First Boss

Juliana pushed away from Nick's arms just as quickly as she had fallen into them. Small crackles of lightning danced around her fingertips.

A frown formed on her face as she tried to channel more power. For some reason, she had been severely nerfed. The Juliana he knew from the game could cover the entire battlefield with lightning, turning multiple mini-bosses to ash in an instant. This version wouldn't even be able to summon a lightning bolt.

'Maybe she just hasn't gotten that strong yet and needs to train more,' Nick thought as he summoned [Fang of Finality] from his hammerspace. It still didn't have any abilities, but with its light frame and perfect balance, the weapon was still nothing short of perfect.

Still, he saw a significant problem as he looked at the snake. To start, it was easily 30 meters in height—and that was ignoring whatever vast expanse it hid under the ground. Additionally, many arms dotted the sides of its golden body. Starting around 5 meters down from its massive triangular head, pairs of arms appeared at 2-meter intervals.

Looking at the ground, he realized that it even had arms beneath the surface. At any moment during the battle, one of these arms could shoot up from under the ground and skewer one of them.

This boss was leagues ahead of the Goblinmaster and his subordinates, to the point it was like comparing a grape to a football field. Still, it wasn't a hopeless endeavor to fight this beast.

Between the sword and Juliana, he knew he had become much stronger since facing the Goblinmaster. Even if the behemoth in front of him was a boss, it was still fallible.


The ground trembled as arms shot out from beneath them. Dodging with just a fraction of a second to spare, Nick blindly thrashed his sword against the encroaching golden-brown wall.

Golden ichor hit the ground in waves. Nick smiled until the snake hissed with excitement.

"Hero! Don't hurt its arms!"

Nick glanced at the shouting voice and saw Juliana effortlessly weave through the arms. Any lightning she tried to summon crackled around her fingers harmlessly. Still, he could tell she was experienced in battle just by her movements.

Barely dodging another strike from one of its arms, he called on whatever experience he had. Many of the harder games he had played in his youth had greatly honed his reactions.

Of course, sitting safely on the couch didn't really compare to dodging a real-life, angry snake. Still, it helped.

Shifting his focus from offense to defense, Nick did as Juliana instructed. Looking at the arm he had severed, it was a good thing he did.

Its blood was dissolving the ground it touched at a rapid pace. If it had touched him...

A moment of thought was all it took. Two arms shot from behind Nick as another shot out in front of him. He heard flesh tear before he even felt the warm sensation of blood.

The force of the hit sent him flying. Far too injured to land properly, the situation became even worse when he hit the ground with a hard thud.

Gasping for breath and smelling iron, Nick squinted his eyes. Multiple black dots danced in his vision as he watched Juliana try to dodge the arms.

There were too many, though. They were outmatched...

'No...' Nick thought as he dug his fingers into the rocks.

'I don't want to die again. I can't die again.'

Ignoring the burning pain in his side, Nick pushed himself off the ground so that he was resting on his fists and knees. Gritting his teeth, he glared at the stupid snake.

At the same time, it finally connected with Juliana.

She fared even worse than Nick, both due to her weaker clothing and being a mage. There was nothing he could do but watch as an arm skewered her.

Another arm was fast approaching, and though his sense of time was greatly slowing, there was nothing he could do. She was going to die, and there was nothing he could do.

A dark memory resurfaced in his mind as Nick thought, 'Bullshit.'

His grasp on the [Fang of Finality] grew infinitely stronger. A dark aura covered him and his sword—not the aura of death, but rather the end.

'I'm not dying again. Neither are you.'

The stupid snake, on the other hand...

A blur of destruction dashed across the cave, eviscerating arms by the dozens. Its acidic ichor coated his body, evaporating against his aura.

He gritted his teeth in pain as some of it broke through his aura. Juliana had advised caution for that exact reason, but it didn't matter in this moment.

No battle could be won without pain. If he cowered now, he'd die.

Pushing forward, he sliced apart the arm that was threatening Juliana. Then, in one more swift motion, he sliced through the arm that pierced her stomach.

Shielding her from the acidic blood with his body, he leapt away from the battle for just a second to lay her on an elevated rock.

Not that he felt it would help much. Her... entire stomach had been ripped open. The fact she could even still breathe was nothing short of an insane feat of will.

If only he had some kind of healing skill or potion... aren't those supposed to be in abundance in these kinds of RPGs? Instead...

--(Accept Ameko Berry from Juliana?)--

'Huh?' She was completely still, but the system acted as if she was offering something to him.

Her slow, labored, and painful breaths kept Nick from questioning this any further. The ground was painted with her blood, and this brief moment in time was ending soon. He could already feel the boss reacting to Juliana's disappearance.

Also, this new energy he had found was quickly dissipating.

'Accept.' He wasted no time as the small berry appeared in his hand.

Juliana opened her mouth as much as she could, creating just enough space for him to place the red berry inside. Then she closed it and, with great effort, swallowed.

Nick's eyes grew wide as her stomach started to heal. Her breathing remained slow and labored, but with every passing moment, it sounded less painful.

She would be fine then—it was time to kill the boss.

He turned to go away, but a weak arm grazing his fingers made him stop for a second. Turning around, he saw a weak smile form on her lips as she whispered, "Thanks."

Nick nodded, not really knowing how to respond. Quickly turning his head to hide his blush, he looked back at the enemy.

With every second, the boss's acid was burning through his skin more and more. The aura was leaving him just as fast as his adrenaline.

He didn't have long to kill the boss.

After a running start, he jumped at the snake with such force that he cracked the ground beneath him. While suspended in the air, he focused most of his aura into his weapon. To his surprise, it actually worked.

Multiple arms flew out of the ground now that the snake found its target again. They were all sliced apart, filling the air with an infallible venom that coated Nick, burning through even his aura.

The next moment he was attacking the snake; his sword easily sliced through its invulnerable scales. Using his sword, he sliced deep into the snake's neck and then kicked off, going higher with each jump.

Soon he climbed all the way to its jaw. The snake opened its mouth wide as it hissed, releasing poisonous vapor.

Nick paid this no mind and pushed through the pain of his skin almost melting. Because the snake opened its mouth, he had an easy place to land and then jump from.

His feet landed on the edge of the cavernous mouth with a heavy thud. The inside was spacious, large enough to swallow him in one bite.

But only if it was given the chance to.

Nick focused his aura into his legs and then, taking one final look up, jumped. The force of his jump broke the snake's lower jaw and even forced its head to fall. This didn't mess up his plans at all.

Soaring at least 4 meters above the snake, he locked eyes with the boss. As he focused all his aura into the sword one last time, a clear emotion formed in the snake's savage eyes.


Then Nick stabbed his sword into its brain and didn't stop there. The momentum of his fall dragged him to the ground, causing his sword to slice through the snake.

Once he finally hit the ground, the boss was cut clean in half.

Nick smiled at the sight of his first slain boss, even as he was covered in its blood.

>--< Boss killed: Desert Basilisk >--<


Before the system could finish its message, Nick passed out.