It had already been 2 weeks and Ryuzaki had gained a bad reputation in his classroom and several rumors had circulated in the school that he was a troublemaker due to the behavior he had with Hanako the previous time.
It was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon and Ryuzaki was on his way home from school with his friend Sora until...
(Ryuzaki):_ English classes are difficult for me, I can't pronounce most words.... **
(Sora):_ come on Ryuji what are you complaining about, it's only been 2 weeks, you just have to pass the final exams and you'll be in 2nd year with us!!!
(Ryuzaki):_ you say that Haci because you're smart, you're a being who knows everything...
(Sora):_Listen Ryuji I may be smart it's true, but I don't know everything "I only know what I know" you know? **Smile**
(Ryuzaki):_ ( ಠ_ಠ)
(Sora):_ why are you putting that car-....
(????):_ PLEASE!!! think about it some more yes !!!!
- Sora would be the one to hear the screams first and in the same way he would slow down Ryuzaki's pace just to pay attention to what was going on before turning the corner to continue in his direction...
(???? Boy):_ listen I can't do that.... We talked about this before... You make me feel uncomfortable
(Sora):_ [whisper]>>.... Ryuzaki... That's not Toshiko-san's voice?
(Ryuzaki):_ I don't care, I ... I just want to get to my house **stays beside Sora** 💭it's obvious I can hear it's her, is she asking her ex to get back together?💭
(Sora):_ really don't you care...?
- Just Ryuzaki remained thoughtful for a few seconds but was interrupted when Hanako's sobbing started to be heard....
(Hanako):_ ... Because... What did I do wrong ?... **Trying to wipe her tears with her trembling hands**....
(???? boy):_ you didn't do anything wrong.... You're just very cloying.... That's tiring you know...? Well I'm retiring I have things with my current partner...and you want to get over me? It's not that hard...**He's going the opposite side to where Hanako is**
- Just those last words broke Hanako who wouldn't stop crying even after the boy left then Sora was about to come out of his hiding place and Ryuzaki stopped him...
(Sora):_ Ryuji...?
(Ryuzaki):_ Let's take another way.... Let's leave her alone for a while....
(Sora):_ ... Wait...**grabs Ryuzaki by the shoulder** ... You know how it feels to be finished right, come on help her a little....
(Ryuzaki):_ why should I do it...? Give me a very good reason...
(Sora):_ because you need it ...
-Sora would just push Ryuzaki without caring about what he had to say and in the process giving him away to the girl who was still crying.
(Hanako):_ Ryu...!? **Trying to wipe away her tears** What are you doing? Since when were you there...? Did you hear what happened?
(Ryuzaki):_ Well...? A little bit... Don't let it get to you though, you know.... I went through al---.....
(Hanako):_ **grabs him by the collar of his uniform in annoyance and makes an effort to try to lift him up** DON'T FUCK ME BY SAYING THAT YOU WENT THROUGH SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!!! don't know anything.....
(Ryuzaki):_ how long were you two together?
(Hanako):_ what do you mean.... We had been together for a year... **
(Ryuzaki):_ a year huh? ... That was a very short time... In my case it was almost 3 years ...
(Hanako):_... Y-... What does it matter? I'm sure you're over it! Surely... you didn't even care about me!!!!
-After Hanako finished speaking Ryuzaki took her hands and separated them from the collar of his shirt being a little rough in the process....
(Ryuzaki):_ Yeah exactly I don't care at all!!!! ... This is what I earn for trying to help someone who doesn't deserve it..... You're just a child!!!
(Hanako):_ Yes I am!!!! And that with that at least I'm not a person who tries to look like she lacks feelings.....
(Ryuzaki):_ At least they didn't get tired of me so quickly!!!!!
- Not even a few seconds had passed and Ryuzaki had already received a slap on the right cheek by Hanako leaving him stunned by the situation, but she herself would not waste her time and would leave the place annoyed and with some tears on her face.
(Sora):_ **she comes out of her hiding place** ... Bad choice of words Ryuji.... What did you try to do...?
(Ryuzaki):_ Nothing special...**rubs his right cheek**
(Sora):_ I guess you tried to apply "Hikigaya's" and ?....
----------(Hikigaya is the main character of Oregairu, a great series, I highly recommend it for those who haven't seen it)-------
(Ryuzaki):_ **she adjusts her backpack** ...and what...?
(Sora):_ how much do you think it worked...?
(Ryuzaki):_ ...I think 20%...? (Ryuzaki):_ ...I think 20%...?
(Sora):_ **sigh** yeah yeah well let's go home.... I'm hungry...
(Ryuzaki):_ I agree...
(The next day)
-Ryuzaki had arrived at his classroom earlier than usual that day because of Sora so he opened the door and face to face the first thing he saw was Hanko
She was standing in front of him as if she was going out at that moment too and in the background was Sora greeting Ryuzaki
(Ryuzaki):_ .... ... What is this...
(Hanako):_ shut up and come! **grabs Ryuzaki by the collar of his coat and pulls him**
(Ryuzaki):_ but what? (
Sora):_ Lucky Ryuji (^w^) **smile**
(Ryuzaki):_ kbron!!!! What did you do???? **Tries to hold on to the door**
(Hanako):_ shut up already and come!!!! **She kicks him in the back and pulls him away at once to get him to let go**
-Hanako dragged Ryuzaki against his will and ended up dragging him to the terrace of the high school.
(Hanako):_ Ryuzaki....
(Ryuzaki):_ what's wrong with you, I was expecting you to be mad at me for yesterday....
(Hanako):_ And I am... But why did you do what you did yesterday?
(Ryuzaki):_ nothing just forced me....
(Hanako):_ ya... Ryuzaki you really didn't care about your previous relationship...?
(Ryuzaki):_ I guess Sora told you right... What happened when it happened...
(Hanako):_ more or less... I'm surprised that you're still here... I didn't think you were one of those....
(Ryuzaki):_ yes yes... Never mind I'll go back to the living room, it's cold out here...
Ryuzaki after that small talk he passes by Hanako's side giving her a light touch on the man but Hanako turns around to where he was and hugs him taking him by the back.
(Ryuzaki):_ O-o-o-o- ooooooye!!!! **(
Hanako):_ Thank you Ryuzaki...** (Hanako):_ Thank you Ryuzaki... Really thank you very much...**Let go** ...though that method wasn't the best thing to use....
(Ryuzaki):_ shut up ... Don't question my methods ( -////-)
(Sora):_ how precious you already know reconciliation now there are 3 of us right Ryuji ^w^
(Ryuzaki):_ Sora this was planned by you piece of ...
(Hanako):_ **put her hand on Ryuzaki's mouth to shut him up** right now we are friends, thank you very much for the help Sora....
(Sora):_ It was nothing...
(Ryuzaki):_ **she removes Hanako's hand from her mouth** DON'T FUCK ME YOU DOOOS !!!!