Chapter 03: Bandit ark pt 02

Sera was sent to a flat land scape as well she will be fighting. Nika a 5.7 foot tall 27 year old woman she has a slim build and large breasts she has silky smooth skin and blue hair and orange eyes she wares a silky shirt with armor on her shoulders and two big gauntlets along with a armored skirt with armored boots main weapon gauntlets magic attribute outer.

Nika "so your the one i gotta kill hahaha you don't look all that special hmpf"

Sera "you wanna bet bitch"

Nika stares at her with anger she then dashes forward towards Sera to kill her in one punch Sera dodges and peeress Nika with her rapier dealing a bit of damage but she was blown away by one of Nika's earth kicks. Nika turns to her with a serious face and dashes forward Sera gets punched multiple times by Nika infusing her gauntlets with earth magic. Nika thought Sera was dead as she starts walking away a massive gust of wind came from Sera Nika turns around as Sera stands up going into her piercing stance using wind magic Sera launches forward delivering a powerful blow with her rapier. This damaged Nika making her cough out blood as she turns to Sera she is filled with fear as Sera is standing there looking at her with a great death stare.

Nika "wh...who a...are you"

Sera "i am my other personality hahaha one that kills without any guilt hehehe"

Sera with a crazy smile on her face laughing like crazy filling Nika up with fear Nika thinks to herself for a bit in the past Nika was treated like hell bullied bashed thrown on the street no one would help her.

Nika's past

Nika is 5 years old at this time it was a dark time in her life she protected her younger brother fighting and kicking her younger brothers name Multa a 5.4 foot tall 4 year old male he is scrawny and weak he has pail skin and black hair and crimson red eyes main weapon nun at this time magic affinity inner & outer. 

Multa was trying to rush home after sneaking out being chased by bullies he trips injuring himself as the bullies catch up to him.

male (bully 3) "haha poor dork fell over what a shame"

Bully 3 stomps on Multa as he tries to get up making him cough out blood

female (bully 4) "ugh gross"

female (bully 2) "if where going to be fighting eventually were going to have to get used to blood so shut it Britney"

Britney a 5,5 foot tall 6 year old girl she has sorta smooth skin and a slim body her breasts still growing she has yellow hair and green eyes

Britney "ugh fine let me stomp on this bastard Leo"

male (bully 1) "back of both of you this is Nika's brother let him go"

Leo "shit really Cooper crap I'm sorry man let me help you up hmm you need to eat more man"

past Cooper and past Leo then help Multa get stronger with his sisters blessing of Couse Nika was hesitant at first but she trusted them as long as she could train to. and for the next 2 years they all trained and became amazing friends until one day the royal knights attacked the village stealing Nika's brother and splitting up them all. They all woke up in different locations Cooper and Leo where the only ones that stayed together and started there bandit group. 

Nika landed in this village being saved by the current evil king making her all powerful.

flash back complete

Nika looks at Sera with anger as a burst of wind blasts from her the earth cracking as Nika grows in power she launches her self at Sera Punching her and smashing her into the ground in a blind rage. With one final blow she goes to through a punch infusing as much earth power she can gathering up all her magic in her fist gusts of wind blowing as the ground is cracking. While Sera stands there and uses her moon lit style finishing strike causing gusts of wind cracking and breaking the ground the two yelling as they charge there attacks. As they leap forward delivering a final blow Sera was only just faster stabbing her opponent ripping out her heart a massive exploration ocer's the one walking out of it was Sera she swings her sword getting the heart of it then sheaths her blade. As she returns from the pocket dimension.

meanwhile Ava was sent to another flat open field her opponent. phoebe a 5.8 foot tall 14 year old girl she has silky smooth skin and a slim figure with medium sized breasts and black hair and blue eyes she wares just a bra and silk red pants main weapon katana magic affinity outer.

Phoebe "so your my opponent girl ugh i was hoping to go up agisted that Tristan boy he's cute"

Ava stares at her taking a deep breath Ava has the ability to get rid of her emotions allowing her to fight to her fullest without anything slowing her down. She then grips her spear getting into her fighting stance.

Ava "enough talk kid time to die"

Phoebe un sheaths her katana and gets into a battle stance Ava then shot a blast of water at her phoebe dodges and using her katana slices through the water nocking Ava back. Ava then dashes behind phoebe delivering a powerful wind blast almost stabbing right through her body Phoebe at the last second using her katana parries the attack before getting launched away she then infused flames into her katana and dashed forward. The two trade blows Ava spinning her spear blocking parring and attack Phoebe her movements moving perfectly as Phoebe using her katana kept blocking and attacking before she managed to start cutting Ava Phoebe got faster and sliced Ava up her back blasting Ava across the field. 

Ava coughs out blood as she gets up Phoebe walking towards her

Phoebe "your pretty good i can give you that but your just boring fighting without emotions please its perthitic"

Ava's eyes widen as she remembers Tristan saying the same thing Ava then looks up at Phoebe now fighting with all her emotions.

Ava "you want me to fight with my emotions so be it ill kill you kid"

Phoebe "hehe good girl"

Ava launches forward with way more speed unlocking a new water technique with her spear water dragon dance as she delivers powerful blows to Phoebe cutting and slicing. Phoebe puts a smile on her face she's starting to enjoy this fight as she infuses wind to her katana causing a giant tornado to ocer gusts of wind destroying the land scape as Ava walks towards Phoebe. Ava starts getting flash backs of her past

ava's past she is 6 at this time

ava was an orphan she was always alone she tried to make friends but everyone bullied her but a man who used the spear. she asked him to teach her so he did he tort her for hours every single day after a few years she was 10 at the time she handled the spear very well at this point she loved it it was her hole life. someone then came and killed her master she was full of rage so she grabbed her spear and killed the man herself she had to run and hide because the man she killed was actually a knight of the kingdom. she was surrounded by soldiers at one point before past Cooper and Past Leo saved her and she joined there bandit group.

flash back end

Ava smiles and puts all her strength and power into this blow unleashing 2 water dragons and 2 wind dragons she yells as she powers up gusts of wind destroying the land scape and ground beneath her. As Phoebe then puts all her concentration and wind magic into this last attack staying focused and centered her stance flawless they both dash towards each other with emence power and strength as they clash weapons a powerful burst of power erupts destroying and shaking the land scape nothing but a massive creator could be seen. 

Phoebe stands there with Ava's head in her hand rising it up and respecting her.

Phoebe "you where a damn good fighter in the end but at the last second you used to much magic power your body couldn't handle it and was torn apart as i gave you a graceful death worthy of a warrior i wish you had survived longer ow man"

Phoebe then returns back out of the pocket dimension.

Leo is fighting Kenzuki a 6 foot tall 28 year old male he has a muscular build he has smooth skin red hair and brown eyes he wares singlet armor and armor gloves along with black pants with armored boots main weapon his fists magic affinity outer.

Kenzuki "haha so your the one I gotta kill well looks like i may have a challenge"

Leo "try and kill me i have been fighting and training since i was a young boy"

They both stare at each other with smiles on there faces as there battle starts Leo with his twin battle axe's and Kenzuki and his fists. Kenzuki charges in delivering a powerful blow causing a ripple of wind to blow out the ground breaking beneath the two as he looks up his eyes widen as Leo blocked his blow with ease. Leo then used his inner magic to deliver a powerful blow at Kenzuki slashing down his chest to his belly sending him flying back Kenzuki coughing out blood laughs.

Kenzuki "finally a strong and worthy opponent its not everyday someone blocks one of my blows and delivers a powerful one"

Kenzuki then jumps to his feet and stares at Leo with a smile.

Kenzuki "time to get serious"

the two then dash forward Kenzuki charging up a flame punch as Leo swings his battle axe's Kenzuki jumps over them his body moving swiftly through the air and with his flaming fist impales Leo trying to burn him from the inside. Leo quickly blows him away then with a boost of speed dashes towards him almost landing a fatal blow but Kenzuki manages to doge just barely.

Kenzuki "few almost died there your fun"

Leo "i could say the same to you no one has ever managed to impale me before its a rare sighting I'm going to enjoy killing you"

Kenzuki "your the one that's dying today Leo"

they both charge at each other the ground shattering and cracking as they both trade blows one thing hasn't changed through out the fight they are both fighting with a smile on there faces. Kenzuki then lands another hit impaling Leo once again burning his insides but Leo isn't having it he nocks Kenzuki away and slices him again. Kenzuki looks up at Leo when he sees him a shiver goes down his spine he wonders to himself what is this feeling. He still keeps a smile on his face although staring at Leo made him feel an emotion he forgot he had staring at a man that is still alive even though he burned him from the inside. He wonders to himself what a monster he remembers are past time about his life he never wanted to remember agin.

Kenzuki's past

this was around the time when Kenzuki was about 7 years old his magic was so powerful he could barely control it so he had special gloves made for him that granted him control and freedom over his power. With this new control he lives a bit of a better life until his village was attacked and taken over he left and ran until he was found by the evil king and was trained along side the others.

flash back over

Kenzuki looks up and removes his gloves unleashing all of his power he then rushes forward and delivers blow after blow after blow burning Leo in multiple places only to realise he wasn't impaling him he was barely even burning the skin of Leo. He backs away his smile fading into a face of fear as this monster was walking up to him Kenzuki then tried one last punch impaling Leo burning everything inside Leos body. Kenzuki thought the battle was over suddenly Leo drops one of his axes and grabs Kenzuki's arm before raising his other axe and saying in a dark cold voice

Leo "you where a brave warrior to fight the great stone giant Leo but your time is finished"

Leo then goes to swing his axe Kenzuki stands there motionless until he looks up and stops Leos final blow by melting Leos arm of then with one final strike Kenzuki kills Leo and stands there has Leos body falls.

Kenzuki "you where brave but you lost in the end i guess my magic is to powerful for my own good the only people that have a chance at beating me are aether born like that Tristan kid"

Kenzuki then teleports out of the pocket dimension