Niamat – "Wait..! What? A Dodo? (Looks carefully) "Yeah! It is a Dodo. But, wasn't it extinct? Moreover, I had heard that it can't fly. Then how is it possibly flying? Also, it is a bit different from the one we see in the pictures. I never thought that real dodo would look like this. It is grey colour with medium sized grey featherwith bright red at the edge of the feather. Is it done by Robert? No, that can't be possible, coz Robert and Tom will not be knowing about where I am!" (Aside).
Niamat saw the bird getting disappeared.
Niamat – "Should I go back of it?" (Thinks a while) "Yeah! I should!"
When Niamat went back of it, she noticed the place where it got disappeared. It was in the sky, just next to a long tree, so long that it looked as if it touched the sky. Seeing this, Niamat was in dilemma of trying to follow it or not.
Niamat – "Oh no! Why have this Dodo come here? Now how am I supposed to follow it? No I can't! After all, I am phobic to heights." (After thinking deeply) "But, I want to know, if this Dodo is real, or a drone just as that of Robert's. Or is it, Robert's prank! No, no. Robert and prank can never go along together... I must defeat my phobia. I am strong. It's not much long. But, how am I supposed to go there? I can't climb trees. Even if I try, I can't climb so high. What should I do? How can any tree be so long? No! I can't think of my phobia again. But, how?"
While she was thinking all of this, she touched the tree. As she touched... a big monkey appeared in front of her, coming down from that tree. It was ten times the size of Niamat.
Niamat – "Have I got shrunk or anything, or have the rays of Doraemon's small light had fell on me. Ha! Ha! Ha! Doraemon it's just a fictional character! There is no monkey on Earth this big! I must have got upset and slept somewhere, and now I am dreaming. Yeah! Only this is possible. I am dreaming, just dreaming. What a terrifying dream! Alright! Wake up Niamat, wake up!" (Slaps herself)
The monkey forwards its hands, as though, asking Niamat to climb it.
Niamat – "Why am I not waking up? Why is this dream so long?" (Looks at the monkey). "But, when did I even sleep? I just ran from that college and subconsciously landed up here. Oh my God! Does that mean that... all of these are rea real)" (Stands silently for 2 secs) "Ok! I should climb into this monkey's hands... the only thing that can happen, is either, I will reach the top of this tree, or else reach the top" (Death). "If this is my end... then no one can stop it. I have to go!
She climbed on its hands and it took her to the top of that tree, with all security.
Niamat – "What? How can it happen? There is nothing here! But... but I saw that dodo coming from here and then getting vanished. Moreover, why will this creature appear in front of me and I didn't asked it to get me over here? It might be trained to bring someone here. But who? Ah! I can't understand anything. What if... Tom was right! What if there is an alien here. No, no! I have to be positive. But, it's sure, this matter doesn't end up here. I remember... in the movie 'Men in Black - International, that actress went across an invisible wall. What if it's the same here? What if this is just a 3D hologram?"
At first... Niamat lifted her hand in front, to see if it really vanished.
Niamat – "Ah! It vanished! But, I can feel my hands."
Then... she removed her hand (right hand) and put her face inside, and nothing except her face was visible. Seeing all these things. Niamat was very shocked and excited as well! Niamat suddenly thought of an idea. She had a butterfly pendant in her pocket.
As everything was invisible, so, she threw it down to see, if there is any way on which she can walk.
The moment, she threw that pendant, a circular yellow base formed around the pendant and a black light flashed in a straight line, from there, and then got disappeared.
She picked up that pendant, and was about to go to her friends, to tell them, about her new discovery, as she was over excited.
Niamat – (Looks down) "How am I supposed to go back now?"
Looks at the monkey sitting on a trunk besides her.
Niamat – (Begs) "I don't know, if you can understand my language. But, I have read that apes brain is very much similar to that of ours, because, you all are our ancestors." (Aside) ["Though I didn't believed in it earlier."] "Ohl Dear big monkey please get me down, just as how, you got me here. please... please... please..."
The monkey forwarded its hands again. Niamat climbed on it and reached down.
Niamat – "Ah! Finally. I am down. I must go to Robert and Tom and tell them about what I saw! They might be in that college... or on the way back to hotel."
While on her way back to college, Niamat finds Tom and Robert... tensed looking all around.
Niamat – "They might be tensed because of me... coming off from that place..." (Aside).
She goes to Tom and Robert. Seeing Niamat...
Robert – "Niamat!"
Tom – "You are fine right?"
Robert – "We searched you everywhere we came from. We were so tensed!"
Tom – "Where have you been? At least, you should have informed us..."
Robert – "I am sorry Niamat... I just wanted them to stop ragging you. So I did this. Actually I had brought that over there to show you, as I had customized the drone I had bought it yesterday, along with Tom, when we all were searching for a hotel last night! I am sorry! I seriously didn't knew that these things would happen. I didn't intended to hurt you, but everything went wrong. I am sorry, as because of me, your first day was ruined, also... you had to bare the humiliation.
Niamat - "I am angry with you, with both of you! So you would be getting a punishment. And your punishment is..."
Tom – "Punishment? Please don't give us any harsh punishment."
Robert – "Tom... Niamat... it was our fault, so we accept your punishment."
Niamat – "Sure?"
Robert and Tom looks at each other.
Robert – "Why is she asking this? Niamat never behaves like this... I mean, she never..."
Niamat – Stop whispering! Your punishment is... that you have to come with me."
Tom and Robert – "Come with you? But where?"
Niamat – "I had discovered a place!"
Tom – "Place?"
Niamat – "Yes! You can finally go for an adventure now!"
Robert – "Where is this place, and how did you discovered it?"
Niamat – "Stop asking questions and just come! Wasn't it your punishment? So now, just follow me!"
Tom – "Robert! Isn't this place scary?"
Robert – "Yeah! But we can't do..."
Niamat – "Didn't I said you both to shut your mouths?" (Aside) "They would be stunned to see that place."
Niamat, Tom and Robert reaches near that tree.
Niamat – "We had come!"
Tom and Robert looks at the tree, and then looks at each other.
Tom – "Do you want us to climb this Niamat?"
Niamat – "Well! Yes!"
Tom and Robert – "What?"
Tom – "I know it was our mistake, but Niamat, don't you think that this one is too much? I mean, we are not denying your punishment, but why this?"
Niamat – "Don't worry! This monkey will take us there!"
Saying this, Niamat touches the tree and closes her eyes and with all confidence she points at her right side.
Robert – "What are you doing Niamat?"
Niamat – (Looks to her right side and instantly becomes upset) "Ah! Where is that monkey?"
Robert – "What happened Niamat? Which monkey are you speaking about? Look You need to tell us everything!"
Niamat – (Nods her head) "Actually! After, that incident happened in college, I was very upset. I didn't realize, when I ended up, being, inside a forest. I was about to come back, but then..."
Tom – "Then what? Please don't create this suspense and stop waiting in between. Don't you all understand? I am curious!"
Niamat – "Ah ok! But then, I saw a dodo flying above..."
Robert – "Dodo?"
Tom – "Flying?"
Niamat – "Now who is interrupting?"
Tom – "Oh! Ok Sorry!"
Niamat – "At first, even I was confused. So, I tried to follow it."
Robert – "Tried to follow, or followed it?"
Niamat – "Followed it!"
Robert – "What? Seriously Niamat! You followed it? Do you even have an idea, how dangerous it could be? What if it was a drone?"
Tom – "What if it was an alien's spaceship?"
Niamat – "Neither it was a drone, nor was it an alien spaceship. Now, one more time, anyone of you speak in between, I will stop narrating!"
Robert and Tom looks at each other and then agrees.
Niamat – "So where was I? When, I followed it, I saw a huge tree. I just went near it, and a big monkey appeared!"
While Niamat was narrating, Robert and Tom whispered among each other.
Tom – "Robert what happened to Niamat? Don't you think, she is behaving weird?"
Robert – "Yes Tom! You are right! I guess, what happened in the morning, had made her mentally weak. After all, she has bared a lot till now. But, this one was really embarrassing."
Niamat – "See just like this... I went near this tree from here and then this big monkey appeared... What? Look! I said know? I am not lying. It's not a part of my fantasy. It really exists!"
Robert and Tom looked behind and found a huge monkey standing by their side and they both were really shocked to see it.
That monkey looked at Robert and Tom and was bewildered, and then went off...
Tom – "Niamat... whatever you said was true, I agree. But now, I just have one question. why did this monkey went back?"
Niamat – "I don't know Tom."
While, all three humans was trying hard to understand the matter, after four minutes, that monkey arrived with other two identical monkeys.
Those three monkeys forwarded their respective hands.