Chapter 58 Give it a try

"怎么会这样!"顾小凡也有些傻眼."I took this photo to check the surveillance video these two days, trying to see if anyone might have seen Ren Xuefeng that night. As a result, someone told me that he had seen this person and knew him. He also asked several people to help look, and they all said they knew him, and then they found him.""This suddenly scared me!" The man who had been silent for a long time couldn't help but speak. When he encountered such a thing and was stared at for a long time, he was also full of grievances. "I am a healthy person, jumping around, how could I be treated as a dead person? It's so unlucky!""那那天晚上发生了什么,你还记得吗?你确定这张照片里的人就是你吗?钟寒从唐丽手中接过打印的照片,指着监控图片下方的日期和时间问道."我怎么能认不出自己呢?那就是我,没有错.如果你不相信我,你会看到我穿着那套衣服.今天太冷了,我都冻僵了."那个人抱怨说,"我每天都走在那条街上.更不用说那天,我每天都得走到那里去!我在那条街上签了一个报刊亭,我和妻子轮流照看这个报摊.你拍照片的十字路口对面有一个公共厕所.人们怎么能只喝水而不上厕所呢?所以我必须每天都走到那里.如果你不相信我,请回头看看.你总是在其他日子看到我吗?你必须清楚地理解这一点.不要再把我当成死人了.就把它当作我的要求.这真的太令人沮丧了.""但是,你经营着一个报摊.你需要营业到晚上 8 点以后吗?顾小凡有些担心地问道.如果他真的把人误认为是任雪峰,那就没问题了.但他怕自己把人误认为是任雪峰,但画面中的人真的是任雪峰本人.然后这个错误会因一个错误而复杂化,这将使事情更加延迟."你觉得谋生容易吗?早报卖早报,晚上卖晚报,呆在家里简直就是浪费时间.我们比其他人晚关门.如果我们多卖几本杂志什么的,我们就会赚钱.男子指了指钟寒手中的打印纸,"这不是仪榜,我也没有资格接受任何奖励.如果不是我,我为什么非要为此负责呢!我发现的是我周围几个认识我的人把你的同志带到了我的报摊.我妻子听说了这个情况后,很焦虑.她坚持要我解释清楚,否则她会感到不舒服.这就是我和他一起来到这里的原因.顾小凡无语.冒充这种事情真的没有任何价值.而且,这个男人的外表和身材,确实和任雪峰非常相似.如果不看他们的外表,确实很容易混淆他们.看来这一次他们真的被误导了,因为他们认错了视频中的人.想到这里,她又意识到了另一件事:"为什么徐若北坚持说视频里的人是任雪峰本人呢?她是故意误导我们,对我们撒谎吗?"有可能,但很难说.恐怕我们得先试一试,然后才能做出判断.钟寒摇摇头,对这个问题持保留意见."怎么试?"顾小帆问道."你介意我们再耽搁你几分钟吗?"钟寒询问那个人的意见.男人摆摆手:"我现在在这里.只要我能解释清楚,千万不要让人觉得警察每天都在找有我照片的人,然后又觉得我犯了什么事!"那么,请跟我来帮我一个小忙.我们稍后回去时支付出租车费!"不,不.我怎么能不好意思呢!男人连忙礼貌地对钟寒说道.钟翰诚恳地坚持道:"这是必须的.您今天来到这里,是为了帮我们澄清事情的真实情况.这对我们的工作很有帮助.你付车费是正常的.The man smiled a little embarrassedly, but he did not continue to refuse. Several people came out of the reception room and were led by Zhong Han to the office door.When they were outside the building, Gu Xiaofan realized that Zhong Han's enthusiasm and politeness to this middle-aged man were really not free. She originally thought that Zhong Han's so-called "helping a little" might just be a simple inquiry, at most a certificate. Unexpectedly, Zhong Han actually treated this middle-aged man as a flat model, dragged him to the side of the road outside the gate of the Public Security Bureau, determined the brightness of the light, changed different positions, found different angles, and took pictures with his mobile phone for a long time."Is the photo you took with your mobile phone clear enough? Do you need me to borrow a camera for you?" Gu Xiaofan leaned behind Zhong Han and asked, looking at the photos taken on his mobile phone screen.Zhong Han shook his head: "No, this is the effect I want."Because Zhong Han's attitude has always been very polite, and he took the initiative to arrange a taxi for the middle-aged man to go back. Not only did he pay the fare, but he also stuffed a pack of cigarettes into the man's bag. Even though the middle-aged man's face had changed color due to the cold, he was embarrassed to really show his displeasure to anyone.After taking the photos and hailing a taxi to send the middle-aged man away, Tang Li planned to go and confirm the surveillance again. Zhong Han and the others returned to the office again. The office was empty, making the lighting seem particularly cold. At this time, Gu Xiaofan suddenly realized that Gao Xuan was not sitting in the office. He didn't know where he had gone.Zhong Han obviously noticed her looking around and pointed to her desk: "Before we went to the reception room just now, I don't remember that there was such a piece of paper on your desk!"Gu Xiaofan followed his prompts and found that there was indeed a folded piece of paper on his desk. He hurried over to open it and see that it was Gao Xuan's handwriting."Xiaofan, I just received a call. There is an emergency at home. I am afraid of affecting your work, so I did not disturb you. I am leaving first. I will make up for today's missed appointment another day."Gu Xiaofan pursed her lips, folded the paper again, and casually pressed it under the pen holder on the desk."Gao Xuan left?" Zhong Han seemed not surprised at all about this matter. He seemed to have known about it for a long time. He sat down at his seat, took out the data cable from the drawer to connect the mobile phone and computer together, and opened the drawer again, took out a medicine bottle, poured a pill into the palm of his hand, drank a few sips of water and swallowed it."Where do you feel uncomfortable? I have seen you take medicine several times!" Gu Xiaofan did not want to discuss Gao Xuan's early departure with Zhong Han. Even if she left a note, she still felt that she was stood up. She was full of disappointment. If she told Zhong Han about it, he might squeeze her again. So she simply changed the subject.Zhong Han did not say anything, screwed the lid of the medicine bottle and put it in the drawer. Gu Xiaofan came over and snatched it away when he was not paying attention, looked at the name of the medicine on it, and then looked up at Zhong Han in surprise: "Your stomach is not good? How can you have stomach problems at such a young age? How did you get it?""First of all, this has nothing to do with you. Secondly, you are not a doctor. What I said to you is just nonsense," Zhong Han took back the medicine bottle and threw it into the drawer. "Third, you are not old, don't you have a bad brain and bad memory? Who said that some problems can only be contracted when you are old?"Gu Xiaofan snorted, knowing that Zhong Han was just teasing and had no malice, so of course she would not argue with him. She turned her head to look at the computer screen and asked him: "What are you doing?""Print out the photos you just took, pick two and let people identify them." Zhong Han chose to print the photos on his mobile phone while answering Gu Xiaofan's questions.Gu Xiaofan waited for him to print out the photos, then went to the printer to sort out the printed photos and took them over. She browsed through them first and found that the photos taken by Zhong Han were roughly divided into two types. One was relatively bright, and the other was similar to the surveillance camera screen, with dim light, and except for the back, it was a very blurry side view, and the facial features could not be seen clearly. Only the general outline of the body and clothes could be seen. The clothes of the middle-aged man just now were nothing special. He looked like any middle-aged stranger you met outside."We just looked for Xu Ruobei today, and her attitude was not particularly good. She sneaked around us for nothing before, and when she left, she even refused to tell us where the single-family house she was going to move to was. This time, we turned around and went to find her with the photos to verify whether what she said was true or false... I always feel that it is more dangerous, and she must be anxious with us!" Gu Xiaofan was a little worried about the situation they would face next."Who told you that I was going to look for Xu Ruobei so soon?" Zhong Han looked at Gu Xiaofan strangely.Gu Xiaofan was stunned: "But, when Xu Ruobei identified the surveillance video before, she insisted that the man in the picture was Ren Xuefeng. Now it is basically certain that the man in the picture is not Ren Xuefeng himself. Xu Ruobei may have lied. Didn't you just say that it is difficult to judge and you have to give it a try?""It is indeed necessary to try, but I didn't say to try it on Xu Ruobei," Zhong Han looked at Gu Xiaofan with some amusement, "Xu Ruobei has been patient with the two of us today. I don't think I like to read people's faces to that extent.""Then how do you plan to try? Who do you want to try it with?" Gu Xiaofan was even more confused.Zhong Han did not respond immediately. He compared the photos in his hand several times, then picked two photos each, and put them in his bag. Then he looked at the time and said to Gu Xiaofan, "Since Gao Xuan left a note and ran away, I have to clean up the mess. Let's go. I'll take you home.""When did I become a mess?" Gu Xiaofan glared at Zhong Han without any killing power. If she had more backbone, she should have refused to take his car home on the spot just because of his description of her. But it was too cold outside, so after mumbling, she still packed up with Zhong Han and went downstairs to leave the Public Security Bureau.