Training and Learning

I just sighed and accepted my new life as the weakest NPC in [Dragon's Roar]


"You'll never even touch me with that speed" no matter how many times I tried to. I just can't deal with her "C'mon, faster Alen!" It doesn't matter, she's going easy on me and I'm still struggling.

She's using a wooden sword and I'm using real daggers. How!?!?

"TIME!" Khyle, who was watching Karla train me stopped our session "Alen, you're not focused, concentrate on your fight"

"I... can't..." I'm so tired I can barely speak "she's... she's going easy on me and..."

"And what? We also fight stronger opponents and we don't have time to complain" I know Karla's right but...

"You have more experience and..."

"And you're smart..."Khyle interruped me "Use smarter tactics to make up for your lack of strength" Khyle grabbed snow, made it a snowball "iIn a real life-or-death fight, pride and honor shouldn't matter to you" he crushed the snowball "Use everything to your advantage, terrain, allies, bluffs, anything you want"

"I fully agree on fightin' dirty. But have some honor and decency, you're no caveman"

"I... I think I get it..." i really do, but it doesn't matter, I'm weak.

"If you get it then stand up and do something" I stood up and I observed Karla, her fighting stance and her facial expression... told me she didn't take me seriously at all.


The only thing I know is that knives can cut wood, and daggers are... a kind of knife...

This being my only plan made me realize I'm way dumber than I think I am.

Well... questioning my inteligence won't get me anywhere. So I quickly tighten the grip on both of my daggers, and ran towards Karla.

She easily blocked every attack I did. But my objective wasn't her

"Now that's a better look on your face" while I was fully concentrated on my plan, I did manage to catch a glimpse of her face, she was smiling. I can kinda guess why that smile made me feel good.

Our weapons kept clashing, and it felt like i was starting to take the lead for the first time.

After many atacks I can finally see cracks forming on her sword, it's getting cose to snaping in two. However, my hands and arms were becoming numb, and I was losing strength.

I have to finish this fight quickly.

Thankfully, I came up with a plan. Once she did a horizontal slash, I ducked under it and I planned on quickly grabbing snow to throw it on her face to momentarily blind her... that was the plan, instead, she kicked me as soon as I ducked, sending me flying back against a tree.

"Nice plan Alen. But don't expect everything to go your way"

Do I abandon my plan to brake her sword. I have a tree behind me, I can use it. But i'm really tired. I can barely feel my arms. I don't think i can stand upwhataboutavoidinglastsecondicouldtrytoparryidon'tknowhowtodothatwhatifherswordbreaksonnexthitbutwhatifitdoesn't.


She's getting close, I need to calm myself, breath slower, focus, concentrate, and follow a plan

"Thanks for the advise Karla" I don't think she heard me whispering that.

I stood up and assumed a defensive stance with both of my daggers in front of me, and my back almost touching the tree.

There she is, two steps in front of me, ready to launch her attack, the one attack that'll end this fight.

She did it, a diagonal slice. I put all my strength on my legs and arms and I managed to block her attack by putting my daggers on an x.

As soon as our blades clashed, I felt the snow rise up, and even when I blocked it, my whole body still felt the impact.

But I did it!!

Thanks to all my comitment on my plan, her blade snaped in two.

As soon as it happened, I started my counterattack, using the tip of my daggers to do a piercing attack.

I can feel it, I truly do feel... how dissapointing it is for my counterattack to just be stopped, only... using... her hand. She just grabbed both of my arms, lifted me, and began smiling.

"Atta boy. That's how I like it" she began to laugh, not in a bad way, rather, her smile and laugh felt happy... and proud.

*clap, clap, clap*

"Nice job Alen" Khyle was also smiling



"Wait a minute..." she lifted me up more and stared at my face "Alen... are you blushing?"

"N-no I'm not" she began to laugh, in a mocking way this time "I just... got really tired... and it's really cold"

"Whatever kid" she just chuckled and dropped me.

Those words kept repeating in my head, it was a nice feeling

"Now then, get ready for a round 2"



