Alexander Drake was an ordinary office worker on Earth, living a monotonous life until a tragic accident abruptly ended it. When he opens his eyes again, he finds himself in a completely different world—a dark, ancient kingdom ruled by demons, where power is the only currency.
To his shock, he discovers that he has been reborn as the weakest demon in the lowest caste. However, fate has granted him a unique Demonic Ascension System, which allows him to absorb the power of defeated enemies, learn forbidden spells, and rise through the ranks of the demon hierarchy.
As Alexander navigates this brutal world filled with ancient ruins, powerful demon lords, and otherworldly creatures, he must harness his system to survive and thrive. His ultimate goal: to become the Demon King and reshape this world according to his vision.
But the more power he gains, the more he uncovers the dark secrets of this realm and the truth about his rebirth. Was it really an accident, or is there a greater destiny awaiting him?