刘浩民的话,在阮承义的心中激起了不小的波澜.他对林梦的怀疑已经淡化了一点,但因为这些话,它又变得更加强烈.人在生活中都要为自己谋划,阮承义也不例外.而且,正如刘浩民所说,林梦毕竟是外人,绝不能让公司落入林梦的手中,也不能落入小悠悠的手中!他接受了林梦的青睐,但还没有达到想要送人公司的地步!他打电话给那两兄弟,告诉他们刘浩民今天说了些什么,以及他关心的一些事情.阮成阳一如既往地阴沉着,一言不发.阮承辉表达了自己的立场,也附和了阮承毅."这个女人真的不是一个好撇的人.她很狡猾.我发现她在过年的时候和荣玲在一起.她整晚都在外面为他.就算我们相信她和容玲之间什么都没有,外人能相信吗?!说到底,还是我们阮家的耻辱.而且,容玲就是这样的人,但她能落得像她这样的已婚女人的下场.这足以说明她很有技巧,一定不能无害.我们提防她也是常识!"是的."阮承毅点点头.他这么认为.所以,他赶紧修改了林梦提交给他的人事调动名单.人人都觊觎的副总经理职位空缺了.原本任命的孙麦直接担任市场部经理,方坤被阮承义安排担任采购部经理.至于其余的人,他并没有撤掉林猛提拔的那些人,而是把副经理们中的几个撤职,换上了他认为有用的其他人.林梦看着眼前的名单,眉头抽搐了一下,然后才冷静下来.她徒手推开名单,抬起脸,直视着阮承仪."我需要解释!"阮承义早已准备好了话,他把话说了出来."公司的副总裁还负责调度公司的所有业务.这个职位并不适合任何人.孙麦这几天表现得非常出色,但以燕大的经济学本科学位,他现在没有资格担任这个职位.我的想法是,我们应该利用这个招聘机会,找个学历更高的人,最好是在其他大公司工作过的人.其他人确实很优秀,但直接将他们从店员提升到经理,对他们来说可能太丰厚了,很容易让他们失去立足之地,变得骄傲和自满.所以,我想把他们放在副经理的位置上好好培养他们,等他们足够冷静的时候再提拔也不迟!俗话说,真金不怕火,只要有本事,总能往上走!林梦垂下眼眸,开始沉默.她知道,这是阮承逸对她的警惕.她感到很生气!这个世界上没有人是傻子,尤其是她学的是经济管理,所以作为公司的高级主管,她必须将她的间谍委派给较低级别,这样她才能在第一时间知道公司内部可能发生的事情,从而最有效地管理员工.她认识刘浩民和方坤.她也知道刘浩民和妻子去了阮承义的办公室.她不知道这对夫妇对阮承义说了什么,但之前她给阮承义看人事调动令时,阮承义显然点头同意,只剩下最后的签字盖章.但是现在,他改变了主意,就在刘浩民夫妇找到阮承义之后,方坤也被提拔到了采购经理的职位上!那是她故意踢出去的候选人!阮承毅拒绝的理由再冠冕堂皇,还是牵强附会.所谓经验,所谓需要冷静,现在光大才是起步阶段,只要一个人是人才,放在稍微适合的位置,就能成为经验,而且,只有适合那个人的位置,才能让他在那个位置上发光发热,更好地展示自己的特长!那些人,但她花了半个多月的时间仔细考虑他们,在和林叔反复商量后,就这样被拒绝了.不管是谁,都咽不下这口气!这就像一个员工努力了很长时间才制定一个计划,但最后上级委婉地否定了她的计划,因为它需要改进!阮承义!你知道你在做什么吗!她心里咆哮着,美丽的小脸上蒙上了霜,冰冷的.或许她冰冷的眼神让阮承义犹豫了一下,他开口了."如果你对这位候选人有任何意见,你可以提出来,我们可以再次讨论.毕竟,这次人事调动一旦发出,将长期影响我们公司的全面运营,我们不能只听一个人的意见!This seems to be a compromise, but it also seems to be a reminder!Can't listen to one person's opinion-Lin Meng thought about it and suddenly she was not so angry! It's not worth it to get angry at herself! Anyway, this is his Ruan Chengyi's company, and in the end, he will bear the final result. Since he dares to do this, whether he is willing or not, he has to accept the result!"What you said just now makes sense! But-" She stretched out her hand and poked her index finger directly at the place where Fang Kun's name was written on the paper. "This person, he can't be in this position!""Why?!" Ruan Chengyi frowned."This person has dirty hands. For the sake of the company, you can't put such a dangerous person here. The things purchased by the purchasing department will directly affect the quality of the products we produce. This is a big hurdle, and it requires a person with absolutely qualified character. But Fang Kun can't do it!""Oh?!" Ruan Chengyi suddenly smiled. "How can he have dirty hands? What evidence is there?!"His attitude made Lin Meng's anger, which she had suppressed with great difficulty, rise slightly. His tone was obviously questioning her! If she really had evidence, why would she let Fang Kun stay in Everbright? ! Why would she let the couple stir up the rift between her and Ruan Chengyi? !"I don't have any evidence, but I heard from Uncle Lin that Fang Kun was not clean. If Everbright had not gone through the previous split and reorganization, we should be able to find evidence of his corruption and bribery, but you know, when Everbright was reorganized, a lot of information disappeared, so I can't find evidence for you. But you should trust Uncle Lin! Even if you don't believe me, you should believe him!"Ruan Chengyi stopped laughing slightly.Lin Meng looked at him steadily, with red sparks jumping in her beautiful black eyes, like a pair of golden eyes, as if she could see through him!Ruan Chengyi turned his head away from her sight and whispered, "Since there is no definite evidence, let him be the purchasing manager. He is a veteran of the company and has contributed a lot to the company. He did not give up the company when it was in the most difficult time. Such a person should not be put on ice casually. Besides, he is my cousin's husband, who has watched me grow up since I was a child. In terms of character..." He paused and did not go into details. He only said, "Our Ruan family is not ungrateful. I believe that if my father handles this matter, he will also put him in this position!" Lin Meng sneered, "Ruan Chengyi, you can Remember, from ancient times to the present, if there are too many people who rely on nepotism in an enterprise, it is not far from collapse. It is easy for those relatives to come up, but it is difficult to send them away. The so-called inviting gods is easy but sending them away is just this truth. Besides, haven't you heard that brothers should also settle accounts clearly? ! Doing business is doing business, talking about family affection is talking about family affection, and the two should be separated a little! ""I know this!" Ruan Chengyi responded in a calm voice, but he didn't say anything else. It felt that her earnest admonition just went in his left ear and then out of his right ear!She was a little discouraged! After thinking about it, she simply said it. She was not a hypocritical person, nor was she suitable for the intrigues in the business world. Since everyone was a family for the time being and was for the overall interests of the company, then, what couldn't she say?!"Ruan Chengyi, you are guarding against me!" She put the words here directly!Ruan Chengyi opened his eyes wide in surprise, and his shocked expression looked a little funny in Lin Meng's eyes. Ruan Chengyi believed that he was relatively simple in the business world before, but he knew that some things should be kept in mind and not spoken out, but he didn't expect that this woman who looked a little smart was actually more simple than him, and actually tore his face apart!He was suddenly speechless, but he quickly sorted out his mood and continued to maintain his slightly cold expressionless face.Lin Meng looked at the man who could quickly sort out his expression, sighed in his heart, and thought to himself that he had made some progress in the past two months, but there were some things that had to be said."Ruan Chengyi, it's understandable that you are on guard against me. As an excellent company leader, you should indeed be skeptical of your subordinates. Otherwise, if you blindly trust them, it will be easy for them to play tricks on you, or even take away your entire company without you realizing it. This kind of thing is the most unacceptable. So, if you doubt me, I encourage you!"This is also why she was very angry at first, but not angry in the end. There are many people in this world who blindly trust others, and are finally betrayed by their so-called friends, brothers or relatives!"But, Ruan Chengyi, you can doubt, doubt anyone who deserves to be doubted, but you can only keep this doubt in your heart, and you can't do it too much in public. Because being suspected is a hurtful thing, which will reduce the loyalty of subordinates. You can silently examine the person you suspect and let time prove everything, but the most taboo thing is to believe whatever others say, and then sentence that person to death regardless of anything. If you only have such a mind, then I can tell you now, Ruan Chengyi, you will never restore Guangda to its former glory!"Ruan Chengyi pursed his lips tightly, looking as if he was stabbed by Lin Meng.After a disdainful snort, Lin Meng continued to scold without any hesitation: "I don't care what you think now. Anyway, I am upright and I am not afraid of your suspicion. You don't have to deal with me in such a roundabout way. The achievements of the people I promoted are obvious to the whole company, not because of my personal preference! You want them to be deputy managers for a while, you can. But I will never let Fang Kun stay in that position!""I have made up my mind about Fang Kun!" Ruan Chengyi opened his lips coldly and compromised in a somewhat cold and hard way. "I didn't intend to target the other deputy managers, but for their better development and for our company. Since you said so, I respect your choice. That's it. The positions of those managers will be vacant for the time being. I will see how those deputy managers perform. If they perform well, I will promote them!"Lin Meng knocked on the table with his hand, a little impatient. "Ruan Chengyi, I'm not talking business with you. It's not like I promise you some benefits and you promise me some benefits. I rejected Fang Kun, it was all for the benefit of the company!"Ruan Chengyi's face suddenly darkened, and he said directly: "That's it, no need to say more!"After that, he turned around and left.Lin Meng stood up suddenly in anger and shouted. "Ruan Chengyi!"But he didn't stop, and walked out on his own, watching his hand on the door.Lin Meng gritted her teeth and shouted. "Ruan Chengyi, don't be like this, we should be united. Only a company with internal stability can move forward without worries!"Lin Meng's words floated out loud. Ruan Chengyi had already opened the door and walked out, and he didn't know how much he could hear. The secretary sitting at the door poked his head out worriedly and looked at Lin Meng. Lin Meng stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, feeling a little tired. She thought that everything she did was enough to show her feelings and make Ruan Chengyi trust her to a certain extent, but she didn't expect...Ah!She sighed, was she still naive!Indeed, the human heart is the most complicated thing!"Help me close the door!" She ordered the secretary.The secretary replied "yes", walked out and gently closed the door. But soon, rumors spread in the company that Lin Meng seemed to have some disagreements with Ruan Chengyi, and the cause of the incident seemed to be the personnel transfer order that was about to be issued. People in the company were a little panicked, and those who learned through their own channels that they might be promoted were a little restless. Only Liu Haomin and Fang Kun were secretly happy in their respective offices like mice that fell into a rice jar. They both guessed at the same time that Ruan Chengyi was suspicious of Lin Meng, and he should have taken action!Sure enough, the personnel transfer order issued in the afternoon confirmed the couple's guess! The position of the deputy general manager was vacant, along with several manager positions. Then, Fang Kun really stayed in the position of purchasing manager. This result is enough to show that Ruan Chengyi listened to what they said!Some people are happy, some are sad!Those who were supposed to be managers but ended up as deputy managers could only sigh in their hearts. They had vaguely heard that they were promoted to managers, but they didn't expect this to be the result. However, it can be comforting that at least there is no manager above them. Thinking about it again, these young people felt that they thought too much. It was an honor to be promoted to deputy manager. It was really because of preconceived ideas that they created a gap for themselves!After a slight fluctuation, people's hearts soon settled down. After all, most of the people on this personnel transfer order are indeed talented people. More employees saw hope from this and secretly encouraged themselves to work hard in the future and strive to move up as soon as possible.Naturally, a small number of people expressed a little resistance to Fang Kun's continued position. Most of them were old employees of Everbright. They had heard some negative news about him more or less. But thinking about this man is a relative of the general manager, these people can only sigh that they don't have this relative, so they faded this thought.The new employees don't know some of the inside stories. They only know that Fang Kun is a relative of the general manager, so they can't help but congratulate him. Fang Kun accepted it with a smile, and his face was rosy all afternoon. Liu Haomin has always been a nominal position in Everbright, and he gets a salary for nothing. This was tacitly agreed to Liu Haomin when Liu Jiaolan was alive. Liu Haomin is the assistant manager of the front desk. She often doesn't show up for ten days or half a month. The whole company knows that there is such a special person. She has a strong background. It is obvious that she came to work today because she got the news, so there will be people who congratulate her and flatter her!Lin Meng watched coldly through the blinds, and finally just sneered.She began to get impatient, and Ruan Chengyi really hurt her, so she had to implement her plan quickly. Once it is completed, she can let go of everything!Moreover, the time is really urgent for half a year! ——ps: [Must read]My friends advised me a lot, and someone forwarded me a great post!After reading it and wiping my tears, life has to go on, and I have to endure what I should endure!But people have reverse scales and blood. I will always remember the saying "no more endurance", so I can only choose to remain silent...