
 I am dedicating this fanfiction to my friend, Marco. Whom over the last 10 years has kept me company. We came up with this idea during an erotic roleplay –after years of not doing one; and nostalgia made me grow fond of this concept. I'm the filthiest when I'm arround you, degenerate. Tell Olee I still love her.

 It is also dedicated to my friends Susan and Mich. Susan occasionally helped me by correcting small errors in this book, and Mich is the only reason I was able to write the second chapter, without you this would still be an idea.

 I also dedicate it to all those who have been angry with the concept that this book touches on, your comments were key into motivating myself to make my imagination fly. Art exists to violate the taboo, challenge the morals of the reader based on an immersive narrative, no matter what it is. Please think about this when reading the novel. In the end this is all fiction.

 Finally, I dedicate it to all who read this, and enjoy it for what it is –a literary work made for fun to explore controversial topics for the sake of enjoying not only reading, but also writing that challenges the status quo and social morality. Thinking will set you free.

 I also dedicate it to the creator of this series, Vivienne Medrano. A very entertaining animated show with infinite potential. I look forward to each new episode.