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Jace gave a half-chuckle, half-sigh. "It looked like you were enjoying the view though," he said with a teasing smile causing her eyes to widen in embarrassment. "I'm Jace Lyon by the way,"
"No, I wasn't, there just in my face, Like baboons but you didn't ask to see them but they are just there practically glaring at you. So hurry up and get dressed and help me fix our room situation," Alex defensively exclaimed her face reading further but this time Jace couldn't tell whether it was due to embarrassment or anger.
He didn't care though as his mind seemingly stopped on the Baboons butt comment, 'did she just?' he wondered, looking into her Havel eyes. She stood at a height of 5'9 with her curly blond hair falling around her shoulders, the sunlight catching it and making it shine. Despite her defensive glare, Jace noticed how her round glasses and soft features made her look more cute than intimidating.
However, he was in no mood to deal with her, especially after her comment and he already had a bad impression of her for just appearing in his room. Clearing his throat, "You made the mistake, so you should figure this one out on your own, Jace got places to be, now leave so I can get changed this ain't OF,"
Following his words he didn't waste a second listening to her protest as he used his free hand to nudge her shoulder and nudge her towards the door. Before Alex could even realise what was going on she found herself staring at the closed door of room 411. Stunned, Alex stood there for a moment, staring at the closed door.
Part of her wanted to bang on it and demand he let her back in, but she swallowed her pride and pushed away the knot of anger tightening in her chest. Taking a calming breath, she glanced around the hallway, her mind racing with what to do next. She pulled out her phone and checked her messages again. Riley's group chat was blowing up with photos of the party at Alpha Phi Alpha and texts about how she should hurry up. Normally, she'd be all for it, but right now she had a bigger mess to handle.
"Seriously?" she mumbled under her breath, rubbing her temples. "First day on campus, and I somehow landed in this mess. Plus who talks about themselves in the third person." just then her phone buzzed with an incoming call—it was Riley.
"Hey, Alexa, where are you?" Riley's voice was loud and cheerful on the other end, the sounds of the party echoing in the background.
Alex sighed. "I'm in my dorm hallway. Turns out Housing messed up and put me in a room with a guy. He kicked me out so he could change."
"What?" Riley burst into laughter. "You're serious? Is he hot? Co-ed mix-ups happen, just go talk to your Resident Advisor and you should be good, but if he is hot why do you want to move?"
"Cause I can already tell he is the self-serious type and probably had everything handed to him since day one with an ego bigger than Texas," Alex answered, her voice flat. I'll meet you at the party after I sort this out."
"Alright, hurry up. The cheerleaders just turned up and practically all the good yummy ones are falling like flies,"
Alex simply ended the call at her words and trudged down the hall, hoping the RA's office was open. She'd spotted a small sign on the first-floor bulletin board earlier that read "Resident Advisor on Duty: Dylan (Room 101)". If anyone could fix this quickly, it'd be the RA.
Sure enough, a few minutes later, she found herself outside Room 101, knocking lightly. The door opened to reveal a slim, bespectacled guy with a friendly smile, he wore a glow stick necklace around his neck as he dawned on a large Hawaiian shirt. From the looks of it, he seemed to be just on his way out probably to this party everyone was talking about.
"Hi there, need any help," he asked in a polite but slightly distracted tone.
"Yeah," Alex replied, trying not to sound exasperated. "I'm Alexandra Jacobs, a new freshman, and Housing put me in 411, but my roommate is… well, he's a guy."
Dylan's eyebrows shot up but quickly furrowed in the next moment. "That's definitely not correct but look what do you want me to do about it? My job is to bring your problems to the school's management and in case you haven't noticed they are still on holiday. School don't start until September more than a month away and even then I doubt you could find another room most were assigned months ago only student-athletes still get rooms."
"But I'm with the soccer team," Alex tried to protest seemingly looking for a lifeline to her predicament.
However, upon hearing her comment, Dylan burst out laughing, "Ahaha, Woman's soccer girl you have no luck. In order of importance, these are the sports and its athletes the school cares about: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Gymnastics, Women's basketball, Track and field, tennis, and only then maybe soccer. Your best bet is to move out and pay for accommodation yourself or join a sorority and hopefully gain a bed in their house,"
Alex frowned, trying to keep her irritation in check. "But I'm a student-athlete too. I'm here for the women's soccer program. There's got to be a way to fix this. I can't stay in a room with a guy for who knows how long."
Dylan shook his head, looking sympathetic but still shrugging. "I get it, but I don't make the rules. Right now, most admins are still on break, so even if I email Housing, I probably won't hear back for days. Maybe your coach or the athletic department can pull some strings—but that's out of my hands."
Alex let out a frustrated breath, clutching her phone tighter. "Alright, I'll talk to my coach. There has to be someone who can help."
"Yeah, do that," Dylan said, slipping on a pair of flip-flops. "If you can't work something out, I guess your last option is an off-campus sublet or maybe the sorority angle. Sorry, but that's the reality."
"Right," Alex mumbled, forcing a polite smile. "Thanks anyway."
"Sorry I couldn't help more, I'm headed to the Alpha Phi Alpha if you're going I can give you a ride," Dylan offered as he stepped out of his door letting it close behind him.
Alex forced a small smile and looked at Dylan's flip-flops. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll just walk. I need some fresh air."
He smiled at her words, "Smart move you don't know me, I could be a serial killer for all you know. But it's at least a 15-minute walk around campus and with this heat, you'll be talking to god before you reach so let me give you a ride."
"haha, Oh, so you just gone casually mention that you could be a serial killer and then insist on offering me a ride?" Alex half chuckled as she arched her eyebrow walking with him down the hall. "I may not look it but I've been tipping cows since I was six."
"I call BS, plus you're not my type even if I was a serial killer. I need a better origin story than a country girl in the valley who tips cows," Dylan teased, shrugging as they made their way down the hallway together.
Alex gave a short laugh inadvertently snorting mid-laughter but quickly played it off. "You sound like you're writing a script for a horror movie. Maybe you should stick to being an RA."
"Please everyone's a wanna-be writer, actor and producer in LA, but I'm just an RA for the free room," Dylan said, jingling the keys in his pocket. "Anyway, I'm parked right outside, so if you want that ride, let's go. The party's not far, but with this heat, you'll melt by the time you get there."
Alex weighed her options for a moment. She still needed to talk to her coach, but she doubted she'd get an immediate response on a Saturday afternoon. Plus, walking alone in the sun didn't sound appealing. She gave Dylan a nod. "Alright, you win. Let's go, Mr RA Killer," she exclaimed as they outside into the bright afternoon, and Alex squinted as the hot air hit her face.
"Oi that's a stupid name, I'm not killing myself. Country girl slasher sounds better," Dylan exclaimed in indignation as he led her to a beat-up old Jeep that looked like it had survived more than a few college adventures. "Anyway this murder machine is called Betty, hello love"
To Be Continued...