
Jane flinched and nearly leaped to her feet when the sound of a familiar male voice reached her ears. 

'Charles? What is he doing here? I wasn't expecting to see him today.'

Vernon took a step back, shaking his hand off to get rid of the black liquid whose smell had already managed to cling to his skin and clothes. He jerked his head upwards to meet the eyes of the person who prevented him from leaving, his brows furrowing as Charles Chastain's frowning face stared back at him with a look of quiet resentment in his eyes. 

"You have to watch where you're going when you're carrying a drink in an open cup," Charles hissed at him, his eyes narrowing. 

Vernon threw a now-empty cup into the plastic trashbin positioned next to the exit of the classroom and adjusted his glasses. 

"You were the one who bumped into me," he said firmly, yet his voice was surprisingly quiet.