
 Stolas had lived a life that was never his. Since he was a child, he was taught that his existence belonged to the Goetia and for the Goetia, despite this, his books showed him the stories and adventures of people who fought against the establishment, and achieved their independence, lived their own adventures and fulfilled their dreams.

 But Stolas had no dreams of his own, if anything; he dreamed of living the adventures that he read in his books and constantly compared his situation with these heroes. However, Stolas always obeyed the orders he received without question, somehow, he believed that he just had to wait until he was older and could leave that world behind, without the need for the conflict or rebellion that plagued his readings so much.

 With the passing of his early years, Stolas had become a child worthy of the Goetia name, though his innocence never left him, constantly tripping over the line that divided his social status from that of others. He always saw the castle employees as part of his family, and the commoners as people to care for, and love. He was clearly a demon who, although aware of his nature, saw the need to show some teamwork with the other creatures. For him there was no such thing as class or segregation.

 Even though he didn't understand many things his parents told him about royalty and the crowd, he made an effort to share his blessings with whoever deigned to listen.

 Sadly, he was excluded from socialization that wasn't strictly compulsory –and worse yet, outside the family spheres. So, the opportunities; Although there were, they were few. Many times, those who listened to him were the butler in charge of him or his plants that he cared for in his garden.

 But that never stopped him from trying, and looking for someone to talk to. As he would later tell Blitzo during his birthday the day he met him, «Sorry, I never had a friend to share my books with. »

 But like the oil stain that never goes away, or as the phrase goes, bad habits die hard. The customs of Stolas would remain engraved in his being forever.

 And although he did not see Blitzo again for many years, having known him would create in him a small seed of courage that would help him to continue trying to find someone who wanted to be his friend, and having to relate now with the family of his future wife; that seed would bear fruit slowly, but with certainty of success. Or so it seemed to happen.

 Stella was a girl who was very aggressive with others, and you could only get a minute of her time based on flattery and compliments. And even so; just long enough for her to tell you how true of a statement that was. However, this never worked out for Stolas because of a small factor he was unaware of, his father Paimon.

 Paimon being Lucifer's biggest bootlicker; he constantly wanted to keep him happy with his reign. And for him, that meant keeping all the families in the Goetia in order, and making sure they didn't get out of line. For this he had to constantly hide the actions of the other kings and dukes as well, and sometimes this involved dealing with their respective families. One of these being Stella's, since her grandfather was a constant weight on his back, but at the same time a close friend, since, just as Paimon hid the atrocities of Crocell and his direct superiors, he distracted other kings from what he did to satisfy Lucifer's demands, thus arranging the marriage with his granddaughter, in the form of payment for so many Favours. Paimon was highly skilled in the art of the aristocracy, and he knew how to perfectly manage the balance of power between kings, dukes, marquises and so on. If royalty were a chessboard, Paimon knew how to move each piece at the convenience of his lord.

 Stella and Stolas couldn't even begin to get an idea of what this meant, but they understood what it meant to them. And for Stella it represented the constant suffering of her family and an abuse of Paimon's power and influence.

 But there was someone a little older who understood things better, Andrealphus, Stella's older brother. Since he was a child and before she was born, he already saw this constantly happen not only with him, but with the other Marquises, something that made him cultivate a hatred of his impotence and lack of authority in the face of high lineage.

 Andrealphus would be in charge of educating his sister in these details as she grew up, and in this way foment this hatred.

 So, when Stolas started to go after his sister, the flame of hatred would once again fill with strength. But Andrealphus had grown cunning and manipulative, and he knew he would have the best chance of getting what he wanted the most through him.

 Someone who had seen this quality in him was his uncle Asmodeus, who would take him under his tutelage to turn him into a fearsome demon. And that he also had a certain rivalry with Paimon, so he would be his guide to get his own revenge on him.

 With so much mutual hatred between everyone and especially against Stolas' father, one would think that he would have died long ago, but something that is worse than death for a demon is humiliation. And they knew that there was no other demon more terrified of this than Paimon. This in the future would be what would allow Stella to carry out her revenge, since it was a few years after her marriage to Stolas, that Paimon crossed a line that he should not have crossed. That in fact he himself did not want to cross.

 It happens that Lilith, the wife of Lucifer, had a life outside the eyes of her husband. Lilith, known to many as the femme fatale, was known for her rebelliousness. Once Adam's first wife, she rebelled against God and left the garden of Eden. It is said in ancient Hebrew that she was known for constantly getting into love affairs with other men; making her biblically the first free woman. And as usual in this world and this story, Paimon would not be the exception in the exquisite palate of the queen.

 Although Paimon, due to his respect and fear of Lucifer, would do the impossible not to let himself be cultivated by her charms.

 This would upset Lilith so much so, that she would make up her affair with him, and be cunning enough for Lucifer to believe it. Thus, giving the greatest betrayal place, after Judas Iscariot selling God to the romans.

 Paimon, morally defeated by this, would be reckless enough to woo Stella into murdering him with the weapon of her former love, Andras. And so as mentioned for Paimon, death was a better price to pay than that of total humiliation. So, in the last circle of hell, he would give a meeting where he would be publicly seen being assassinated and preventing gossip people from making up stories of a grievous suicide.

 But, returning to the story at hand –Andreaphus also had his goals and plans to achieve power.

 And in this way, Stolas would begin his friendship with Andrealphus, while he pretended to help him befriend his sister.

 But Stolas, being very young and innocent, would not realize in time the intentions of such a sudden growth of interest in him. He would just see how he had finally –single-handedly made a new friend.

 —Why are you trying so hard to make my sister like you?

 —I have to do it, Andrealphus! I will marry her.

 —But she clearly doesn't want to marry you.

 —That's why we must be friends first.

 —Look, just be thankful that we get along, do you know how much shit I have to endure from the other marquises for talking to you?

 —I'm sorry Andrealphus...

 —Ugh, never mind.

 Andrealphus' strategy was to make Stolas understand that no one else wanted him. And it was not very difficult, because he was always aware that his unorthodox way of being was always a conflict in what others said about him.

 An example of this was his mother; Octavia, she would only be with him for a short time, as she would suddenly disappear from his life one day. He never knew what happened to her or why she left him, and a part of him always blamed himself for not being the demon others wanted him to be. And the other demons who were equally unaware of the reasons for this, would not hesitate to assume that it was for something related to him. To make matters worse, asking his father was useless, as he would constantly ignore Stolas asking about her, so, over the years he stopped asking and assumed it was his fault all along. And this would help Andrealphus to manipulate him even more, since he would always be worried about losing others close to him.

 The truth was it was never his fault. Octavia just had the misfortune to marry the wrong man. While Stolas was still an owlet, Paimon would have his own several affairs withing the Goetia family, and she would find out. This was a risk for him, so he had to take matters into his own hands. But this would never be known by anyone.

 That difficult childhood, along with his rocky relationship with his father, his curious friendship with Andrealphus and his impossible union with Stella, would shape his way of being during his adolescence, growing into someone reserved. Although he still retained his qualities of kindness and impartiality, growing older and receiving even more burdens and responsibilities would take away time for the free and uncontrolled thinking that he enjoyed so much, slowly succumbing to what others wanted from him.

 His father's constant pressure to be a top-notch demon, and constant mistreatments, would end up destroying any shred of feelings he had for him, and changing pride and admiration into resentment. He would stop seeing his father for what he was and would see him for someone to fear and obey without question but keeping hate deep within.

 Growing up, his loss of interest in Stella would also become noticeable, and with his current status with his father the friction would only worsen, and he would begin to reject the idea of marriage with her, which would lead to constant fights where Stolas would lock himself in his bedroom to read, tend to his plants, and drink himself unconscious.

 Thanks to the fact that a part of the universe still looked after him, he always ended up under the care of his butler, the same one who took care of him since he was a child. Who over time became his confidant. And a shoulder on which to vent after the constant insults and abuse from his father.

 Stolas had become a blur of his former self and was so monochromatic in his new persona that he seemed to others to be an example of what Paimon wanted from them; constantly calling him Paimon's favourite. And that idea would remain in everyone's mind with the passing of time, and even though this was false; this idea would not change for many years.

 And with Andrealphus, his intimacy would increase exponentially with his age. Being his second point of outlet for emotions, Andrealphus would take the opportunity to implant in Stolas the most basic need and what he needed most. Love.

 As the years went by, Stolas and Andrealphus would foster this friendship more, and Andrealphus would feed that fabricated love, by taking advantage of Stolas' alcoholism and on more than one occasion encourage him to cultivate his lust towards him.

 Culminating at age 17, whereas a desperate measure by Andrealphus, it would give him the perfect conditions to unleash the carnal desires that he had fed him so much, which would see its consequences immediately.

 To Stolas having grown up most of his life without a mother, in addition to blaming himself for her disappearance, and adding Paimon's growing disinterest in deigning to educate him because he saw it as a lost cause; there were many things that he did not experience correctly, and that no book would teach him to identify. And this was true love.

 So, Stolas had unconsciously closed his mind to reality, because he constantly saw himself returning to his happy place when he had a bad time, this being his books and old dreams of adventure that inhabited them, or anything that was emotionally positive for him. So, when he saw that his friendship with Andrealphus had led to sexuality, he immediately assumed that one was the same as the other. So over time he would start wanting more and more intimate experiences with him, in a way to verify that Andrealphus still wanted him; and that he was somehow, someone worth of someone else's love. And to amplify this belief, once married; the insipid sex with his now wife would contrast the difference between what he would understand as genuine and fabricated love, regardless of how twisted this idea was from the start.

 And meanwhile, Andrealphus would abuse this again and again. Playing with the needs of Stolas; and he, defenceless for fear of losing him –would allow these abuses more than once.




 —Uh...? I know that look.

 Stolas kissed Andrealphus passionately, pinning him against the wall of the room as he hugged him around the waist and pushed him with his crotch, as if rubbing it against Andrealphus'. His kisses becoming more and more intense and moving from the beak to the neck and back.

 —Fuck, Stolas... What happened now my beautiful prince?

 While Andrealphus tried to interrogate Stolas for his sudden daring, Stolas kept touching and kissing his lover's body in a lascivious and erotic way, as if wanting to merge her body with his.

 —Let me guess, another week of putting up with my sister? She doesn't know how to satisfy you.

 —Andrealphus, please... I... need...

 Stolas was still frantically touching Andrealphus all over his body, lifting one of his legs and arranging it so that it hugged his back with it. Meanwhile Andrealphus fed Stolas' need by continuing to dare him, one kiss after another.

 —Oh, I know what you need... You want to fuck me again, don't you? —Andreaphus freed himself easily from Stolas and continued—. But it won't happen.

 —B-but. I thought...

 —Did you think I wanted to fuck you too? But of course!

 —Then why did you...?

 —Because it's funny, seeing you so repressed. It is adorable.




 Even taking things to limits that Stolas never wanted to reach.




 —Come on, there's nothing wrong with it; it will be fun.

 —I know Andrealphus, but... I don't feel comfortable with the idea, we're fine... just you and me...

 —And since we are so well the two of us... What's wrong with one more?




 Andrealphus would constantly do things to make Stolas uncomfortable over and over again. And every time he felt he was losing interest in him, he would indulge him one night; enough for him to remember that no matter how much he ignored his requests, «he always had time for him, because he loved him. »

 And, with the passing of the years, little by little Stolas would leave Andrealphus behind in his life. Visiting him less and less –and Andrealphus this time couldn't do anything about it, not even with the best sex in hell could he contain him when his daughter came into his life. For Octavia had become his new source of happiness and hope. Dreaming of him being able to give her one day, the life that he could not have, and the adventures of those books that he could never live.

 But flesh is weak, and his wife's constant abuse, and the inevitable fact that his little owlet was now a teenager, would drive him back into someone else's arms. This time his long-lost friend, Blitzo. Who trying to steal the Grimoire would end up sleeping with him. And then, the evening of his marriage would finally begin.

 However, shortly after this happened, the difficulty of the situation Stolas found himself in would increase exponentially. For, shortly after his adventure with this imp, his homosexual passions would be reborn again; and in a moment of weakness, he would return after a long time to the arms of Andrealphus once again.

 Curiously, despite the time they had not seen each other. Andrealphus was curiously happy at the sudden visit of his brother-in-law. Let's remember that Andrealphus only pretended to love Stolas to get the position of his sister and be the prince next to Stolas, simply as a tool to achieve higher royalty.

 That night, Stolas kissed Andrealphus lustfully as they entered the bedroom together. Their bodies pressed against each other as their tongues danced seductively within their mouths just like that first time. When his beak parted, Stolas circled Andrealphus' body and began playfully caressing his butt. Andrealphus gasped softly, surprised at how good he felt. His penis instantly stiffened under the contact, pressing firmly against Stolas' crotch as he leaned slightly forward.

 As he continued to kiss him, Stolas moved his hands to the front of his pants, slowly undoing the buttons as he went. Andrealphus moaned silently as he watched, unable to help himself. He licked his beak hungrily, wondering if he would dare reach out and pull Stolas closer to him. Just imagining the taste of his lover's sweet skin made his heart race faster and faster inside his chest.

 However, before he could do anything, Stolas stopped moving his hand and withdrew slightly. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before turning to look directly into Andrealphus' eyes.

 It was as if Andrealphus' abuse of Stolas at the time was now being turned against him. «What is this I feel? he wondered hesitantly. Is this what I put him through all these years? »

 For a moment Andrealphus panicked. Was Stolas rejecting him after all? Or was it some kind of trick? Couldn't Stolas be lying and planning to take advantage of him sexually after all? Probably not. Stolas looked too innocent to be capable of such a thing. However, he was clearly uncomfortable with the way he was looking at him, so maybe that was the case.

 The tension between the two demons was palpable. Neither of them said a single word for a long time afterwards, not knowing how to react. Finally, Andrealphus decided to speak first.

 —What? Aren't you going to do anything to me after all? —He exclaimed incredulously—.

 —We are barely beginning! Don't jump to such hasty conclusions.

 Andrealphus nodded silently and gently bit his lower beak. He wished he could tell Stolas that he understood, but the truth was, he didn't. He did not understand how anyone could resist such temptation. Even now, his mind was filled with images of what might happen next: Stolas shedding his clothes and tossing them aside, revealing a perfectly sculpted physique beneath him. Then Andrealphus would remove his own clothing from him, watching anxiously as Stolas removed the rest of his clothing piece by piece. Finally, the two demons would lie naked on the bed, eager and ready to go. They would kiss passionately again, their tongues dancing in unison as they explored each other's mouths. The two lovers would then move to the sheets, where the small and delicate hands of Stolas would lovingly caress the soft skin of Andrealphus. Little by little, the two of them would begin to undress each other, beginning with Stolas' tight white shirt, which he would carefully remove from the torso of his lover. Stolas would then work his way down Andrealphus' body, stripping off his pants and underwear, revealing the marquess's hard erection.

 Wrapped in passion at last, Andrealphus would lean forward and gently kiss Stolas, running his tongue over the tip of his erect penis. This time, however, he would not stop there. In his place, he would continue to lick the shaft of Stolas' dick, gently sucking on the head of his member and teasing him with light, playful licks. Andrealphus then wrapped his beak around Stolas' cock and sucked gently, causing the young man to moan loudly as pleasure coursed through his body.

 Finally, Andrealphus slid his mouth completely over Stolas' penis, wrapping his arms around the prince's waist as he sucked on it. Soon the two lovers would reach their climax, moaning loudly as Stolas came from the pleasure. Then Andrealphus released Stolas' penis from his mouth and gasped, his face flushed red. Next, he would kiss his lover deeply again, their tongues intertwined as they shared the most intense orgasm of their lives.

 Still aroused, Andrealphus would prostrate himself on the bed, raising his tail and buttocks to Stolas' view, inviting him to continue his violent passion with his body. Stolas didn't hesitate for a second, approaching him, admiring the view he offered while Andrealphus masturbated himself waiting for Stolas.

 And accepting the invitation, he began to penetrate his cloaca, starting slowly as Andrealphus began to move his hips to the rhythm of Stolas' thrusts. Andrealphus moaned delicately with each movement while he at times turned to look at him; and he looked at a prince with a stoic look that little by little broke with the pleasure he felt inside his lover, blushing more and more while the subdued Andrealphus stretched out his hands trying to hold on to the bed; pulling the sheets with his claws.

 But Stolas was still not entirely pleased, at times pulling his penis out of Andrealphus and tempting it into his cloaca.

 Andrealphus however invited this action, thrusting against his penis whenever he felt it close. But Stolas didn't, as if knowing it was what he wanted; he denied it to him, just as he once denied him. And he returned to penetrate his cloaca, again and again. At times and to spice up the sexual act –Stolas would put one or two claws in Andrealphus' cloaca while he penetrated it. This caused the Marquis an indescribable pleasure that made him beg for more between moans and screams.

 At one point, Stolas ordered him to turn around, and Andrealphus obeyed, facing each other, then raising his feet and holding them on his shoulders; Stolas continued the penetration while Andrealphus tried to hold back his already incessant moaning, which was so constant that it took his breath away over and over again. But Stolas was so pent up it was just too much for him, and it was impossible for him to control the desire he felt to make this night eternal.

 That night they would take various positions at the request of Stolas and to the creativity of Andrealphus, while more than once, one or the other would come to a pleasurable orgasm.

 There were times when Andrealphus wanted to take on the role of Stolas and now be the one who would give him pleasure; but Stolas would make it clear over and over again with his violent dealings that it would be the Goetian Prince who would be having fun tonight.

 This, though against Andrealphus' intentions at the time, did not bother him. And even in a certain way seeing someone who at one time was seen as gentle, sweet and kind, turned into an insatiable beast that never tired of making his body a toy for his pleasure.

 Andrealphus was in heaven. He would discover that his favourite position and the only one where Stolas would give him an air of power was when he was on top. Being able to see the prince down as he rode his member wildly filled Andrealphus with the power he most desired.

 This would continue until they were both exhausted, covered in the evidence of a forbidden affair. Just the sin of lust and the need for two beings to become one.

 The next morning, Andrealphus stroked Stolas' feathers tenderly, feeling warm and fuzzy inside as he gazed at his lover. Andrealphus' pale skin shimmered in the soft light of the room, making his appearance almost luminous. Stolas was overwhelmed to think that he was sharing a bed with such a beautiful creature. He couldn't believe that he had ever doubted Andrealphus' feelings for him; surely, he must have loved him as much as he did. The thought made Stolas' mouth twitch, and he kissed Andrealphus again.

 However, the kiss ended soon, when Stolas realized that he was no longer wearing clothes, and that they were still covered in dried semen. He flushed, embarrassed by the sight. A sudden jolt of awareness came back to him and filled his mind with doubt and bewilderment.

 —Oh, come on. What's wrong Stolas?

 —This... it was a mistake. I shouldn't have come here.

 —Hahaha, do you mean to tell me that now, after so many years of cheating on my sister with me, you have regrets? … Or is it… That imp?


 —My sister told me all about it after the party fiasco.

 Stolas was beginning to feel guilty.

 —Is that all I am? Someone destined to serve only for the pleasure of others?

 —Well, I guess it wasn't just me who felt pleasure last night, right? Besides, your thing with that imp was just the passion of the moment. —Something inside Andrealphus woke up and wanted Stolas all to himself again—. Imps are violent creatures, surely, he is just using you for your power, not for pleasure. So, you still have me. Forget that useless imp, Stolas, they are nothing but scum.

 —Don't talk about him like that! —Stolas bolted from Andrealphus' bed in a rage—. Sorry, this was a bad idea. My apologies for leaving so suddenly Andrealphus, I hope we can see each other under other circumstances.

 Stolas had spent his entire life confused about what he wanted, and in that moment of weakness, even though it was he himself who looked to his old lover for answers, the insults directed at his friend were enough to make him not want to see him again ever. Always questioning how he could be interested in such an arrogant being.

 And now the confused one was Andrealphus, who for some inexplicable reason felt heartbroken to see Stolas go forever.

 For his part, Stolas would return to his palace, hoping to see his old friend again, who was finally making his appearance after so many years, of course this would not happen, and Stolas would only return home to deal with a now furious wife and a conflict that it would take all his energy, the divorce. In addition, Stolas knew that Blitzo DID used him, he was not ignorant of the fact that he only wanted his book and had obtained it, but in this, Stolas would see an opportunity to recreate the moments he lived by his side during his childhood. Playing like pirates, who took all the nicest things.

 Stolas wanted to see him again, he would give everything to see him again, and make up for the time he lost without him by his side. Life was now meaningless if he wasn't with him. Or so he felt. He saw Blitzo as his new way of finding the happiness that he missed so much, and he believed that by his side he would learn to love and what love really is.

 But Stolas still hadn't learned that the love he was after was one that would hurt him to death. He, well, he kept seeing things on the dark side of the moon. And this prevented him from seeing the world that hid behind.

 As the days passed, he discovered that Blitzo was using the book for a business he had opened. So, he got in touch with him to restart their relationship, which he was building from scratch, or so he tried; as his sinful side continued to get in his way –this giving Blitzo the idea that it was now his turn to deal with the reclusive prince, and Stolas would make it clear from the start that the way they would find peace of mind would be through sex. and passion, even if this was never Stolas' intention from the beginning, but the consequences of having lived through a series of unfortunate events; all around sexuality.

 Hoping that way he wouldn't lose him again, Stolas would nurture this idea for months to come, hoping that with his newfound interest he would finally forget his past. During this time, they would live adventures of excitement, passion and fun that would fill their hearts with new hopes.

 Their journey to Loo Loo Land, the conflict with the D.H.O.R.K.S., the harvest moon festival, and many other adventures they had would be the ladder they would both have to climb to connect properly.

 But Stolas was not the only one with problems in his life, Blitzo had his own skeletons in the closet. And his own problems to deal with, and like Stolas, he kept them secret thinking he's better off dealing with his nightmares on his own; and as with Stolas, things would turn out every way except the way they wanted.

 However, both would try to lead their lives in any way they could, and even in a relationship as unstable as theirs –a light of hope would shine at the end of the tunnel. In some incongruous way, the conflicts that life had for them would lead them to take the path that would change their lives forever, just not in the way they expected.

 And Stolas was the first to notice, now that he was soon to marry his daughter.