
 Being a part of the most influential demonic families in hell comes with its benefits, it's riches –but also, it's problems. To be up to a name such as the Ars Goetia you must be willing to pay any price you must.

 This is known by all family members. But it can happen that some are less prepared than others. It comes to happen that ambition for individuality is stronger than the sense of responsibility that is indoctrinated to all may-be hairs.

 And it can occur that the crudeness of reality is simply too much, and it turns into an eternal pain, worst when you are eternal yourself. Then you start looking for a way to scape of this reality, you look for a way to recover this individuality you lost along the way.

 But in exchange you find yourself alone. An individual being against a millennium of tradition and customs. And a world where only the fittest survive. At the end it will leave you with two choices, to cling yourself to your dreams and fall into the darkest abyss –or take part of the circle of life, taking part in the eternal hierarchy of power and social status that will control you for the rest of your life.

 Is there a right answer for this?