Chapter 7: Sameness
离开公安局办公楼后,钟汉拿出车钥匙递给顾小凡."What are you doing?" Gu Xiaofan waved his hands quickly, "You don't want me to drive, do you? No, no! I'm a famous road killer! You should drive!"Zhong Han seemed a little embarrassed. He held the keys and thought for a while, then pointed outside the yard: "Then let's take the bus!""You can't drive either?" Gu Xiaofan naturally thought of Zhong Han as someone like him.钟涵摇摇头:"不是我不会开车,我是新来的,对A市的路线不熟悉.如果我开车,效果可能和无头苍蝇一样.最好先乘坐公共交通工具熟悉路线."坐了几次公交车还记得路线吗?而且你可能需要去一段路,将来公交车不会经过.那你怎么找到呢?顾小凡不介意坐公交车,但他不禁怀疑钟寒对记住路线的信心.钟寒抬起食指,在顾小凡面前摇了摇:"给你一个建议.永远不要质疑一个人亲自识别道路和方向感的能力.这是男人自尊的重要组成部分!顾小凡抿唇勾指:"走吧.我不会开车,但我对乘坐公共汽车很熟悉.于是,A市本地人顾小帆带着刚在这里定居的外国人钟汉去了附近的公交车站.换了两次公交车后,他们到达了任雪峰公司所在地附近."你今天才报到第一天,衣柜里已经准备好换衣服了?"顾小凡下车后问道,朝着任雪峰的公司走去.如果不是她发现公交车上坐在她旁边的女孩一直在偷偷看着钟涵,她估计不会密切关注钟涵的衣着,直到现在.徐若北的哭泣浸湿了他的袖子,沾染了他的眼泪和鼻涕后,他换上了一件高领毛衣.毛衣是纯黑色的,由粗纱线制成.高领毛衣不是那种紧紧地套在脖子上的那种,而是一个松散的堆绒领子.颜色非常和谐,与下半身的黑色和灰色休闲裤搭配时很好看.再加上钟寒笔直的身姿和帅气的外表,也难怪顾小凡身边的年轻女孩忍不住想多看几眼.钟寒耸耸肩:"做好准备,没有人能预见紧急情况吧?两人走了大约十分钟,终于找到了任雪峰公司所在的办公楼.他们乘电梯到了公司所在的楼层.他们刚走出电梯,就被前台工作人员拦住,询问他们的身份和目的.经过钟涵的简短解释和交流,两个女孩的态度从最初的程序性冷淡中逐渐暖和起来.他们带他们去了会客室,坐在舒适的沙发上,很快就给他们端来了一盆菊花."你们俩在这里喝一会儿茶,我们去找主管."前台的一位女孩微笑着对她们说,她的声音是如此温柔,你几乎可以从中捏出水来.钟寒也笑着向她点头,道谢,伸手给自己倒了一杯,也给顾小凡倒了一杯.最近天气越来越冷,随着气温的下降,北方初冬的干燥也更加明显.顾小凡接过杯子,喝了一口.茶中的冰糖恰到好处,尝起来微甜.吞下后,香气顺着食道流下,胃里感觉温暖舒适."任雪峰的公司真会招待客人!"半杯热茶驱散了顾小凡全身的寒意.她忍不住舒服地眯起眼睛,低声满意地叹了口气.Zhong Han was not as easily satisfied as she was. He held the cup in his hand, but did not drink much of the tea in it. He just played with it casually. Hearing Gu Xiaofan's sigh, he smiled slightly: "It's not that their company's hospitality is good, it mainly depends on who you come with. With me, the treatment will not be bad no matter where you go.""Really? Are you too confident or too narcissistic?" Gu Xiaofan burst out laughing, not buying Zhong Han's words at all, as if listening to his jokes.Zhong Han didn't care about her attitude. He played with the teacup in his hand, staring at the light green tea in the teacup, wondering what he was thinking.After a while, a man who claimed to be the business manager of the company came in. He was about 35 or 36 years old. As soon as he entered the door, he came forward eagerly and shook hands with Zhong Han and Gu Xiaofan in turn."I just heard from the front desk that you two are from the Public Security Bureau? Is there anything I can do to help?" The business manager also sat down and asked politely."It seems that you and Ren Xuefeng have the closest relationship?" Zhong Han put down the teacup in his hand and asked the business manager with a smile.The business manager waved his hands quickly: "I don't dare to accept it, I don't dare to accept it. I am just a salesperson. To put it nicely, I am a manager. To put it bluntly, I am just a salesperson leader. It is not my turn to be close to the big boss. The main reason is that you two came at a bad time today. The leaders who usually have more contact with the boss are not here. They are either on business trips or have left work early. So the front desk called me here. I definitely don't mean to ignore your work.""You don't have to be so nervous. We are just routinely understanding the situation!" Gu Xiaofan saw the business manager rubbing his hands together, as if he was very nervous, and quickly spoke to him, hoping that he could relax a little.The business manager smiled and nodded in agreement, and it seemed that he didn't really take Gu Xiaofan's words to heart.Then Zhong Han and Gu Xiaofan took turns to ask the business manager some questions. Of course, due to the nature of the business manager's work, he did not have many direct contacts with Ren Xuefeng. The questions asked by Zhong Han and others were relatively general, without trying to dig deeper.Basically, the description of Ren Xuefeng by the business manager is that although he is middle-aged, he is still full of career ambitions. He is focused on the company's business and is very smart and capable. Ren Xuefeng's wife Xu Ruobei and Ren Xuefeng can be said to be a perfect match. Although Xu Ruobei does not directly hold any formal position in the company, she is the so-called boss lady. She often comes to the company to help deal with things in the company, such as entertaining some important customers. In short, they are a rare model couple.The business manager also tactfully stated that although Xu Ruobei has the majesty of a boss lady in front of the employees, she is very dependent on her boss Ren Xuefeng, which makes the employees sigh privately that love really makes people different.After talking to the business manager, Zhong Han asked him to help find other employees in the company who had the opportunity to contact Ren Xuefeng on weekdays. The business manager was a straightforward person and called several people in a short while. One of them was originally Ren Xuefeng's secretary. Because she was pregnant and had a child, she could not continue to work as a secretary, so she was transferred to other departments.As a result, he talked to these people one by one. In the end, even Gu Xiaofan, who always thought he was very patient, was a little tired. From time to time, he glanced at Zhong Han to see if he meant to end the conversation. As a result, Zhong Han actually talked calmly with the people brought by the business manager one by one, and then left Ren Xuefeng's company with Gu Xiaofan."I thought I had good patience, but I didn't expect you to be more patient than me," Gu Xiaofan couldn't help yawning after walking out of the building. "What those people said just now was similar. I almost memorized it after listening to it so many times. I almost fell asleep. I really don't understand why you wasted time listening to it all again.""It's because they are similar that we need to listen to it more. See how many people have communicated privately and tried to keep the same caliber to the outside world." Zhong Han said to Gu Xiaofan as he walked. It was already dark and the temperature was colder. He buttoned up his coat that was originally open and put his hands in his coat pockets. "As you say, There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people. The more people say similar things, the less credible those words are. "Gu Xiaofan nodded, looking at his watch, and asked, "So we wasted so much time just now to listen to their versions, are they all the same? Is it too late to go to the factory now?""What were you doing when I was listening to them? Daydreaming?" Zhong Han frowned. Gu Xiaofan just sat beside him, quietly, concentrating and listening carefully. As a result, the question she asked now fully exposed the fact that she was distracted just now.After accidentally exposing his desertion, Gu Xiaofan shrank his neck guiltily and laughed dryly: "It was almost dark at that time, how could I be daydreaming? I... After listening to those people talking too much, I found that they were basically the same version, as if they had unified their statements, so I... took the time to recall what I wrote on the lost half of the year-end work summary..."Zhong Han stopped and looked at Gu Xiaofan, silent for a few seconds, with no expression on his face, and then continued to move forward and said to her: "During the conversation with them just now, I have asked one of them by the way. The factory has a three-shift system, which means that there will be someone on duty 24 hours a day. Let's go, we still have time to go there now. You can go home early to write the half of the year-end summary if you complete the task early!"Gu Xiaofan nodded quickly, and secretly looked at his watch. While walking towards the bus stop with Zhong Han, he secretly calculated in his heart whether he had to work late tonight to get it done.