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[Pelham Ave, West LA, 13:00, 31/07/2021]
The sweltering afternoon heat beat down on Jace as he loaded two large duffel bags into the trunk of a cab. Despite the close proximity of their new apartment to the UCLA campus, he had no plans of carrying his large duffel bags all the way to campus. His two sisters had loaded his bags to the brim seemingly finding things they believed he needed.
"Alright I'll see you guys later, stay safe," He told the two as he pulled them into a quick hug. "Don't pout I'm just a phone call away," he said to Kyra as he proceeded to slip into the cab. Waving goodbye he motioned for the driver to go, five minutes later a couple of left and right turns the cab's tyres hissed softly as it rolled to a stop at the imposing gates of UCLA.
Stepping out of the car, Jace's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene as his heavy duffel bags thudded the pavement. "Cheers man," He told the Cab driver handing him a $20 bill as he turned to take in the sight in front of him. Despite it still being summer break the campus, walkways were polished and sun-dappled courtyards, were a world away from the cracked sidewalks from Crenshaw.
Jace adjusted the strap of one of his bags over his shoulder, letting out a slow breath as he took in the view. The grand, red-bricked buildings of UCLA stood tall in the sun, their arched windows reflecting the midday light. Despite the summer break, there were still students scattered around—some jogging, others lounging under the shade of trees, and a few hauling suitcases like him, likely early arrivals for various programs.
He had barely shifted his weight to start moving when a voice called out from nearby. "Yo! You Jace?"
Jace turned toward the source and spotted a tall, broad-shouldered guy in a UCLA football T-shirt and shorts, leaning casually against a black Jeep parked near the gate. His arms were crossed, and he had that easy self-assured confidence of someone who knows the world revolves around him. His light chocolate skin was by bulging muscles that locked compactly in his lanky frame making him quite handsome.
All that was matched by his brown eyes that glowed in the sun and the box braids that framed his face. Jace immediately knew who the guy was the moment he looked over as the guy is quite popular in the city. Isaiah Windfield a four-star wide receiver who had dominated for the Bruins towards the end of his freshman year with a string of good games.
It was his sophomore year where he truly dominated despite Covid trying its best to halt the league. The numbers he put up despite this made him the brightest star for the Bears almost landing in the top five conversation for the Heisman. Following the school's sports program's embezzlement scandal and managerial shake-up, he received offers from Powerhouse School to transfer but he decided to stay in the end.
"Yeah that's me, what's it to you though," Jace responded as he bent down to pick up his other duffel bag as he locked gazes with the guy. He respected the guy's achievements and loyalty but that did not mean he admired him like some fanboy.
"Well, that depends do you really have a canon for an arm, or was all the news just hype?" Isaiah shot back sounding serious despite lazily leaning on his Jeep.
"I don't know but I guess we'll find out soon enough," Jace said, slinging the other duffel bag over his shoulder. "You my babysitter or something?"
Isaiah chuckled at his response, pushing himself off the Jeep with an easy motion. "Fair enough. And yeah hop in I'm supposed to show you around or something like that but you did your visit, right? Don't matter if you didn't just ask someone who is not me when you get lost, Cedar's a bit of a walk, and I ain't got the motivation to watch you struggle with those bags in this heat."
Jace smirked at Isaiah's bluntness, tossing his duffel bags into the back of the Jeep before sliding into the passenger seat. "Yeah, I did my visit, but I wasn't exactly paying attention to where the dorms were. Figured I'd deal with it when I got here."
Isaiah snorted as he started the engine, the Jeep rumbling to life. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Most guys just follow the herd the first few weeks. But Cedar's not too bad, you got lucky with a corner room—less noise, better view."
Jace settled into the seat, glancing out the window as Isaiah pulled onto the campus road. The car rumbled past pristine lawns, modern buildings mixed with classic red-brick architecture, and a few scattered students who barely paid them any attention.
"So, you been working out?" Isaiah asked, keeping one hand on the wheel while adjusting the volume on the radio with the other. The bass-heavy beat of a Kendrick Lamar track filled the Jeep, blending into the LA heat.
"I guess," Jace replied. "Footwork drills, throwing mechanics, weights. Had to stay sharp."
"Most new recruits just spent the summer partying like prisoners who received their first taste of freedom. You signed any NIL deals yet?" Isaiah responded as they turned a corner before shifting the conversation to the most exciting topic for any college athlete.
"Yeah, just a Lil something with a gym brand what about you?" Jace said perking up lightly ready to hear first-hand what kind of deals or offers someone like Isaiah would have received. He had heard pundits talk about how only the top athletes got the best deals and the other players got the dregs that were left over.
"My guy you are sitting in it, we are waiting for the regular season to start before announcing it but you are looking at the official ambassador for Jeep. Signed a 2-year contract with them a week ago and the bread is just as good as you are imagining." Isaiah said with a satisfied grin as he proceeded to pull out an American Express Centurion Card. Not stopping there he pulled his hoodie down showcasing a large diamond-encrusted chain with the number 7 his jersey number.
Jace let out a low whistle, nodding in approval. "Jeep and an Amex Black Card? Yeah, you're definitely eating good."
Isaiah chuckled, tucking the card back into his wallet before focusing back on the road. "You gotta know your worth, man. We're walking businesses now. If you ball out, the deals are gonna come. But don't be stupid with it. I heard a guy blew through 3 million in just a week on gambling, chains and cars only to have to go into debt. Now he trying to sell all that shit to cover the deficit."
"Dang how do you even blow through a Milli in a week let alone 3?" Jace exclaimed now sitting straighter in his seat.
Isaiah shook his head, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Easy. You take ten of your boys to Vegas, rent out a penthouse suite, start betting like you're invincible, buy everyone designer drip, and before you know it, you're calling your agent asking why your account's in the red."
Jace let out a low chuckle. "Yeah, that's not gonna be me. I worked too hard to get here."
"Just wait until those big money deals start knocking at your door and money starts whispering ideas into your ears."
Isaiah tapped the wheel as they approached a parking lot near the dorms. "You got people looking out for you? Agent, financial guy, someone who won't let you do dumb shit?"
"Naw my folks are dead," Jace responded causing the atmosphere to turn awkward but he continued speaking as if he didn't just say that. "My sister handled my first deal but she studied fashion and design so it's probably not a good idea to rely on her for future negotiations."
Isaiah let out a slow breath and nodded. "Yeah, I get that. Respect to your sister for handling business, though. Not everyone's got family who actually looks out for them like that."
Jace just shrugged, adjusting his duffel bag on his lap as the Jeep rolled into the parking lot. "My big sis be moving like Wonder Woman fr,"
"Anyway, welcome to De Neve Plaza, you're in Cedar, right?" Isaiah asked, despite already knowing the answer.
To be Continued...