Chapter 42 Car

"据我们所知,任雪峰还从其他保险公司购买了高额的人身意外险.这种行为算不算重复保险?毕竟保险行业对钟汉来说比较陌生,所以他态度谨慎地问了上一家保险公司的业务员.Due to Ren Xuefeng's death, many insurance matters involving the company under his name also involved some changes, so this salesperson had contact with Xu Ruobei and heard about Ren Xuefeng's death. Although Ren Xuefeng's personal accident insurance was not handled by him, he learned a lot from his colleagues in charge of that insurance after Ren Xuefeng's death."那不算.一般来说,涉及人身安全的保险没有办法进行估值.毕竟,生命是无价的,所以不能把它看作是超出原价的重复保险.无论他买了多少家保险公司,如果真的发生了什么事,每家公司都要全额赔付."销售人员向钟汉解释道."你最近跟徐若北打交道的时候,有没有跟她提过任雪峰偷偷买了人身意外险呢?"顾小凡在一旁问道.售货员笑着摆摆手:"不!当任雪峰说要购买个人保险时,我把他介绍给了同事,让同事替他做,所以我从头到尾都算是内行人.除了其他事情,客户需要我们保密,我们帮助客户保密.我仍然有这种职业道德.如果我是那种不靠谱的人,我就不必等到那个人去世,我们公司要给别人赔偿金后才说,对吧?我以前和他现在的妻子打过很多次交道,如果我愿意的话,我早就说了."你的嘴巴还挺严厉的."钟涵笑了笑,随口夸奖了售货员.售货员立刻平静地接受了这句夸奖:"没错.做事时,忠诚度也是必不可少的.我们是渺小的人,无法与富人和有权势的人相比.他们可以做任何他们想做的事.对我们来说,最安全的做法是小心,不要给自己带来不必要的麻烦.这句话说得非常正直,但听者不难从语气中听出一点酸涩."是的,任雪峰在某种程度上可以算是老牛吃嫩草."钟寒叹了口气.业务员摆摆手,开玩笑地说:"那个人已经死了,我不敢随便评论.如果他晚上来我家找我,我会吓死的!该说什么不该说,有钱人也不是不忠.有很多不忠的人,所以我们不应该太惊讶.不管任雪峰当初怎么想,现在他都非常体贴.这个人已经死了,他的妻子年纪轻轻就成了寡妇.她可以继承大量的财产,他的前妻并没有遭受太大的损失.这两个女人对他没有白费.离开几家保险公司后.钟寒等人也清楚地明白,任雪峰这三年里,先后投保了几份人身意外险.虽然投保人是任雪峰本人,但为什么这几年突然给自己购买了大量这样的保险,而且受益人都是冷辉,而冷辉是否知道这件事,也没有准确的答案.至少有一点是明确的,那就是冷辉很快就会拿到一笔可观的保险赔偿金.离开最后一家保险公司后.天已经黑了.钟寒打电话给任玉梦询问情况.他得知,冷辉下午醒来后又哭了起来.任玉梦也担心这会耽误治疗.最后,她下定决心,打电话送妈妈去医院做精神检查.她还在医院里.据说她被注射了镇静剂和一些营养补充剂.毕竟,以冷慧现在的精神状态,绝对不可能让她乖乖吃东西.结束了一天的工作,钟晗意识到,除了在保险公司的几次,向保险公司工作人员询问任雪峰的事情外,她都是沉默的,其他时候都是极其沉默的.Although Gu Xiaofan is not a noisy girl at ordinary times, at least she is not as close-mouthed as she is now."What's wrong?" After finishing work, Zhong Han followed his good manners as usual and drove Gu Xiaofan home. By the way, he also put aside the work for the time being and curiously asked about this colleague who was obviously in a bad mood."Nothing." Gu Xiaofan shook her head, and seemed to be indifferent and insincere to Zhong Han's question."Nothing? Then you still look like you were fuming with mothballs!" Zhong Han actually had no difficulty guessing Gu Xiaofan's thoughts. This girl was not a cunning person. To some extent, she could be said to be simple and innocent. Her face was like a barometer. As long as you wanted to read it, you could identify her emotions and psychological activities at the moment.Sure enough, Gu Xiaofan was stung by his words, and pursed her lips unhappily: "Anyway, it has nothing to do with you...""You're right," Zhong Han nodded, "I'm just too close to him."After that, he stopped talking and concentrated on driving. Gu Xiaofan was silent for a while after hearing what he said. Seeing that he really ignored her, she felt a little sorry. No matter what, he was just caring about her, and her attitude seemed a little ungrateful. Although that incident made her feel a little uncomfortable, maybe Zhong Han just didn't mean it, not on purpose.Thinking of this, she turned her head to look at Zhong Han and said to him: "I didn't mean that. I just felt a little annoyed, so I didn't want to talk.""Okay, I know." Zhong Han nodded, his face calm, and his frugal appearance was comparable to Tang Li.Gu Xiaofan looked at him carefully: "Are you angry? Did I just say something that upset you? I really didn't mean anything else, don't think too much, I know you asked me out of good intentions."Zhong Han listened to her explanations and finally couldn't help laughing. He looked at her with interest and asked: "I say, can you take care of your own feelings first and then consider other people's feelings in the future? It seems that you were the one who was in a low mood just now, and you needed to be taken care of by others, right? Why are you the one who comforts others now?"One Seeing Zhong Han smile, knowing that he didn't care about her, Gu Xiaofan quietly breathed a sigh of relief, touched her nose and smiled awkwardly: "I am a person with a bad memory. Anyway, I only get upset for a while. Once I encounter something that interrupts me, I forget the unhappy or upset things before."Zhong Han shook his head, not knowing whether he felt helpless about Gu Xiaofan's personality or something else, and did not comment much. Gu Xiaofan was silent for a while, and when he saw the car getting closer and closer to his home, he finally couldn't help asking the question in his heart."Did you deliberately take me to that hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot today?" She asked Zhong Han a little uncomfortably."We didn't meet by chance at the hot pot restaurant, did we?" Zhong Han pretended to think for a moment, "Oh, no, then it's obvious that I must have taken you there on purpose.""You know that's not what I meant." Gu Xiaofan waved his hand, not wanting Zhong Han to deliberately misinterpret him, "I mean, you asked Tang Hongye where the restaurant was, and you took me there on purpose. You didn't even eat a few bites of the meal. Did you do it from beginning to end just to let me see that you were right about the origin of the mint candy in front of Ni Ran that day?""I don't think I'm that bored yet." Zhong Han shook his head."You're not still holding a grudge against the previous incident, are you?" Upon hearing this, Gu Xiaofan was not relieved of his doubts, but seemed even more surprised.Zhong Han laughed: "I'm not that petty. Forget it, don't make blind guesses. I don't mean to target you in this matter. You are at best a cannon fodder. And I think it's no harm for you to know the origin of mint candy. After all, you are old enough. You can forget to bring your keys when you go out, but you should still carry your brain with you."Gu Xiaofan was a little puzzled. Zhong Han had been transferred here for a short time and had not had much contact with the people in the team. So far, the closest person might be himself. But he said that he was just a cannon fodder and was not targeting himself. It was obvious that he was targeting mint candy, or the person who gave him mint candy."Gao Xuan?" She finally thought it through. "Did he offend you in some way?""This is not a problem you need to pay attention to. It has nothing to do with you. I think the key point you need to pay attention to is to read less love stories in the future. Don't just dream about any hints given by others. No matter how beautiful the dream is, it is fake and can't come true." Zhong Han parked the car on the roadside outside Gu Xiaofan's community and said to Gu Xiaofan.Gu Xiaofan got off the car in a bad mood. She was just feeling a little uncomfortable at first, but after talking to Zhong Han, she felt as if he had poured cold water on her head again. She felt so awkward. She walked all the way home, her hands were in her coat pockets, subconsciously fiddling with the candies, some of which were given to her by Gao Xuan, and two new ones given by Zhong Han after he took her to eat hot pot today. When she walked to a trash can, Gu Xiaofan suddenly felt unusually irritable, so she simply took the candies out of her pocket and stretched her hand to the trash can.Just when she was about to let go, she suddenly couldn't bear to let go, and after a struggle, she put the candies back into her pocket intact.Forget it, even if she thought too much before, it wasn't the fault of the candies after all. She comforted herself in her heart and returned home dejected.The next morning, Gu Xiaofan was worried that she would feel uncomfortable when she saw Gao Xuan, but just as she reached the gate of the Public Security Bureau, she was blocked by Zhong Han's car."We found Ren Xuefeng's car," Zhong Han lowered the window and waved at her, "Get in!"