"There are 4 kingdoms in total in this world, which is actually just one unimaginably large land mass with sprinkles of smaller bodies of water mixed in. Each kingdom is relatively equal in size and establishes itself in a corner of the square that is civilization. At the center of this square, where all 4 kingdoms intersect, is the Tower of Eternity. Right now, we are in the far right of the Equestrian Kingdom, in what is ironically a big city despite its close proximity to the Forgotten Quadrant."
Ugyr picked at a slice of bread as she talked, using her claws to pull it apart grain by grain. It was a delightful topic, the weakness of civilization. How it always teetered on the precipice of destruction.
"Surrounding civilization is the Forgotten Quadrant, which like I've explained is a place filled with monsters. In fact, you funny mortals gave it that name for a very specific reason-"