Chapter 10 Surveillance Video

和工人们聊了一会儿,钟汉听够了他们的聊天,终于决定离开.他笑着向他们道别,然后他和顾小帆在郊区线路的最后一班公交车之前赶回了市中心."Why did you treat those people to skewers and beer? Don't you think it's a waste of time to listen to them spread those hearsays?" On the way to the bus stop, Gu Xiaofan continued to follow Zhong Han closely, asking with some confusion."In addition to those official news reports, do you usually pay attention to some gossip and anecdotes on the Internet?" Zhong Han asked instead of answering.Gu Xiaofan nodded: "Yes, but that's entertainment, just watch it casually, don't take it seriously.""不认真对待它并不一定意味着它不是真的.这个世界上有很多事情都是基于道听途说的,但很少有没有根据的事情.即使里面有解读,虚构,还有后来的人为加工元素,谣言的形成还是需要一点点事实作为基础,才能成功推导出来.有时取决于歪曲事实,有时取决于添加修饰.钟寒不想神秘莫测,毫不掩饰地说出自己的想法,"厂里的管理层用他们的话透露了,任雪峰在女人面前从来都不是好撇的,厂里的工人都传出任雪峰在外面有情妇的传闻.他有很多情妇,只是为了生个孩子.你觉得这次最有可能属于哪种谣言呢?"顾小帆几乎毫不犹豫地回答了这个问题:"当然是那种夸张."没错,"钟寒点点头,"有时候,越不感兴趣,就越敢说出他们知道的.有多少是真的,有多少是夸大的,就看听众自己去区分了.相反,那些更多地参与利益的人会胆怯.他们可能知道很多事情,但他们不敢说一句话."顾小凡听了他的话,似乎明白了:"所以公司里的人都说任雪峰和徐若北是一对神仙.于是,工厂里出现了不同版本的故事,透露出了很多对徐若北的不满,以及徐若北和任雪峰之间不和谐的事情!""是的,你刚刚听到了.本来,任雪峰的重心在工厂,徐若北对公司事务的帮助更大.所以当她干预工厂时,工厂的管理层普遍对她的干预有看法,任雪峰似乎并不支持妻子的行为.但在公司,徐若北曾经是那里的负责人.如今任雪峰出事了,徐若北作为他的妻子,将来将是公司唯一的大老板.那里的员工的工作,都在徐若北的手里.如果死者得到犯罪是一回事,至少每个人都知道他们不能冒犯活着的人.""每个人都有自己的算计,这些人真的很现实!"顾小凡想了想,越想越觉得钟寒说的有道理,"说实话,刚才那个销售经理,我觉得他肯定知道任雪峰外面有没有女人,但他就是不想说实话.或许就像你猜到的那样,那些不怕被牵连的工人口中的谣言,可能真的掩盖了真相!"你猜什么?"钟寒对顾小凡这个形容词有些不满,指了指自己的太阳穴,"那叫智慧.顾小凡什么也没说,在夜色中偷偷抿了抿唇.就像他们来的时候一样,他们换了公交车,回到了市中心.为了容纳顾小凡这个女孩子,他们在回程的路上选择了离顾小凡住处不远的公交车.下车后,钟晗本着最基本的绅士风度,送这位不相识的女同事回家."八点多了.总之,我得吃东西.你想在附近吃点东西再回去吗?我知道一家不错的餐厅!顾小凡从来不记仇.之前和钟寒的误会被抹去了.见他送她回家还挺优雅的,就毫不客气地发出了邀请.Zhong Han looked in the direction of her finger, took a few glances at the seemingly inconspicuous snack shops on the roadside, and immediately shook his head: "No, you should hurry back and write your work summary."Gu Xiaofan looked at the watch and patted his forehead: "Yes! Thanks for reminding me, otherwise I would have to waste time tonight and have to work late. It would be bad if I couldn't deliver tomorrow!"After saying that, she waved to Zhong Han in a hurry, and disappeared behind the gate of the community at a trot.Zhong Han watched her leave in a hurry, shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked back while muttering to himself: "This is the first time I've seen such an idiot who is easily "conscripted".The next morning, Gu Xiaofan came to the Public Security Bureau early with two circles of dark circles under her eyes, printed out the year-end work summary that she had written and revised overnight, and neatly put it on Gao Xuan's desk, and then ran out to buy breakfast. The night before, she was anxious to finish this work summary. Knowing that she has never been a person who can stay up late, she didn't even have time to eat dinner. Now two meals are combined, and the whole person is almost starving.When she came back from eating breakfast outside, most of the others had arrived. Tang Li was busy at his desk alone, and Tang Hongye was sitting at his desk, talking about football with Gao Xuan and Zhong Han with a beaming face."It's a pity that you slept last night! The game yesterday was so exciting. Barcelona's attack was amazing. With just a few kicks, the ball reached the front court. If the opponent's goalkeeper hadn't been so lucky last night, he would have been stunned by those few shots!" He said to Zhong Han, and then smiled and said to Gao Xuan, "Gao Xuan, when we were watching the game last night, we made a bet on who would score first. You lost my meal. I took advantage of Zhong Han's presence to ask him to be a witness. You can't deny it later!""A real man is willing to accept the loss of the bet and never deny it." Gao Xuan replied with a smile.Zhong Han smiled and said nothing. He turned his head and saw Gu Xiaofan who walked in. He looked at her and asked, "Did you stay up late to watch the game last night?""What game? I don't understand football." Gu Xiaofan was stunned for a moment and shook his head.Zhong Han raised his eyebrows and said nothing.Tang Hongye's enthusiasm for talking about basketball has not faded. He dragged Gao Xuan and Zhong Han to continue to talk about their feelings about watching basketball the night before. Gu Xiaofan wanted to ask Gao Xuan several times if he had seen the work summary she had placed on his desk, whether he had submitted it, and what he thought of it, but Gao Xuan was always joking with Tang Hongye and didn't even look at her, so she didn't dare to ask him out loud.Until someone came to find Tang Hongye, he was still not satisfied and left the office. Before Gu Xiaofan had a chance to talk to Gao Xuan, Tang Hongye came back and called Gao Xuan away.Just one or two minutes after Gao Xuan and Tang Hongye left the office, Gu Xiaofan received a text message on his phone. The sender was Gao Xuan, and the content of the text message was just a simple sentence."Xiaofan, thank goodness for you."Gu Xiaofan stared at the screen of his phone, his heart almost bursting with words, and he read the words on the screen back and forth several times but couldn't get enough.Knock knock knock. Someone knocked gently on her desk. Gu Xiaofan was startled and looked up to see Zhong Han standing beside her desk."Tang Li said he found something. Don't be silly here. There are things to do." Zhong Han tilted his head in the direction of Tang Li and turned away.Gu Xiaofan quickly put the phone in his pocket, looking guilty as if he had been caught, and followed Zhong Han to Tang Li's side."Did you find anything?" When he got close to Tang Li's desk, Gu Xiaofan saw that Tang Li had been comparing Ren Xuefeng's photos with a set of surveillance video footage in front of the computer from just now until now.Tang Li nodded: "I investigated Ren Xuefeng's last whereabouts before he disappeared yesterday. It is said that he had dinner with others, received a text message at 8 or 9 o'clock, and then left alone. No one has seen him since then. I checked all the surveillance videos of places he might have passed that night, and found this picture."After saying that, he pointed to the frozen surveillance picture on the computer screen. On the gray-black still picture, you can see a small street that is not very wide. A man is passing by the small street, leaving behind a blurry profile.