Upgraded Goblin Slayer Pt.3

'Did Juliana just hug her?'

Nick blinked twice, making sure his eyes didn't deceive him. After the second blink, they were already apart, but he still felt what he first saw was true. Juls hugged Amelia?

'Maybe they're just happy they both ranked up?'

They were getting quite a few power-ups in a short amount of time. Maybe that was a way to get even Juliana to stop being a bich.

Nick jotted that down in his mental notebook before finishing his journey to the girls.

Juls quickly stepped aside, hiding Amelia's armor transformation. Up until now, that was her only spell–switching between two armors.

But Juls had just gotten a new spell herself when she ranked up, so Nick figured Amelia would too.

'Hey, system. Bring up Amelia's new skill.'