Chapter 72 The Disappearing Employee
"回想一下房间里的情况.你能大致猜出挂钟最初挂在哪里吗?钟寒问顾小凡.Gu Xiaofan tried to recall. She remembered that there was nothing on the wall of the living room. On the white wall opposite the double bed in the bedroom, there seemed to be a nail nailed to the wall. The position was neither high nor low. When she saw it, she was still muttering in her heart. She felt that it was not right or right to hang photos or paintings in that position. It was really not good-looking. What if it was to hang clothes? Hanging clothes on a nail alone on the wall? Obviously, it was even more unrealistic."Come and help me!" Gu Xiaofan stood up, called Zhong Han to go to the wall with him, pointed at a height of similar height on the wall, and handed the wall clock to Zhong Han, "Put the wall clock at this height and hold it."钟寒说着接过挂钟,把它举在顾小凡指的高度.顾小凡后退两步,蹲下身子,眯着眼睛看钟面,看了很久,站起身来,对钟寒说道:"天啊!这个挂钟应该挂在出租屋卧室床对面的墙上.那个小洞不应该是..."她没有说出她的猜测,因为她觉得这有点太大胆了.钟涵等了一会儿,发现她并没有继续说下去的意思.他拿着挂钟走回来,把表盘翻过来,对她说:"说出你的想法,不要对自己这么不自信,就算你错了,那又怎样?没有人会惩罚你."是不是为了偷偷拍照,给针孔相机留个洞?"顾小凡见钟涵执意让她说.所以他就告诉我他的猜测.钟寒点点头,指了指一根因为表盘后面被胶带粘住而被扯下来的细线."这东西不是这种挂钟该有的.很明显,有人急忙想移除卡在表盘后面的东西.他不小心把上面的电线拉断了,所以我的想法和你的想法一样.最初,这个挂钟很可能挂在卧室的床对面,里面安装了隐藏的摄像头.这样做的目的是...我想你们不用说也明白了."天哪,如果能证实任雪峰真的去了那里,那这件事牵扯到精心策划的阴谋吗?"有人已经挖了一个陷阱.等着任雪峰掉进去!顾小凡觉得这件事的发展有点超出她最初的想象,她有些惊讶."剩下的事情我来处理.您现在可以开始调查,看看租户的信息是真是假.钟寒对她说.说着,他又回到了还没及时丢弃的垃圾旁,蹲下身子继续寻找和检查.顾小帆一边拿着租房合同上附的身份证复印件,一边答应了.根据身份证号码,他在户籍系统中搜索,很快就找到了身份证号码相同的人.并且发现房东提供的身份证复印件的照片,姓名等信息都是一致的,也就是说,这个郑娜是真人,不是伪造的身份证."我找到了郑娜的个人信息,"在总结了郑娜的信息后.顾小凡走过去对钟涵道:"这个郑娜只有初中文凭,祖籍在G省,离我们很远,父母都是农户.郑娜的名字是她的真名,一直没有更改.她没有处罚记录."嗯...这有点奇怪.钟寒一边摆弄着一个扁平的灯罩,一边听着顾小凡的介绍.他听完,皱着眉头喃喃自语."你觉得什么奇怪?"顾小凡不太明白."想想看,从我们目前所知道的来看,任雪峰是那种不缺女人,却从不虐待和他有关系的女人的男人吧?"钟翰帮她回答了问题,"这可以从和他有关系的女人那里回答,所以如果郑娜真的和任雪峰有关系,她就不需要用这种敲诈勒索般的手段来获取好处.如果其他人指示她这样做...一个出身如此清白的人,还是一个年轻的女孩,竟然愿意为了这么大的利益做出这么大的牺牲?Gu Xiaofan also felt a little strange after hearing his question, and then looked at the lampshade he was holding and examining: "Is there anything wrong with this lampshade?""Test your eyesight." Zhong Han handed the lampshade to Gu Xiaofan so that she could take a closer look.The lampshade is made of plastic with a layer of cloth on the surface. The pattern of the cloth is a large dark red flower on a white background. The color of the flower varies. Generally speaking, there is more red than white on the lampshade.After taking a closer look at the lampshade, Gu Xiaofan found that on this lampshade that was flattened because it was stuffed into the garbage chute, there were a few red spots on the top of a big red flower. The color was particularly dark, like very small spots of blood splashed on it."Blood stains?" Gu Xiaofan understood it instantly, but he was still a little confused. "This table lamp should have been placed on the bedside table in the bedroom, right? The blood stains were very small and happened to splash on the red flowers, so they were not discovered! But when the autopsy was performed on Ren Xuefeng's body, no obvious skin injuries were found on the body surface. How did the blood splash there?""Some places are easy to bleed and will not leave obvious wounds on the skin." Zhong Han pointed to the lampshade, "Assuming that the blood on it is indeed Ren Xuefeng's, you also said that the blood should have splashed there, and it is not obvious, and the amount is not large, so it is not easy to be discovered. The table lamp should have been placed on the bedside table in the bedroom. Imagine how this little blood stain could have been. How did it happen?""A slap? Or a punch on the nose?" Gu Xiaofan thought about the places that Zhong Han said were easy to bleed but not easy to leave epidermal wounds. She could immediately think of the nose and mouth. "If Ren Xuefeng was sitting by the bed and was slapped or punched, it might cause such a splash!""Almost, I thought so too, but whether it is correct or not is not something we can say for sure. I will send this lampshade for inspection. You can try to find out more about Zheng Na. I will come back later and we will go to Ren Xuefeng's company again." Zhong Han explained to Gu Xiaofan and left the office with the lampshade and several other things that he thought were worth checking.Gu Xiaofan checked the information about Zheng Na as he said, and it turned out that this young girl was really like a blank sheet of paper. Whether it was good or bad, there was nothing recorded.After a while, Zhong Han and Tang Li came back together. The two seemed to have discussed the next division of labor. As soon as they returned to the office, they took action. Zhong Han called Gu Xiaofan, and the two drove to Ren Xuefeng's company."Do you and Tang Li have an idea in mind?" Gu Xiaofan himself had actually pondered over it repeatedly in his mind, and wanted to know what Zhong Han's idea was."I guess so, but all possibilities are based on the fact that the bloodstains and semen stains do belong to Ren Xuefeng, so now we should continue to investigate and wait for the results. At least now it seems that the real murderer is very close to us, maybe just a layer of window paper away!" Although Zhong Han did not say what he thought in his heart, he seemed confident."If Zheng Na really worked in Ren Xuefeng's company, then we are probably one step closer to the answer to our guess!" Gu Xiaofan sighed. Although if their assumptions were confirmed, the case could be declared solved, and successfully solving the case was a good thing, but if their speculation was indeed correct, Ren Xuefeng's death would be more tragic than the facts.They had been to Ren Xuefeng's company several times and were familiar with it. Not to mention the location, even the receptionist at the front desk had already recognized them. As soon as Zhong Han and Gu Xiaofan entered the door, the girl at the front desk immediately took the initiative to tell them that the boss's wife did not come to the company today. If they wanted to find the boss's wife, they might have to go somewhere else."It doesn't matter. We are not here to find Xu Ruobei today. We want to know something else." Zhong Han waved his hand without paying much attention, took out the printed ID photo of Zheng Na and handed it to the girl at the front desk for review. "Do you recognize this person?""No..." One of the girls looked at it and shook her head.Gu Xiaofan was a little disappointed, but before she suggested that the girl take a closer look, another female front desk staff member next to her spoke first: "Her! I recognize her. She used to work here for a while. She left before the probation period was over. She didn't even say hello before leaving.""Why don't I know her?" The girl who said she didn't know her before asked curiously."You hadn't come yet at that time. After she left, a position was vacated, and you took her place. Of course you didn't know her!""Can you tell us about this person?" Gu Xiaofan asked immediately after hearing this. The person was Zheng Na's front desk clerk.The female employee did not hesitate and answered: "Actually, I don't know much. Her name seems to be Zheng Na or Zheng Li. I forgot. Anyway, it's just an ordinary name. She came and left suddenly. We didn't need people at the front desk. As a result, an employee was caught leaving early. I don't know if it happened that the boss was in a bad mood or someone in the HR department was in a bad mood. Just for such a small matter, the person was fired. Then they started recruiting people, and that little Zheng was hired. The girl seemed absent-minded and didn't work very seriously. She only worked for less than three months. One day, she suddenly stopped coming and couldn't be contacted. It was as if she disappeared. In my opinion, she left quite timely. Otherwise, based on her work performance, she would have been let go after the three-month probation period."Previous page