Unwanted Visitor- Part 2


The three electrical snakes launched by Zin clashed with the shields of the six undead soldiers who formed a barricade to received the blow. Sparks of electricity can be seen as white smokes arise from the electrically toasted knights.

**Trgsshhhh trgsshhhh

**Lightning intensifies further. Thunder becoming louder

Jui raised his wand towards the undead soldiers. The purple energy flowed from him to the damaged undeads. He then knelt to one of his knees as his energy got drained.

The electrical damage of the undead soldiers healed partially before the purple energy stopped as Jui felt more exhausted.

"You are great Zin, but it will take more than that for you to dispell my summons. Hahaha." Jui laughed despite his visible struggles.

"Haha. This is fun Ravenal." Zin replied. She is also starting to feel drained after all his previous battle with the monsters and afterll launching a powerful attack.

"But, if you think that's all spell I have in my arsenal, then you and your undead soldiers underestimate me much."

Zin, with two hands, held her wand towards the sky, and with her remaining strength started emchanting.

"You, oh guardian of the golden sky. Heed my call and come forth to my rescue. Devour my enemies, I plea, and hear me as I summon thee! "

"Avis Tonitrui!"

Zin's mono-swirl glowed intensed gold and then a burst of golden energy enveloped her before radiating towarss the sky like a golden beacon. The color of her energy matches that of the lightnings that are currently very chaotic above.

Zin's golden glow formed a very large summoning circle above her. Sparks of gold can be seen from it. Some white sparks can also be seen.

*Flapping wings sound


From the large golden summoning circle, a white thunderbird, a mythical creature that can be contracted by Magia Wielders appeared.


The majestic creature flaps its eight wings as it balances in the air.

"Attack them, Lightner!" Zin commanded her contract creature.


The thunderbird flapped its wings intensely making the extreme weather to become harsher. As its wings glowed ready to launch an attack, a heavey rain fell to the ground.

The heavy rain drenched the forest as it fells.

Jui and Zin's teammates still watch from a distance as they launch a barrier to protect them from getting very wet.

"Tsk..what a show off this woman is." Jui muttered as he prepared for the Thunderbird's attack

"Gather round and prepare for battle!" Jui commanded his soldiers.

As if getting his command, the soldiers formed another barricade. Their shield are now placed in front and above them, while their swords awaits in between the shields.


The thunderbird, with now glowing wings, sweep down lower before stopping on mif air. It extended its wings and a lot of sparks came out from it. A barrage of electricity fell upon the undead soldiers who are now trying to resist the attacks.

The sparks of electricity travelled across some accumulated puddles on the ground as it disperses on the surroundings.

*Trgsshhhh trgsshhhh trgsshhhh


The undead soldier's metallic shield, sparks and turned red from the heat of the electricity before going back to normal as rain cooled it down. The attack continued until one-by-one, the soldiers released a white smoke, before fading and disappearing from view.

"Haha. What the freak!" Jui, now drenched, laughed a little in frustration.

"Surrender now, Ravenal!" Zin muttered as she tries to maintain her composure. She is drained of energy as well. Summoning the thunderbird takes a huge tall on her body.

"In your wildest dreams! No Ravenals surrender from fight!" Jui said

With his last remaining energy. Jui kneeled on the ground. He puts hold his wand on his chest. He then placed his arm together like that of an ancient mummy. He closed his eyes before bowing his head down.

He then started to chant.

"You, oh guardian of the afterlife. Heed my call and come forth to my rescue. Devour my enemies, I plea, and hear me as I summon thee! "


Jui's mono-swirl glowed purple. It intensified until it envelope his whole body with purple energy. He then opened his eyes and in instance stabbed his wand towards the ground.

The purple energy swarmed on the ground, creating a large purple summong circle with dark glow.

*Grrrrrr...rafff rafff!

From the summoning circle, a large black dog emerged from the ground. The black dog has three heads and large jaws. It emits a fiery heat the dissipates the rain as it touches its fur.

**Grrrr Raf Raf!


"Now, it's a fair battle." Jui smirked.

Zin and Jui's teammates hurried beside them as they see them too drained to maintain themselves from standing.

"HA! Nice assistance free-loaders." Jui remarked as his two teammates hold him from his sides.

"Thanks Uno and Dos, I think I get to have the fun I am looking for. Never thought this Ravenal is tough as well..haha." Zin mentioned as Uno and Dos guides her from falling.

"Are you ready to face defeat Hawkins!?" Jui shouted amidst the falling rain.

"Never even thought such a thing Ravenal!" Zin shouted back.

The two elite student mages smiled as if being satisfied with their battle.

"Go, thunderbird! Finish them!" Zin commanded, the thunderbird flapped its wings one more, charging for another attack.

"Defend your master,Cerberus! Take down that giant bird!" Jui commanded. The large dog with three heads growled before opening their mouths a gathering a dark energy ball in front of them




The dark energy ball lauched by Cerberus clashed with the electrical energy beam created by the Thunderbird. As the energy clashed the dark energy ball hit the Thunderbird. It's dark glow enveloped the Thunderbird before its summoning got canceled upon releasing an intense golden glow.

Meanwhile the electrical energy travelled to the Cerberus, hitiing him with a power shock. The creature tried to resist the pulse but the surrounding water further intensified the shock dispelling his summoning as well.

"HAHAHA" Jui and Zin laughed as both their summons faded t the same time.

"Seems we are tied Ravenal" Zin said.

"You are lucky, it's raining this time." Jui remarked

The smirked a little before passing out at the same time.

"I think its a draw for today. Let's head back to our own sections for now Ravenals. For sure you leader is exhausted and needs immediate treatment." Uno mentioned as she and Dos guided Zin as her shoulder rests on their.

"Good call. These hard headed people got enough." One of Jui's teammates commented.


*Lightning and thunder continue their chaos

*The rain further intensified.

The two teams parted from one another and walk towards the direction of their own section camps.