Chapter 1

Zion felt that he had underestimated the summer heat of Louisiana, but then again, he didn't think much about it before moving. He was sent out on a mission back up north; he knew he should just be happy to be here now. Not just happy. honored in fact. Little old town in the Deep South where good and faithful men and woman live; glory, glory to God. 

Everyone was excited for the new priest to come to town since the death of Father Louis. He seemed to roll into town like tumbleweed overnight, that Yankee. Of course, some were reluctant at first. But the young man's got an old soul, they said. They loved his preaching, his devotion to the gospel, and his old school teachings. It was hard to question him and exactly what his intentions were. 

To root out all the sin, of course. 

Can't argue with that. Everyone accepted him with open arms and attended his church every Sunday, singing his praises afterwards. 

Except the little lamb, Rosemary LaRoux. 

The young woman who was rumored to be the 'town witch", which is what they whispered in hush-hush tones to Zion between sermons. Caught collecting animal bones, stuffing Spanish moss into jars, seducing and luring good and honest men into the woods to sacrifice, and hex anyone who said a word about it. She, the lamb who was so far strayed. 

His partitioners complained how her presence in town made them uncomfortable. How her wicked demeanor was unsettling. Why couldn't she just go to church like all the other good girls here? She was unwedded at her age, no children, didn't give her life to God, and was worshiping the devil? That just won't fly here. Something must be done about it, and they turned to their wonderful new Father for help. 

There was a special teaching at the commune for lambs who lost their way home. Zion knows it all too well; he's used it on many of his followers, and his superiors once used it on him when he too lost his way. It looked like he would have to use it on this young lady causing such a ruckus here. Perhaps that was why he was called down to this little town. Zion will have to teach the witch who's in charge now. 

Zion feet scrapped against the gravel road, feeling beats of sweat forming on his forehead, his attire heavy and the darkness soaking up the sun like a blackhole. It had dawned on him in that moment he had never met a witch before. He was always told that they worshiped the devil, they succubi on earth here to tempt holy men like him. He was a confident man though, a woman such as that could never lead him astray, no matter the temptation.

 He turned the corner, going up to the address he was looking for. The house was small and weathered, the white paint chipping and a few old rocking chairs sitting on the porch. But it looked well-kept otherwise, the lawn neat and a white picket fence separating the backyard. He furrowed his brows as he looked up at the house, walking up the porch steps, pulling back the screen door and knocked. A moment or two later, a young woman answered. 

"Can I help you?" She asked, her voice more of a Southern Belle rather than a wicked old witch. Zion's gaze studied her for a moment, his brows twitching as he held back his disgust. She was pretty in that little black dress of hers, but it was no excuse to flaunt her figure and skin in such a way. 

"Good afternoon. I've been sent here by a few...concerned citizens of the town that attend my church. They believe you may be in need of spiritual guidance, and it's my duty to provide it to you. Do you have a moment to talk about your faith?" His voice was smooth, a smile cracked over his thin lips. The question hung in the air as he studied her face. She was rather beautiful, in an innocent way for someone rumored to be wicked. 

Rosemary gave him a polite smile and shook her head. "I'm not interested, thank you." she said softly as she began to close the door. Zion's smile faltered as he held the door with his hand. His touch was silent but firm as he held it from her closing it any further.

"I don't think you got the message, little lamb." He said, his voice like velvet but his emerald eyes gazing harshly down at her "I don't want these nasty rumors to continue about you, do you? I think we could put an end to all of them, you and me. I cannot tolerate straying sheep in this town." 

He may be lean, but he carries himself like the leader he is. The air crackles with an oppressive tension. Rosemary's gaze on him was unwavering, keeping her eyes locked on his. 

"I apologize. I'm not sure I follow, Father...?" 

"Father Zion. Please, don't play dumb with me. You know why I'm here." He gave her a harsh glare, his charming facade dropping fast "I've heard stories about you-that you dabble in witchcraft. I've decided to either cleanse you and the filth your sins have left on your soul, or rid of the evil that stands before me." 

"Oh, well Father. I hate to tell you but I'm afraid your efforts will be in vain. I don't plan on accepting Jesus as my Lord and savior anytime soon. Nor do I plan on moving out of the town I was born and raised in." She informed in, keeping that sweet smile across her ruby red lips "But I do appreciate the thought. You're most kind."

Her honey coated words were only an annoyance to Zion. She was more stubborn than he imagined, but he did enjoy a challenge. He wasn't the type of man to take "no" simply. 

"I'm not giving you a choice in the matter, little lamb. You are tainted with sin. Sin that must be cleansed." His eyes narrowed onto her, and he seemed to be studying her, as if he could see all the black marks on her soul. Rosemary kept her deep-sea grey eyes on him, letting him look down at her like she was the scum on his shoe. She said nothing to this at first, just letting out a little breath. 

"It's awfully hot out here. You wanna come inside and discuss this over some iced tea?" She sighed, placing a hand on her hip.

Zion took a small step away from her, releasing the door. He blinked at her, and for a moment there's a flicker of something different behind his eyes. A weakness, a confusion even. This meeting wasn't going as he expected. He thought she'd be more defensive, put up a fight even. Instead, she just invited him inside for some iced tea...

He quickly regains control of himself after a moment, his expression is once again cold. "I'm not thirsty." he said flatly.

"Sure you are, Father. Seems like you walked all this way under the hot sun, all in this black priest robes. Come, I won't turn you into a sacrifice or nothing." She teased with a grin "We can discuss more inside on how my soul is damned and whatnot all you want." 

That small flicker of curiosity sparks in Zion's eyes again hearing her offer. The way one could almost see his guard lower, just for a moment before his heavy walls are built right back up. He hated to admit it, but he was scorching in this weather. He stares at her for a moment before finally speaking. 

"I suppose some tea couldn't hurt. Perhaps a few moments of hearing me out in a more comfortable setting will open your eyes better."

"I'm sure, Father." Rosemary grinned, stepping aside and lead him inside. It was a bit cooler inside, but anything was better than what laid outside. The house smelled of burnt sage and incense. It was cluttered, almost overwhelming for Zion. He wasn't quite sure where to settle his eyes on. The walls were covered in dark oil paintings, old photographs, dried flowers wrapped in a bundle with twine, and some animal skulls. Books, half-melted candles, jars full of mysteries and other trinkets were scattered around the rooms. It was clear that every object in this house had a story to it, or perhaps a spirit tied to it. It was only right before Rosemary led him towards the back and into the kitchen, he noticed a black cat snoozing by the windowsill, soaking in the sunrays that poured in through the lace curtains. 

He turned his attention back to Rosemary. He felt that this house was as soiled as her and could only imagine how many spirits she had summoned to keep her company in her devil's paradise. 

Rosemary gestured for the priest to sit at the little wooden table in the kitchen while she went to the cabinet and grabbed two glasses. 

"So, Father, what brought you into town anyway? This isn't exactly the most popular corner of the south." She said as she set the glasses on the table. Zion sat down, keeping a sharp eye on her. 

"I felt called by the Lord to come here and cleanse the soul of the lost lambs. It's the ones who don't get enough attention that need it most." He said, watching her every movement as she went to the fridge to retrieve a glass pitcher of iced tea. "The congregation has informed me that you are the most trouble among them. So, it falls upon me to set you on the path of righteousness. And I will see that you follow it." 

Zion's tone is direct, leaving no room for compromise. His expression remains steady, his green eyes drilled onto her as if he was waiting for her to unleash any sudden movements as she poured him some iced tea.

"I didn't know they cared so much about me. Usually, they whisper nasty things about me to each other whenever I pass by them in town. I assume they've told you all the rumors about me?" She smiled at him as she took a seat across from him. 

"Indeed I have. Your deeds aren't exactly discreet from the sounds of it. You don't hide your practice, and you're known for hexing people and collecting animal bones, and other oddities I've been told. I'm sure your little rituals are very occult."

He leans back as he crosses his long legs, never taking his gaze off her. Rosemary lets out a little sigh, pouring herself a glass. 

"I try and be secretive about it. But people can be so nosey, aren't they? Especially when they're bored."

"If it's all true, it sounds awfully demonic. It attracts demons, doesn't it? Dark spirits that possess and corrupts the souls of mortals."

"Oh no, you're mistaken Father. There's no devil in my craft. No demons or nothing of the sorts." She gave him that sweet little smile that made Zion's eyebrow twitch. "I'm not looking to possess or corrupt any souls in this lifetime, so you have no need to worry about that." 

Zion's gaze deepened, his eyes narrowing at the witch who sat before him holding a glass of iced tea. Despite her hospitality and sweetness, he didn't feel swayed in the slightest by her. And frankly, he was getting annoyed with how coy she was being. 

"So, what do you do then? You haven't denied that you've hexed people here. I can only assume this is true?"

"Oh, goodness me, that was only twice." She sighed and rolled her eyes, but then let out a chuckle before taking a sip of her tea. He arched a dark brow, clearly unamused. 

"So you are hexing people?"

"It was only on an ex who cheated on me, and the girl he was sleeping with." She shrugged "Word only got out when he got chlamydia and yet they still pointed a finger at me. Now, I can only hope it was because of my hex, but somedays I think that was just because the girl he was sleeping with was no better than him." she added with a sly smirk.

For a moment Zion was unsure of what to say. She was clearly an open book. Maybe a little too open, but at least he felt the comfort of knowing she would be truthful with him. Or was this just a trick to gain his trust? 

"What about the animal bones?" He pressed on, not really caring to hear more about a silly old ex-boyfriend. He was certain she's casted other spells on people, and over time she would confess to it. She was just playing the victim now. 

"The bones are true; I like collecting them." She nodded with an eager grin "They made nice decor and sit nicely on my alter. I believe the animal's spirit is still tied to them, and I like to honor their spirit by bringing them into my home." 

"You are at least aware how macabre this all looks, right? It's scaring people here." 

"People are only afraid of what they do not understand, Father." 

"You've made it perfectly clear to me what you do, little lamb. And its not pretty." 

Zion pressed his lips together, his gaze darkening as he glared at her. Yet her expression was unwavering, smiling at him as she sipped her tea. "I was also informed that you seduce men and lure them into the woods."

"Now what did they say about that? That I force them into an orgy with the devil, or that I use them as a sacrifice?" She grinned widely at the priest. Zion scowled deeply at her.

"You tell me, witch." 

"I wish I had the ability to seduce men in this town, but they avoid me like the plague since that little chlamydia-hex two years ago." She let out a laugh "I can't even ask a man on the street for the time, let alone take them to the woods all alone." 

Zion said nothing, only processing her words. He felt a little confused, she would deny these accusations, and yet there was still some truth to it that she was still confident enough to admit. 

"How old are you?" he asked, as if he was even suspicious of that. 

"I'm twenty-five. How old are you, Father?"

"Old enough to have authority over you." He answered as if he was speaking down to a child. He was only twenty-eight.

Zion opened his mouth to speak again, but Rosemary quickly cut him off. 

"How's your tea, Father? Any good? It's a recipe the women in my family have passed down for years now."

"I-the tea is fine!" He snapped. Zion was getting agitaed here. He was trying to keep his temper under control, but this girl kept throwing him off course. He had to admit, this was the first time he had delt with a witch before. He had only seen his superiors knock sense into wicked woman like her, but it didn't take long before they were crying and begging for forgiveness. He feels as if she was undermining his power with her relaxed demeanor, and he was finding it intolerable. 

"The women in your family were witches, I take it. Another sin to stack atop of your long list of blasphemes, huh?"

"Oh, they were. My mother, my grandmother, and her mother were all witches. My grandmother was what you'd call a kitchen witch. I've got loads of delicious recipes from her. I'll have to make you something from her cookbook sometime." She smiled brightly at him

"Well, isn't that cute?" Zion's expression tightened, his jaw clenching. What a line of wicked women. All of them so steeped into witchcraft that they couldn't even see the depravity of their sins and passed it onto their own children. And yet what made him the maddest was how...nice she was being. She can't be this innocent. "But I'll have to decline. I would not dare put something so pagan into my body. You are an unholy woman, anything you make would be tainted with sin."

"Mmhm, but it tastes so delicious." She leaned forward, grinning at him "Where are you from anyway, Father? You've got a northern accent." She observed, folding her hands into a hammock and resting her chin on it. 

"I..." Zion pauses. She threw him off with this question. Of all the things she could ask, she asks about his origin. But he does not want to be distracted again, throwing all these off-topic questions about him. "Where I'm from doesn't matter."

"Lemme guess..." She trailed off, studying his face. This made him shift uncomfortably in his seat. He opened his mouth to cut her off, but she beat him to it "Somewhere in New England, right? New York, maybe Vermont? You seem like a small town, country boy yourself."

Zion stares back at her with a scowl, and it was clear his patience was running out. He uncrosses his legs and leans forward a bit, his bright green eyes locked on her. 

"Why do you insist on asking so many questions about me? My past is not relevant to you; only my status as a priest of the Lord and the cleansing of your sins." 

"I'd like to get to know you, if you're gonna get to know me." She answered simply with a shrug of her shoulders, that smile across her damn lips never falling.

She was being too friendly with him, her charm too potent. "The only thing that matters is for me to cleanse your soul. There is nothing to know. Nothing else about me matters to you."

"Sure it does." She insisted with a wave of her hand, "It's not every day I get company. And you were sweet enough to come and pay me a visit."

Zion was speechless now. He couldn't tell if this was a form of manipulation to charm her way out of the situation, or she was just extremely oblivious. He was unsure who the biggest fool sitting here was now. 

"Now, I hate to be a bad hostess, but I do have a few errands to run. I hope you understand, Father. But it has been a delight having you over." She said as she stood from the table and began to pick up the glasses. 

"And how do you get your daily sustenance? Do you just steal food from people's home, or is the devil so generous as to drop off groceries at your door?" 

Rosemary burst into laughter as she set the glasses into the sink. Her sudden fit of laughter made Zion jump a bit, but then felt his face grow hot with anger.

"You crack me up, Father! That would be mighty generous of him, wouldn't it? But just like you, I go to the grocery store. Only I ride my broom over." she added, throwing a wink at him over her shoulder. Her sense of humor was wicked, and she only mocked him. He stood to his feet, the chair scrapping against the wooden floor loudly. 

"I think it's time you stop acting like a sweet little girl. I know was lurks beneath that mask of yours. I know your true intentions. I'm not a fool to fall for your feminine charms." 

Rosemary blatantly ignored him, stepping over to a tall cabinet and began to rummage around. Zion's eyebrows knitted together, his head cocking to the side as he watched her. 

"What are you doing now?" 

"I don't like my guest to leave empty handed." She said as she took out a small tin box, stepping over and handing it to him. He examined the box. It looked hand painted, a navy-blue box with yellow moons and stars on it. "It's tea I've made from my herbal garden, chamomile and lavender. It helps you sleep and have good dreams." 

Zion frowned, opening the box and smelling it. "I bet you're trying to poison me." he muttered as he put the lid back on.

Rosemary laughed "If that's what you think, you don't have to accept my gift. Not to be rude, but I couldn't help but notice the dark circles under your eyes." She pointed a finger to the purple circles that made the green in his eyes stand out more "I get those too when I haven't been sleeping well. But I swear that tea will get you caught up on your sleep in no time." 

The priest felt his cheeks go hot with embarrassment at the witch for pointing out his fatigue. But he couldn't deny that he had not had a good night's sleep in years. Of course, he would not admit this to her. However, he was not sure what to say now. 

"Now, I best get ready to head out. But feel free to drop by whenever you please, and we can talk more about my impure soul and whatnot." She grinned at him, placing her hand on his elbow and led him to the front door. 

Zion blinked, unable to believe what was happening right now. Not only was she dismissing him after he told her just how vile her sin is, but she was inviting him back into her home as if this was the most normal thing to do. She was treating him like any priest that came to your home would.


He was truly flabbergasted. 

"Alright. But you're not out of the woods yet. I'm far from done dealing with your soul, witch."

"Sounds good to me, Father." She nodded and opened the door for him, gently pushing him out "Now, you come back anytime. Keep me and my tainted soul in your prayers now. Bye-bye now."

Zion said nothing as he stumbled onto her porch and down the steps, watching as she waved him on before closing the door. He walked angrily off into the streets, replaying their who encounter in his head. He felt the angriest at himself. How on earth did he just let her dismiss him like that? Nobody had ever been so defiant with him. And she was so...nice to him, even after everything he said about her. He looked down at the tin box full of handmade tea bags she gave him. He scoffed to himself, his pace quickening as he headed back to his church.