Bianca followed quickly after her mother and Elder Eryndorius Valtessar. The pair were talking about something she was not interested in, so Bianca decided not to pay attention.
As she walked, she sensed a familiar magical signature heading her way and tensed up. Seconds later, the person she was sensing—Aria Duskwood—walked into her line of vision.
The one who noticed Aria second was her mother, and then the elder did as well.
"Aria, did you come to visit me? Why don't you head back and wait for me in the drawing room? I will be there with you in a minute. I just need to show Elder Eryndorius something first… by the way, what were you doing down the hallway? Did you meet anyone?"
Bianca hardly ever saw her mother this nervous. But in this moment, her mother was almost sweating bullets.
Luckily for her mother, Aria Duskwood was too naïve to lie, and she just blinked at her mother before replying.
"I went down there because I wanted to find the pantry since I was feeling hungry. One of your staff told me that I was headed the wrong way and I needed to head this way. Did I make some kind of mistake?"
Aria asked her mother with an almost sorry and guilty look on her face.
Had anyone else made the same face Aria did, Bianca would have surely thought that they were acting. But because the one who was making this face and asking this question was Aria Duskwood, it felt believable.
After all, who in their community did not know about the second-ranked magician Aria Duskwood and her lack of common sense?
"Ah, it's fine, Aria. I am not angry, and you did not do anything wrong. It's just that… we had some dangerous people kept down there, and I did not want you to get hurt if you came across them. But since you say you did not meet them, then I will take your words for it. Ah, Bianca, why don't you go with Aria for now and show her where the pantry is? I am sure it will help a lot."
Bianca wanted to tell her mother "no," but the expression on her mother's face left no room for Bianca to interfere.
In the end, she turned toward Aria and bowed in front of her as a sign of respect.
"Grand Magician Aria Duskwood, please follow me. I will show you to the pantry."
Liam looked at the agitated half-dragon who was barely holding himself back from breaking the chamber apart and running away. And honestly, Liam was beginning to feel similarly as well.
He was close to telling Asger to break down the prison door so they could leave, but just seconds before he could speak it into existence, the door opened, and Emily Ross entered the room.
She had an older-looking man walking behind her. And just like Aria Duskwood from before, this man had a striking presence.
He felt much more powerful than a normal magician but nowhere near Liam's level.
However, unlike Aria from before, this man seemed to recognize Asger as a threat and immediately took a stance to take action if Asger tried to do anything… not that he would be able to stop Asger, but it was the thought that counted.
"Tsk, Emily Ross, where did you find this half-dragon and why is he out of the dungeon? Are you trying to get us all killed? Put it back where you found it—"
"How dare you say that, you puny human. I am going to burn you to crisps, and then I—"
Liam decided to interfere before hands could be thrown and someone could die. He positioned himself in front of Asger and between the half-dragon and the elder-looking magician.
"Uh, excuse me, but I would prefer if you don't talk to my familiar like that. And Asger, can you please calm down? We talked about not harming humans before, right?"
Seeing Liam enter the scene and the half-dragon calm down shocked a lot of people. But the old man just sighed before looking at Emily Ross for an explanation.
"Elder Eryndorius Valtessar, this here is a newly awakened Warden, and he accidentally got brought into the dungeon by my daughter. As you can see, the half-dragon boss of the dungeon decided to form a pact with him.
Ideally, I would like to kill the human bonded to the boss and send the boss back, but I don't think we should risk it this time."
Liam suddenly felt like his life was in danger, and the spoken words even managed to trigger Asger.
The dragon was only being held back by Liam's insistence to not attack. But that did not mean Asger was going to be calm verbally as well.
"Tsk, so these are the humans you want to protect? They sure have some loyalty and care toward you. Can I kill them all now?"
No matter how you looked at it, the situation was only getting worse by the second, and Elder Eryndorius noticed it as well.
So, he decided to make an executive decision to calm the situation down.
"I apologize. It seems as if my old age is catching up with me and making me a little wonky. Anyway, don't worry about a thing. I understand the situation, and I have concluded that we can let these two go… with some added security measures."
The old man replied, causing Emily to look shocked.
"Elder Eryndorius, what are you saying? How can we—"
"You asked for my opinion, and I am giving it to you, Guild Leader. Actually, there is no way we will be able to stop something as strong as this dragon boss if it decides to go berserk. It would be better to let it live a free life with the Warden it chose."
The old man confirmed, and Liam let out a sigh of relief.
'Well, looks like it is a good thing these people think I don't have magic. It seems that I will get to live another day without harm.'