143: The excitement- Part 1

"That human sure has a talent for babbling. I don't get what he means to say half the time," Asger complained from where he was sitting on top of Liam's shoulder. The half-dragon seemed to have no worries, and his drooping eyes told Liam that it was time for him to head back.

Despite that, Liam felt worry creeping into his mind.

Thinking back on what Victor had told him, it was easy for Liam to conclude that Victor knew something about the person he used to be in his previous life.

Even if Victor was trying to lie and say things just to make Liam trust him, Liam's instincts told him that he could trust Victor.

"Liam, you're not thinking of seeking this human out, right? Somehow, I don't have a good feeling about that man's invested interest in you," Asger commented from his spot on Liam's shoulder, and this time, Liam had to agree with him.