129: Caught in a trap- Part 2

The usual hum of quiet chatter and mischievous grins was absent. Instead, several members of their little "society" were scattered around the room, whispering amongst themselves. Some glanced their way, their expressions guarded.

Zane ignored the shift in mood and strode forward, arms stretched above his head as he let out a loud, dramatic sigh. 

"Wow, it's way too serious in here! C'mon, lighten up, people."

Before he could do much to break the tension, a voice called from the back of the room.


Zane turned, grin widening at the sight of their leader. Ethan stood with his arms crossed, his cold gaze locked on Zane.


Ethan added.

Seraphina barely managed to get out a scoff before Zane practically skipped toward Ethan, looking like an eager puppy. She rolled her eyes again.

Zane followed Ethan into a smaller adjoining room. Once the door shut, he stood tall and saluted dramatically