住的疲惫.她眼下的黑眼圈有点明显.当女子看到林梦时,起初是害怕的,然后才被迫冷静下来.这只是一瞬间的问题.女人看着她,林梦笑了.这是我的家.我能为你做些什么?!女人的眼中顿时露出一丝惊讶,然后又露出惊讶.她好奇地从头到脚打量着林梦.当林梦微微皱眉时,女子似乎意识到了自己的行为有些失礼.她立刻脸红了,低声说:"对不起!林梦没有回答,而是站在那里看着她.女子立刻透露了自己的身份,结果却是李松的女儿——李媛,刚从国外回来,想来阮家看看.林梦知道,在阮家和李家关系不好之前,两家都算是老朋友了,两家的孩子应该算是青梅竹马.李媛从远方从国外回来,她甚至没有时间在家久留,就匆匆忙忙地赶来了.可见她对阮家有感情.这也可以解释为什么林梦看着这个女孩很熟悉,她看起来像是丽松和他妻子的结合体;也可以解释为什么她看到丽媛时表情如此复杂,父母和长辈的事情不应该对孩子造成太大的影响.林梦看得出来,丽媛是真的想进这个家,就笑着邀请了她.进来坐下,在门口说话可不容易啊!丽媛非常高兴,笑着点了点头.她真的害怕自己将来会成为阮家不肯打交道的客户.当林梦拿出装有购物袋的钥匙,正要开门时,丽媛立刻笑了笑,伸手帮她拿着手里的东西开门.这可能只是一个小细节,却让林梦觉得,这是一个相当不错的女人.门一开,小家伙闪闪发光的黑眼睛就映入眼帘!妈妈——"小家伙蜷缩在沙发上,半转着头,开心地看着她.电视上,汤姆和杰瑞的动画片还在播放.林梦离开的时间越长,这个小家伙看动画片的时间就越长.林梦微微一笑,"客人来了!小家伙的眼睛顿时亮了起来,小小的身躯带着些许兴奋坐直了身子,看着林梦的身后.但当他看到出来的是一个女人时,小家伙的身体软了下来,他又失望地弯下了腰.他还以为是荣玲来了呢!林梦摇摇头,笑着请李媛进来,然后让她坐在沙发上.李渊大概知道阮家的近况,也知道那个小家伙是谁.当他看到这个小家伙时,非常亲切地向他打招呼.当林梦进厨房给李媛泡茶时,李媛开始和小家伙聊天.作为一个孩子,谈话的内容自然不可能太深刻了.李媛直接和小家伙聊起了正在表演的那场猫捉老鼠的事情.林梦出来的时候,大大小小的气氛还不错.李媛接过林梦递过来的茉莉花茶,笑着说了声谢谢.不过,她在对林梦说话时却显得尴尬.她似乎不知道如何称呼她.她犹豫了一下,叫道:"阿姨...妈妈"尴尬地说道.林梦听了觉得很尴尬.叫我林梦吧!我们都是出国留学的人,咱们就不要跟着国内的礼仪走了!李媛笑着叫了一声"林梦",这让她感觉不那么尴尬了.两人聊了一会儿,林梦得知李媛在意大利学习家具设计.这真的很令人钦佩.这次她回来是因为意大利有圣诞节假期.但随着她说话,李媛的表情又变得有些犹豫,其中有一种明显的焦虑!这个女人显然心里有事.毕竟林梦认识她的时间很短,直接问她的私事并不容易,只能温柔地看着李媛,露出鼓励的笑容.这种舒缓的气息,大概终于打动了李远.她微微红了脸,有些结结巴巴地问道:"承毅...他最近好吗?林梦想了想,不舍地点了点头.至此,阮承义应该算是不错的了,因为他衣食无忧!李媛笑了笑,似乎松了一口气.然后她问道:"那么...你知道他什么时候能回来吗?!林梦明白,那个女人在找阮承毅.看到女子提起阮承逸时脸上的红晕,她微微动了动.他们俩也算是青梅竹马了.如果他们有这样的感觉,那很正常.不知道他什么时候能回来!林梦告诉了她真相.李远的脸上露出焦虑的神色,"那你能联系上他吗?!林梦犹豫了一下,摇了摇头.她现在和阮承义冷战,很难联系到他.就算她联系上了他,阮承仪会不会接她的电话,也是另一回事.看到这一幕,李媛眼眶通红,无奈地看着林梦,心疼.我知道我爸爸做了这种事,你心里肯定怪我,所以承毅哥才断绝了与我的联系.我打电话给他,但他没有接.但我根本不知道这件事.这都是我父亲的决定.你怎么能怪我呢?!我也认为我父亲不应该这样做,但我当时在国外,对中国发生的事情一无所知.发生了这么大的事情,我的父母一直瞒着我.就连承毅哥也没跟我说一句话,只是说不会联系我..."说到这里,李渊的眼中微微含泪."如果我早点知道这种事情,我本可以早点说服我爸爸,但他们瞒着我,我该怎么办!"我在国外烦恼怕了这么多天,终于盼望到了圣诞假期.我赶紧完成手头的工作,赶到这里.没想到,我一回到家就知道了这么坏的消息.既然事情已经到了这个地步,我该怎么办呢!诚毅哥哥心里肯定怪我,觉得我是个坏女人,就像我爸爸一样,在关键时刻背后捅他一刀,背叛了他,但我是无辜的..."丽媛开始微微抽泣,L萌在心里微微叹了口气,接过身边的纸巾递给她.丽媛开始哭泣,和林梦聊起自己的委屈.听到这话,林梦大概明白了,丽媛和阮承义本来就是一对,但在光大遭受巨大变化后,阮家和李家的关系突然恶化了.阮承义大概是生气了,自然而然地与丽渊保持距离.两个人原本身处不同的国家,彼此交流的唯一方式就是通过那些转瞬即逝的电信.当李媛注意到阮承义的疏离,到头来干脆不理她时,她慌了,但她又不能停止在海外研究院的工作,只能等到持续了半个多月的圣诞假期到来.当她下飞机匆匆回家时,她突然知道发生了什么.她惊呆了,离家出走了.到目前为止,她一直根本联系不到阮承逸,所以她好焦虑,现在她又好难过!恋人之间最害怕的就是对方不理会自己,真是大不幸.林梦听了这话,心中心存同情,对李媛感到怜悯.别想太多,我不是故意怪你的!林蒙立刻表明了他的态度,权威地说道:"就算你知道生意上的事,也不能干涉.光达之所以能走到今天这一步,是因为不可抗力.你爸爸的行为在商界是可以理解的.你是故意回到中国的.我相信,阮承义见你,会说出来的,不会有什么大不了的!真的吗?!李媛抽泣着,抬起了红红的眼睛.Lin Meng could only nod. Lin Meng was quite optimistic about Ruan Chengyi. He was a man who didn't talk much and didn't go to places like romantic places. He looked like a very calm man. The previous business incident was just because he didn't focus on the business, but on his car. Now if he can collect his thoughts, I believe he will have a good achievement in the future!The most important thing is that Ruan Chengyi's personality looks a bit like Rong Ling. This kind of person is as silent as a mountain, but absolutely as strong as a mountain. He doesn't talk nonsense. He is the kind of person who is willing to do practical things and the kind of person who can be trusted. Since Li Yuan and Ruan Chengyi are childhood sweethearts, they naturally have a deep relationship. It's impossible that this relationship of more than 20 years will disappear just like that!Lin Meng smiled and secretly scolded herself again in her heart. She was simply possessed and could think of Rong Ling for everything.Li Yuan felt much better after hearing Lin Meng's comfort, and her attitude towards Lin Meng became more intimate."Lin Meng, when do you think Brother Chengyi will come back?""It's hard to say..."The light in Li Yuan's eyes dimmed again. "My vacation time is limited..."She bit her lip and asked Lin Meng's hand for help, "How about you make a phone call and ask Brother Chengyi to come back first, I... I beg you..."This made Lin Meng embarrassed. This was not the right time!Li Yuan continued to beg. It was obvious that she was a little confused. It was also obvious that she had deep feelings for Ruan Chengyi, so she was desperate and was willing to beg for help as long as there was a slight possibility.Lin Meng naturally wanted to see lovers get married. After thinking about it, she suggested that Li Yuan wait a little longer. In the evening, when Ruan Chengyang came back, she could talk to him and let him take action. Lin Meng felt that the chance of success would be higher.Li Yuan shook her head, and her eyes were red again. It turned out that after she failed to contact Ruan Chengyi at first, she contacted Ruan Chenghui and Ruan Chengyang, but the two did not answer her calls. She guessed that the three brothers must have hated her and her parents! Asking Ruan Chengyang for help was even more impossible!Now, Lin Meng's head was big!Thinking about Ruan Chengyang's gloomy personality and his weird childish temper, he felt that he was definitely capable of doing such a thing!Sure enough, when Ruan Chengyang got home in the evening, he saw Li Yuan and looked at her with a frown."What are you doing here?! You are not welcome here, get out of here immediately!" He shouted angrily, staring at Li Yuan with gloomy eyes.Li Yuan felt wronged, pursed his lips, and sat there motionless!Lin Meng could only mediate with a headache, but unfortunately, Ruan Chengyang didn't buy it, and went upstairs angrily and returned to his room!"Lin Meng, stop busying yourself, thank you!" Facing Lin Meng's embarrassment, Li Yuan smiled slightly, knowing Ruan Chengyang's character very well. "It's okay, I'll wait for Brother Chengyi to come back here, but I may have to trouble you to take care of me these days!"Lin Meng thought about it, but she couldn't bear it after all. A girl worked so hard and raced against time to finish the work assigned by the institute for you, just to see that man as soon as possible, but in the end the man still avoided her. This is too cruel and unfair to the girl.When delivering dinner to Ruan Chengyang's room, Lin Meng talked to Ruan Chengyang. Although Ruan Chengyang was awkward, he was actually willing to go along with Lin Meng. Although he got angry with Lin Meng last time, he still ran to the hospital at mealtime and left after eating. Although Lin Meng and Ruan Chengyi had a falling out, they were considered a family after all. She couldn't help but worry when he was out doing business. She couldn't ask Ruan Chengyi if he was safe, but she told Ruan Chengyang about it, and Ruan Chengyang did it one by one. Ruan Chengyi, including Ruan Chenghui, sent a text message to Ruan Chengyang - "Safe!", and Ruan Chengyang forwarded it to Lin Meng. They were all under the same roof, and it was quite hypocritical to send a message by text message, but Ruan Chengyang was willing to do so, so Lin Meng was only responsible for receiving it.Lin Meng asked Ruan Chengyang to call back his two brothers. After all, he was very important to his two brothers. Moreover, the Double Festival was coming soon, and the whole country would have a holiday. The two brothers probably couldn't do any business, so it was better for them to go home and spend the Double Festival safely! Besides, Li Yuan loved this kid a lot since he was a child!After persuading him with emotion and reason, Ruan Chengyang finally agreed, but he asked Lin Meng to treat him well in the future, just like she treated Youyou!Lin Meng laughed and agreed, but she said she would do her best. After all, even if it was her own son, a mother couldn't treat him equally.Ruan Chengyang reluctantly expressed his satisfaction. After two phone calls, not only Ruan Chengyi, but also Ruan Chenghui received his care, and they were allowed to go home for the holiday!The two brothers were flattered and agreed on the other end of the phone.Lin Meng went to tell Li Yuan the good news, and Li Yuan was naturally very happy.Looking back, Ruan Chengyang went downstairs with the food that Lin Meng had just brought to him, and then sat at the table with Li Yuan. The two of them suddenly became warm after saying goodbye to the cold words just now. The topic went further and further, and the more they talked, the more lively it became. Ruan Chengyang was rarely so gloomy. Lin Meng looked at it, and somehow, she felt that she was being calculated!Glancing at Ruan Chengyang, Lin Meng thought to herself, it's not that weird!Of course, it was confirmed that she was tricked by Ruan Chengyang, but that's another story!The next afternoon, Ruan Chengyi came back from afar, exhausted, while Ruan Chenghui was slower and was on his way.Seeing Li Yuan, Ruan Chengyi was naturally unhappy. The two went to the study to talk, and finally ended the conversation with Ruan Chengyi's words "I don't want to see you", or it could be said that they quarreled. Li Yuan said that she would not leave, and Ruan Chengyi threw down a sentence "You don't have to worry about my business!" and left angrily.Lin Meng looked at Li Yuan standing at the door of the study, holding back tears and watching Ruan Chengyi leave, and she felt as if she saw herself!Is it true that in the kingdom of love, women always have to be humble? ! Are men always more casual than women, and can break up and be cruel? !Li Yuan said she wanted to stay. Lin Meng admired the woman's tenacity. There was no spare room in this family. After thinking about it, she let Li Yuan live in the little guy's room and let the little guy come to sleep with her. After all, the child was still young, and it was okay for him to sleep with his mother.At noon, I didn't know what time it was, Lin Meng heard a bang next door, and she woke up from her bed. Thinking that Li Yuan lived next door, she was shocked and immediately grabbed a shawl and put it on, and hurried out of the house. Li Yuan's room didn't turn on the light, but when she looked inside, there was no one in the room. Lin Meng shouted twice in a low voice, but got no answer, but heard crying and wailing below - it was Li Yuan's.She took a breath and went downstairs quickly, but saw Li Yuan beating Ruan Chengyi fiercely, and Ruan Chengyi was holding a gorgeous woman in his arms.Lin Meng was shocked, and felt the same hurt. She stood on the stairs on the first floor, hiding in the darkness, and did not go down.She had always thought that Li Yuan should be a gentle girl. Seeing her crying before, she thought that her personality must be gentle, but she did not expect that she could be so strong."Get out, get out now!"She pulled the woman who was dressed up, and she didn't know where she got the strength from. She pulled the woman all the way to the door of the room, opened the door, pushed the woman out viciously, and then slammed the door heavily. When she arrived in front of Ruan Chengyi, she slapped Ruan Chengyi with a "pop"!"Ruan Chengyi, you treat me like this!" She called him by his name, very impolitely. But the sound mixed with crying, no matter how you listen to it, makes people feel the heart-wrenching sadness!Ruan Chengyi hung his head and said nothing. His slightly flushed face looked like he was drunk."You want a woman, right?! Okay, I'll give it to you!"After saying that, she forcefully hugged Ruan Chengyi's face, kissed him, and her body entangled with him like a snake. Ruan Chengyi stretched out his hand to push her away, but he couldn't push her away from him.The woman's courage and wildness were fully revealed at this moment, leaving Lin Meng almost dumbfounded!Sure enough, this first impression doesn't count!When Li Yuan took off her clothes and hung on Ruan Chengyi's body like she was half naked, and her little hands also reached under Ruan Chengyi's shirt, Ruan Chengyi finally turned from passive to active, picked her up, and finally pressed her heavily on the sofa.Lin Meng was embarrassed, thinking to herself that this should have nothing to do with her? ! The two of them shouldn't fight again? ! She wouldn't have to step forward to help separate the two, right? !Thinking of this, she turned around and went upstairs quietly, but after taking only two steps, she heard a muffled cry, like a wounded beast wailing."Xiao Yuan, I feel so useless..."The muffled cry of a man touched Lin Meng's heartstrings at the first time, and she was stunned. Perhaps it was because men don't cry often, as the saying goes, men bleed but don't cry, so men's crying will basically move people without exception.Ruan Chengyi's personality is strong and resolute. He is also a man as tall as a mountain and as silent as a mountain, but such a man still cried in front of a woman. Or maybe, in front of him is his beloved woman, so he will cry!Lin Meng listened to Li Yuan sobbing and comforting Ruan Chengyi softly, and listened to Ruan Chengyi suppressing what happened in the past few days. Maybe he drank too much, maybe he was really drunk, and maybe because he finally found an embrace to talk to, so he said a lot. Lin Meng listened, and her heart was a little dull and painful!When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. This is not a surprise at all. These children of aristocratic families look glamorous, with luxury cars and beautiful women, flattered everywhere, and flaunting their youth. But once their bright titles are removed, they can no longer fit into the circle built with money and power. They are excluded from the outside, and all their "friends" go away with them. Then, they start to have nothing, including money, power, and those friends they thought they could be together forever!The ancients said that if one person gets the Tao, the chickens and dogs will rise to heaven!But there are also cases where, once you lose power, everyone will push you down!The warmth and coldness of the world can be seen from this!Ruan Chengyi was almost expressionless and indifferent, while Ruan Chenghui always had a carefree and cynical smile on his face. Ruan Chengyang, let alone, always had a gloomy face as if the world owed him. So Lin Meng thought that the alienation of those former "relatives and friends" did not have much impact on the three brothers, but she didn't know that they could not help but be hurt. They were probably like Ruan Chengyi, burying the pain in their hearts and bearing it alone!She also thought that these three people were not serious, still had a playful heart, and did not put their serious minds on business, but she didn't know that they were actually working hard in their own way. For example, they sold their BMW, which could show off their status, and replaced it with a Focus that cost less than 100,000 yuan; for another example, they took people to the south, stepped on the mud with their noble legs, walked on Route 11, and rushed around; bent their noble necks, and smiled at customers...They were already doing their best, but she was a little prejudiced, and still...Thinking of Rong Ling, she sighed quietly. Turning her head to look at the living room below, she saw Ruan Chengyi buried in Li Yuan's chest, still talking like a big child. This scene was clearly sad, but the dark light shining on them made the bodies hugging each other look so gentle, but - a little enviable!So good!She turned around and slowly went upstairs.No matter how great the misfortune and difficulties are, there will still be someone who will never leave you. Isn't this worthy of envy? ! Even if she had a fortune, in her eyes, that money was not worth the companionship!The dark night was too deep and a little cold!She returned to her room and looked at her son who was already asleep, but she felt inexplicably empty!She took off her shawl and got on the bed gently, but she couldn't stop thinking about the man, hoping that he would stay with her forever. But she knew sadly that feelings were the most unforced! But her heart, which was shaken by the two people below, could not calm down. She missed him especially. Even if he was not interested, she wanted to see him, or hear his voice, and it would be best if she could get a hug.She took out her cell phone and wrote four words - I miss you...She looked at the four words, but couldn't send them out!Thinking about the man, these four words - she deleted and wrote, wrote and deleted again, over and over again, hesitating and hesitating. The fluorescent light of the phone almost painted this flickering on her face. She sighed, quit writing text messages, and turned off the phone.She lay down, but couldn't fall asleep. She always seemed to be thinking about something in her heart.There was no other way, so she turned on the phone again, wrote two words - good night, and sent it to the man. Only then did she put the phone down as if she had accomplished something big.On the other end, Rong Ling raised his eyebrows and looked at the new text message, wondering what this woman meant? ! Saying good night to him in the middle of the night? ! Is she finally unable to resist getting close to him? !He didn't reply, frowned slightly, and continued to lie down and sleep!She lay on her side, squinting for about half an hour, stretched out her hand from the quilt, turned off the phone completely, and then went to sleep without any worries.The next day, Li Yuan had reconciled with Ruan Chengyi, and the whole person seemed to have changed. The corners of her eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles, which was really enviable!Ruan Chengyi and Ruan Chenghui mentioned the trip to the south. Although they each got a few orders, the results were not very ideal. Guangda's reputation is no longer there, how easy is it for them to talk about business? ! Furthermore, they don't have the relationship that Lin Meng has, so how can those people be willing to help them out of selfishness? ! And Great and some other peer companies are not fools, how can they let Everbright take away their customers? ! Lin Meng went south and brought back a large order with a total amount. It has spread in the industry, and naturally there are people who follow suit, so there are quite a few similar companies running to other cities recently. As a result, the difficulties encountered by Ruan Chengyi and Ruan Chenghui have naturally increased."It's already very good!" Lin Meng looked at the two brothers who had basically no joy on their faces and encouraged with a smile. "In business, you can't always covet big wins and big profits. Although flies are small, they are also meat! Accumulating little by little, just continue to develop according to the momentum. I believe that our Everbright will slowly rise!"Her smiling voice has an inexplicable bewitching power, giving people inexplicable confidence. Those black eyes are extremely brilliant, and people look at them and think that it should be possible. According to what she said, it should be possible to get a better future!"After the festival, let's go south together!" She smiled and raised her lips slightly. The arc of that smile was really beautiful and attractive!This time, the two brothers nodded without hesitation.This time, they experienced it personally and deeply realized how shameful it was to laugh at Lin Meng for the orders she got that day. Even though they found out that those orders were innocent, they did not praise Lin Meng at all. Now they compared their own achievements with Lin Meng and felt that their behavior at the time was simply shameful.They wanted to see what charm this woman had, or what extraordinary skills she had, to win those orders. They-really wanted to learn from her!"I'll go too!" Li Yuan suddenly spoke when everyone was quietly eating breakfast.Ruan Chengyi frowned slightly. "After the festival, it's almost time for you to go back!"Li Yuan shook her head and smiled playfully. "I'm not going back. I plan to stay and fight with you!""Don't be silly!" Ruan Chengyi scolded in a low voice.Li Yuan stuck out her tongue at him and argued. "I'm not silly. I've thought it through. I plan to take a year off, which will basically not affect my studies. Brother Chengyi, now is your most difficult time. I can't just pat my butt and leave. I must stay and share the joys and sorrows with you!""No need!" Ruan Chengyi refused coldly. "I will take care of my business. After the holiday, you will go back!""No way!" Li Yuan took a big bite of the toast and swallowed it viciously, as if she had swallowed up great courage. She frowned and said heavily: "I have made up my mind and will never change my mind. Brother Chengyi, I am also a part of this family. You can't push me out! Your business is my business!"After that, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Ruan Chengyi unyieldingly.The eyes of several people at the table all looked at Ruan Chengyi's face with a sly look. Ruan Chengyi blushed for the first time!Ruan Chenghui was used to playing tricks, and joked: "Oh, we have become a family so soon, so good, so good...""Shut up!" Ruan Chengyi awkwardly picked up a sausage and blocked Ruan Chenghui's mouth.Ruan Chenghui winked mischievously, and then Li Yuan, who was originally like a big prickly female warrior, also blushed after realizing it, bent her waist, lowered her head, and ate breakfast in silence.At the table, a low, suppressed laugh immediately rose, still from Ruan Chenghui's mouth. The other adults had different expressions. Only Xiao Youyou, with his pure big eyes, was confused in the undercurrent between the adults.Because Li Yuan had the arrival of the double holidays, the atmosphere in the Ruan family finally returned to a temporary relaxation.Li Yuan really planned to stay at Ruan's house. She went back to her own home that day, informed the two elders that she would live at Ruan's house in the future, and then came back with a lot of luggage. The two elders of the Li family could not help but be angry. Naturally, they scolded her and tried to stop her. But the son is no longer under the control of the mother. Although Li Yuan usually looks gentle, she is stubborn. Once she makes a decision, no one can pull her back!Ruan Chengyi did not say anything, but just silently acted as a driver, sent Li Yuan back, and then picked her up again.Fortunately, the two elders of the Li family were just angry and angry at home, but did not come to the Ruan family to make trouble!Following the double holidays, there is a rare time in the year to have fun. Lin Meng also wanted to take the little guy out to play. It has been such a long time since I returned to China, and I haven't taken the little guy to B City to play! Here, she was negotiating with Li Yuan about where to go, and Feng Tan sent tickets over, inviting Lin Meng and her son to see the ice sculptures and participate in some games held by the theme park. It is said that there are many parent-child games in the theme park, which is very suitable for Lin Meng to take the little one to play.Lin Meng was naturally moved. There is no doubt that Li Yuan must be included in such fun things. With Li Yuan, there is naturally Ruan Chengyi. Ruan Chengyang naturally wants to follow Lin Meng to join in the fun. Ruan Chenghui doesn't want to be alone. In this way, suddenly, the number of people increased, becoming the entire Ruan family, with Feng Tan.At that time, Lin Meng didn't know that Feng Tan had actually joined forces with He Ya, intending to seize their own beloved. She also didn't know that Feng Tan really wanted to invite and only wanted to invite her and Xiao Youyou; she didn't know that the beautiful ice sculptures that she expected could not bring her the same thorough happiness as ice and snow!