He pulled out the noise-cancelling headphones that had been recharged, put them on, then took out his small pillow and lay on the desk.
Just as his gaze aimlessly drifted towards the window, he saw the group from the school competition team walking past outside the window.
He wasn't sure if it was his misperception, but it seemed that recently the school competition team was always coming up from the corridor to the right of the international class?
Obviously, it was most convenient for the gold medal class to take the left corridor.
Moreover, they used to take the left side corridor too.
But now, this caused the frequency at which this group appeared outside the international class corridor to be particularly high.
Even Liam, someone who never cares about others and is indifferent to others, has noticed this.
The individual leading is called Richard Lincoln? Each time he passes by, he always glances this way.