The next day, Draven thought , I know I said I wasn't going to do anything, but my old man won't let me. His father had insisted that since John supposedly lacked magical abilities, he needed to train in self-defense.
His father had asked him which weapon he preferred. He thinks I've never thought about this before, Draven thought. In my past life, I used guns, but in this world, guns are useless. He knew boxing and was proficient with a dagger, but he preferred using his fists. "I'll use my hands," he told his father.
"Alright, son, let's begin," his father replied.
Even though I'm a mixed-blood, I can still regenerate, Draven thought. I don't know the limits because I don't want to seriously injure myself
He had envisioned an easy life of doing nothing, and he intended to stick to it. He rushed at his father, throwing the first punch, but his father easily blocked it, a playful smile on his face. "Try harder," he encouraged.
I won't lie, my old man is strong, Draven admitted to himself. Even if I used all my strength, I doubt I could even scratch him. He grinned and announced, "Okay, here I come!" He charged again, throwing a flurry of punches, but his father effortlessly blocked and dodged each one. "My turn now," his father said, finally retaliating with a strike.
Draven managed to block it, but he felt a sharp pain shoot through his hand; it was broken.His father chuckled. "Even if you were a hybrid, you're still a vampire, so regenerating a few broken bones is nothing," he said casually.
Draven smiled, and said old man you're really going all out with this self-defense training. He replied to his father, "Of course I can," and resumed his assault, throwing blow after blow until nightfall.
That evening, his mother taught him stealth and escape techniques. He thought to himself, This is not the easy life I wanted. Fuck, there's nothing easy about this. If they knew I could use magic, my life would be even harder. But seeing how much they cared for him warmed his heart. He smiled as he gazed up at the moon.