
~Ava's POV

I was in the living room laying on the couch with my head buried in the pillow. I was beginning to feel sorry for mom.

Even though Tharros is gone, she still doesn't have peace. She even left the house without informing me beforehand.

I was patiently waiting for mom to get back so that we can have a proper conversation regarding her health. I was stupid to have yelled at her like that.

I didn't know where she went and I was beginning to get worried. I could have gone looking for her but I didn't know where she went and I couldn't guess either.

Mom had no friends and her family members stopped talking to us.

I remember the day when mom went to them, begging for some money because she thought she could treat the wound she had on her shoulder, but when we got there, they called us freaks and they chased us out, telling us to never come back.

Mom and I have been alone ever since. I am all that she has.

....my thoughts suddenly got interrupted by the loud sound of knocks on the door. The knock was quite unsettling. It was loud and repetitive. I could feel the doors and windows shaking as the knock became persistent.

At first, my heart raced, thinking of who it might be, but then, it might be mom.

Maybe she's in trouble.

I ran towards the door and when I opened it, it was Mrs. Miller's grandchild; Stella. She was about three years old and she had to raise her head completely to look at me.

I stepped back in fright.

She has really small hands…how did she manage to make the whole house shake.

"You freak!" I yelled at her, letting out all the anger that I had inside of me. She burst into tears and my heart still raced.

"Get yourself away from here and go back to your witch of a grandmother!" I yelled.

She looked directly into my eyes as she cried. "It's still in the kitchen," she said and she ran off.

I slammed the door and her words came rushing into my head.

What's in the kitchen?

Stella is just a child and she's only saying her usual nonsense, but that same child made the whole house shake with the way she knocked.

I swallowed, and with my chest traveling up and down as I moved, I walked towards the kitchen and I stood in front of the door.

I kept asking myself what Stella meant.

I turned the doorknob and the creaking sound of the door only fueled my growing curiosity.

I opened the kitchen door and I couldn't stop the scream that escaped my mouth. "Ahh!"

My whole body shivered at the sight of David's body, laying back in the spot where it was yesterday. My whole body trembled. My eyes were fixed on his body, laying lifeless and bloody.

I can remember clearly.

I can remember using the same butchering knife on the counter to dismantle the body yesterday. I cut the head first and I kept it in a plastic wrap. I went ahead to cut the rest of the body even though I had to deal with the stench.

I did it yesterday.

How is the body back here, in one piece?

"Ava!" Mom screamed as she ran into the kitchen. She stopped when saw Saw David's body. "What the hell," she mouthed, shivering, then she turned to look at me.

"Who do you think you are?" She asked me.

I never knew I wouldn't have an answer to such a simple question.

"Mom?" I called her and it looked like something left her. She shivered quickly and she hugged me. She hugged me so tight as she cried. "I'm not mad. Tharros never left. He never left, Ava!" She cried.

It wasn't mom who asked thay question. I'm sure.

"Hi," someone said next to us. The mother and daughter moment faded away in just a second and we both turned our heads, almost at the same time, and there was David.

He was standing on his feets, though not properly. His legs could barely hold the weight of his body and his face was a horrifying sight. His eyes were mashed up, bloody and ruined.

His neck was cut, almost half way.

There was a dead man standing in our kitchen.

Mom held my hands. Her breathing was sharp and loud. "What else do you want?" She asked. We already knew who it was.

He had dark smoke emitting his body and even with how messed up his face was, he still managed to smile. His head tilted towards mom and she suddenly let go of me.

"Mom," I mouthed. She wasn't saying anything. She had never been as silent as that her whole life.

Mom walked towards the gas cooker and David's head turned to her, all the way around. His head was completely turned backwards, and the cut revealed his bones and flesh.

Mom lit the gas and she placed an iron pan on it. "mom!" I called. I spoke but I couldn't even hear myself.

I went, mute.

I was speaking, but I wasn't heard.

All that I could do was cry and the dark aura around David grew thicker.

After waiting for the pan to get hot, I watched mom as she took off her own dress. I wouldn't talk, and I couldn't move.

I was looking at my mother, with tears streaming down my eyes.

She picked a rag, after the pan turned red. Mom carried it and with how hot it was, she placed it on her own shoulder.

I screamed on the inside.

The burning sound and the sound of mom's cries went deep into my ears. My whole body trembled as I watched my mother, burning herself.

She screamed!

She cried but she didn't stop.

She lifted the pain, still crying and her flesh had gone off. I couldn't stop looking. It was bloody.