

"Urrgh" he grunts into my ears as I palm his dick in my hands through his pants. His tongue flicked on my earlobe, his teeth grazing it gently almost at the same time.. He slides his hand under my skirt, trailing his fingers torturously around my folds.

"uhh" A gentle moan escaped my lips as more fluids coated my panties. He takes his hand to my bare ass, squeezing it gently. For a brief second my ass becomes bare until he brings his hands down in a heavy spank.

"Oh God!" Another moan escapes my lips, making him grind harder into me, backing me further up against the wall.

"You like that huh?"

The sound of his voice coated my panties with more juices. I held tightly onto his inked arms, using him to support my weight as my legs were threatening to turn jelly.

"Fuck." I whispered, closing my eyes at the ecstasy of his hands and tongue performing wonders on my body.

"You might want to speak up bambina, let me hear that sexy voice quivering at the feel of my touch."

"Fuck, yes!" I breathed out loudly this time around.

He took his finger to the centre of my pussy and tried to push 2 fingers in, but my legs closed up on instinct.

"The next time you close your legs when I try to finger you, I'll make sure I take you right here in the middle of this living room in front of these men. Do I make myself clear?"


I had completely forgotten we were in the living room, doing all these in front of the men stationed at the corners of the room. The pleasure took me out of this world.

He tried a second time, and on instinct, my legs closed again.

"I think it's time you do away with that virginity of yours. You asked for it."

He raised me up so I can wrap my legs around me, getting me a bit comfortable. Sliding down his pants and brief, his dick sprang out, coming in contact with the entrance of my pussy..

"Brace for impact." He whispered into my ears, preparing to push into me. Just as he positioned properly at my entrance, my eyelids fluttered open.

I blinked rapidly, trying to regain my sight because it was pitch black. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, bringing me back to my cell room in the underground basement.

It was a fucking dream!

I sat up properly placing my back against the wall, and trying to steady my breath after the dream I just had. I moved towards the iron bars, trying to breathe the little clean air I could inhale.

As I stretched my legs forward, they hit a plate. I jumped, startled, but quickly registered what happened before stretching forward to see what was on it.

"They're apples."

I jumped again at the sudden sound of the voice, my heart beating erratically against my chest.

"Did I scare you?" The voice asked again.

"Who are you?" I asked blindly, trying to trace where the voice was coming from since it was dark.

"I'm your cell neighbour, I'm stored right opposite your cell."

"You've never spoken to me, why now?"

"You fascinate me?"

"I Fascinate you? How?" I asked with a confused look on my face even though he/she couldn't probably see it. I couldn't tell from his voice if they were a male or a female. My stomach grumbled in protest, making me pick the apple and sinking my teeth into it.

"Don't you want to know where the apples came from? You woke up to a plate of apples beside you and you're taking a bite, what if they were poisoned?"


Immediately, the apple fell from my hand, as I spit out the one I was already chewing. A chuckle escaped their lips at my reaction.

"I'm not saying they are, I'm just giving instances."

"How are you even seeing me?" I blurted out the question that had been lingering on my mind.

"I've stayed here longer than you can imagine, my eyes have already pretty much adapted to the darkness."

"What's your name?" I asked another question I've been wanting to know, picking up the apple again and biting it.


"Oh, so you're a guy?" I said in a bit of a surprise.

"Ouch! You hurt my feelings. Do I sound that much like a girl?" He said, chuckling a bit afterwards.

"Not really, I just couldn't tell if I was talking to a male or a female."

"You haven't told me your own name."

"It's Sophia." I replied, pushing the remaining apple into my mouth. "You still haven't told me why or how I Fascinate you." I spoke again, bringing my knees up to my chest.

"Haven't you noticed how differently they treat you?"

"Differently? You call this a different treatment? Locking me in a cell to sleep on the hard, cold floor? Not being allowed to wash up or take my bath? Forcing me to do things I don't want to do? You call that a special treatment?" I asked in amusement that was very evident in my voice.

"But you go out once in a while to see the light of day, and you are given food regularly. Isn't that a different treatment?"

"You weren't given any apples?"

His voice came out in a dry chuckle after my silly question. I didn't know I was the only one given the fruits. I felt guilty.

"I don't know how long I've been in here since I can't keep track of time, but I know I've been in here for a while now, and I've only eaten four times. I don't know about the rest of the people here, that is if they are still alive. You have a better chance of getting out of here alive and quicker than the rest of us."

I wanted to say something in reply, but the sound of the basement door opening made me swallow my words. And somehow I knew they had come for me.