Chapter 66 Car Owner

见他如此自信,顾小凡也不想再多说什么.既然已经在杨诚面前拍了拍胸脯,不管他是不是好心,此时说太多的冷水都毫无意义.最好尽可能多地提供帮助.两人离开船长办公室后,急忙在大海捞针中数出下一根针的大致射程.就在他们弄清楚端倪时,其他人接连被叫了回来.唐离还是像往常一样沉默.他还负责调查任雪峰的案件.现在他只是改变了工作重心.唐宏业和高轩放下手头不那么急的事情,被领导叫了回来.他们或多或少不情愿.高轩脸上没有流露出什么样子,但唐宏业却不一样.他的不情愿显然在他的脸上."你怎么确定你要找的那辆白色车肯定比任雪峰的车便宜呢?"如果我们犯了错误怎么办?我们不是徒劳地寻找了吗?唐宏业本人也没打算隐瞒.他们一见面,他就迫不及待地质问他."如果我放下手头的工作帮你,时间长了终于犯了错误,以后又怎么解释呢?""别担心这个.首先,我认为你所说的 "浪费时间 "的情况不会发生.其次,你被杨队长叫回来了.我猜他也认为眼前的事情并不是特别紧急.如果这件事耽误了你原来的工作,我就是需要向上级解释的人.钟寒面对唐宏业的不满.他非常冷静."其次,既然我们可以得出关于目标车辆特性的结论,就必须有足够的理由.我们之前曾找人把任雪峰车上的白漆提取出来,发现任雪峰车本身的车漆并没有划伤.上面的油漆只是对方车的油漆.虽然我不敢说这是绝对的,但"一分钱一分货"的原则也适用于汽车.一辆车和任雪峰的车被摩擦在一起,但任雪峰的车漆根本没有划伤,但它的油漆却沾在了另一辆车上.你觉得这辆车的油漆质量怎么样?这种采用喷漆技术的汽车能有多高档?唐宏业被他的话惊呆了,眨了眨眼睛,却找不到什么可以反驳的."宏业,别再抱怨那些没用的东西了.既然领导命令我们去做,我们就应该把它做好.如果你说得太多,会让人觉得你的工作态度有问题.高轩走到唐宏业身边,拍了拍他的肩膀,用平静的语气安慰他,有些担忧地叹了口气."仅仅这样做就像大海捞针或在船上寻找剑.它浪费人力和时间.难道没有更好的方法吗?"我的能力不够,我的智力也很有限.我真的想不出办法来节省更多的人力和时间.如果你能想出一个好办法,那就太好了.你还不如说出来,或者向上级报告.我们都可以省去跑腿的麻烦.钟寒听到了他的话.他立即饶有兴趣地回答,态度非常谦逊.看来,他和之前在顾小凡面前对自己的智商充满信心的钟寒不是同一个人.高轩被他问了这个问题,他回答不来.他保持沉默.钟寒见他没有说话.然后他笑着说:"既然谁也想不到,我们就得按照原来的计划去做.抓住时间,就等于节省时间.小帆稍后会告诉大家每个分组的搜索区域.我们出发吧.顾小帆根据之前的计划,以及目标车辆的特点和最有可能的居住区,为每组划分了搜索范围,然后大家准备分别出发.唐宏业和高轩与钟寒等人差不多同时出发.他们四个人一起下了楼.唐宏业似乎要放下手头的工作回来办事了,所以脸上显得不高兴,说话也比平时少了.高轩很正常,下楼的路上还不忘提醒顾小凡几句."你这么怕冷,就该多穿些."他对顾小凡说.顾小凡低头看了看自己的长款羽绒服,这几乎是她最厚的冬衣:"没事,这是我的终极装备,我不会冷的."你的体质不是很好.通常,我们尽量不让您外出执行那些暴露在风和阳光下的任务.没想到,这一次你竟然第一次遇到这样的情况,背负着这么沉重的负担.小凡,你辛苦了!高玄仿佛忍不住似的对顾小凡说道.顾小凡的脸颊有些发烫,不好意思说什么.她挥了挥手,表示没关系.她心里有些感动,但又觉得有些不舒服.高轩对她表现出关心是好的,但不幸的是,这种关心或多或少夹杂着一些她能力不够,体力消耗的潜台词,让她感到难以言喻的尴尬.Zhong Han didn't say anything until the four of them walked out of the office building and got on the car separately, then he suddenly laughed."What are you laughing at?" Gu Xiaofan was stunned by his smile without any warning, and was a little confused."I laughed. It should have been a two-birds-at-one-stone move. I won over one and attacked the other. Unfortunately, I can tell from your expression that you didn't win over the one you should win over, and didn't attack the one you wanted to attack." Zhong Han laughed enough, shook his head, and sighed."What are you talking about? I don't understand what's going on." Gu Xiaofan was even more confused by what he said. She didn't understand it, but she didn't plan to ask more questions.Zhong Han didn't keep staring at this question. The two of them soon put this conversation behind them because of the exhausting and tedious investigation work.They were busy for two days, and there was no obvious gain from the investigation. When they met every night after work, other people were more or less dissatisfied in addition to being tired. This can be seen from Tang Hongye's face.Gu Xiaofan saw it with her eyes and was anxious in her heart. She felt that although the idea was from Zhong Han, after all, she was now advancing and retreating with him. If she really worked in vain, she would feel very guilty and sorry for other colleagues.However, Zhong Han seemed to be completely oblivious to other people's emotions. He still greeted others enthusiastically every time he met them, looking energetic and confident. When Gu Xiaofan asked him if he was worried about misjudgment, he always shook his head nonchalantly and said, "If it is so easy to find, can it still be called looking for a needle in a haystack?"Since he said so himself, Gu Xiaofan couldn't say anything else. He could only secretly hope that he could get something as soon as possible. Even if it was not as ideal as expected, at least he could give an explanation to others.Finally, just when Gu Xiaofan was about to despair, Tang Hongye suddenly called him one day. The voice on the phone sounded very excited: "Xiaofan, you and Zhong Han come over! We found a car, exactly the same as the target Zhong Han had told us before. We have contacted the owner, and the owner is coming. You can come and have a look!"Gu Xiaofan was very happy when he heard it, and immediately told Zhong Han. The two of them rushed over as fast as possible according to the address given by Tang Hongye. The location provided by Tang Hongye was not far from the community where they were at the time, only two streets away, so when the two of them arrived, the owner had not come yet."Zhong Han, if you can confirm that this car is the one you are looking for later, you are a bit amazing!" As soon as they met, Tang Hongye couldn't wait to shout to greet Zhong Han. Because of the discovery, he also swept away the previous displeasure and depression, and talked more.Zhong Han also smiled back at him: "I'm just saying this to you. If I really win this time, we can also consider guessing the winning lottery numbers later."Tang Hongye laughed loudly, and Gao Xuan also smiled and didn't say anything.While waiting for the owner to come back, the four people talked about how they found the car. Tang Hongye and Gao Xuan had already run to this community three times, and they only found this car this time. Because the color, style and the location of the scratched paint were very consistent with Zhong Han's previous analysis, it attracted attention.Gu Xiaofan also walked around the car and took a closer look at the car. He found that the surface of the white car was a little dirty, and there was a lot of mud splashed on the body. From a distance, the lower half of the car looked like a zebra, mottled. There was indeed a scratch on the paint on the left rear door of the car, and the height and area were very similar to the traces on Ren Xuefeng's car."What is the market price of this car?" She curiously asked the three men who obviously knew more about cars than she did.Tang Hongye thought for a while and said, "I guess now, with this configuration, if the cost of a new car is all included, it should not be more than 120,000 or 130,000. The style of this car looks like it is not a new model in the past one or two years, and it is far from worth the price now."The four people talked for a while. Gu Xiaofan felt cold in his feet while standing, so he simply moved his feet on the spot. When he turned around, he saw a man who looked to be in his thirties walking towards them from a distance. He was looking at the four of them nervously while walking."I guess the owner is here." Gu Xiaofan turned around and whispered to the other three people. At the same time, he felt a little nervous. A car that matched the car was found. Now the owner is back, and whether Zhong Han's analysis is correct or not will soon be revealed.