Chapter 2 Dandy
进入单元门,沿着 U 型走廊走到电梯后,钟晗一直关注周围的墙壁,直到看到电梯入口处的第一个监控摄像头.在等电梯的时候,钟寒靠在监控摄像头下盯着它看了很久,然后转身对顾小凡摇了摇头:"说实话,我不确定这个监视器有没有用.甚至工作指示灯也不亮."他说话的时候,电梯门打开了.顾小帆看到电梯里监控摄像头下的红色工作指示灯,然后转头看向楼梯间墙壁上的监视器.他叹了口气.看来,高轩的行程大概是白费了.即使楼梯间的监控器还在工作,单元门内的 U 型走廊也会让入口成为盲区,更何况走廊里的监控根本就不工作,盲区扩大到整个楼梯间.两人进了电梯.顾小凡按了半天地板按钮,却没有反应.仔细一看,他发现上方有一个刷卡感应区.别无选择,只能走出电梯,爬上 15 楼.顾小凡爬上七八楼的时候,已经气喘吁吁了.钟寒看起来还是神清气爽的.当他一口气爬上15楼时,就连钟寒的呼吸也变得有些急促.顾小凡大口喘着粗气,额头上出现了一层汗水.该建筑采用一电梯两户结构.每层有两栋房子.死者从大楼跳下的房子位于电梯对面的方向.此时此刻,门是敞开的.门口站着几个年轻人,聊着什么,不时地向屋内张望,但他们都非常乖巧,没有人靠近门口."你们都是这栋楼的居民吗?你认识住在这儿的人吗?钟寒走过来,向几个年轻人打招呼.他一边出示身份证,一边问他们.几个年轻人点点头,说他们认识死者.其中一个,一个高大的年轻人,对钟翰说:"刚跳楼的那个男人叫董兴海,他和我们在同一家公司工作."你们都?"钟寒似乎有些惊讶.他看了一眼其他人,发现他们都点头表示同意.他变得更加好奇,"真巧.你公司里的同事都住在这里?"怎么会这么巧合呢?这是公司指定的地点.公司每月补贴 500 元在这里租房.如果你住在别的地方,你就不会享受这种待遇.高个子青年看起来十分健谈,"这栋楼里很多房子都是我们老板的.以更便宜的价格租给我们也是公司给员工福利."你来自哪家公司?为什么治疗这么好?顾小帆问道."恒久传媒!"当高个子青年回答顾小凡的问题时,下巴微微抬起,不自觉地流露出内心的骄傲.钟晗在 A 市的时间不长.我对A市的很多事情都不太了解,所以听到这个年轻人的话后,我并没有什么特别的反应.但顾小帆在听到公司的名字后,恍然大悟:"哦!原来是恒久传媒!我以前听说过你的公司.几年前,据说你的老板很擅长算命.有一块土地没有人看好.他计算出,如果将其开发成住宅区,将非常有利可图.结果,一个开发商相信了他,并以非常便宜的价格得到了这块地.他建了一个高端社区,房子卖得非常好,一下子赚了一大笔钱."是的,是的,事情就是这样.不知道我们的老板是不是擅长算命.听说这栋楼的房子是开发商以非常便宜的价格一半买的一半送给他的,以感谢我们的老板.青年点点头,证明这样的说法在公司内部也是众所周知的.钟寒向房间里瞥了一眼,问道:"你熟悉董星海吗?你多久和他接触一次?When he asked this, not only did the others, but even the tall young man who had just been talking excitedly stopped talking. He rolled his eyes and suddenly reached out to push another man standing not far from him: "Gong Zhixue, I remember you are quite familiar with him, right? You two are not old classmates?"The young man called Gong Zhixue was of medium height, with a pair of narrow and squinting eyes on his face. He staggered when the tall young man suddenly pushed him. He turned his head and looked at the other party with a little dissatisfaction, but he had no way to deny it. He nodded reluctantly: "He and I went to the same school and know each other, but we are not familiar with each other.""That's enough. If you are not familiar with him, we are even less familiar with him. I'll leave you as a representative. I still have some food in the pot. I'll leave first!" When the tall young man heard that he admitted it, he found a reason to leave and didn't even watch the excitement.When he left, the others followed him, fearing that they would be asked questions. Only Gong Zhixue stayed behind reluctantly."You talk to him, I'll go in first." Zhong Han said to Gu Xiaofan, then nodded to Gong Zhixue, asked for shoe covers from a colleague who was helping to maintain the scene, and went into the room."Are you and Dong Xinghai college classmates?" Gu Xiaofan asked Gong Zhixue.Gong Zhixue waved his hand: "No, no, we were classmates in middle school. I went to Q University in college, and I forgot where Dong Xinghai went to, it seems to be some technical college.""Then you and him are quite predestined. We were classmates in middle school, and we work in the same company now," Gu Xiaofan saw that he was a little restrained, so he simply chatted with him in a relaxed manner, "Do you also live in this building?""I live on the 7th floor," Gong Zhixue nodded, stretched out his hand to scratch the back of his head, and said a little embarrassedly, "Dong Xinghai is dead, saying that I have a predestined relationship with him, why does it sound so scary?""Can all employees of your company enjoy this housing benefit?" Gu Xiaofan smiled at him, and saw that he seemed to be a little taboo, and didn't want to be said to have a close relationship with Dong Xinghai who just fell to his death, so he did not mention it and asked about the housing matter instead.Gong Zhixue shook his head: "No, our company is quite large, with 200 to 300 employees in all departments. How can they all enjoy such treatment? The senior executives in the company are rich and can buy their own houses and cars without spending money to rent company houses. New employees who have just joined the company are not eligible for this benefit. Those who can live here are those who have worked in the company for a certain number of years, have performed well, have made certain achievements, and have some qualifications. "Potential stocks."When saying this, Gong Zhixue's two slender eyes flashed, and he unconsciously revealed a sense of pride."How much contact do you usually have with Dong Xinghai?" Gu Xiaofan asked.Gong Zhixue shook his head: "In fact, Dong Xinghai and I don't have any specific contacts. We are not in the same department. I work in the design department. He came to the company as an intern last summer. I don't know what he does specifically. I heard that he has changed several departments, so I don't know much about his work."Gu Xiaofan felt a little strange when he heard him say that. He turned his head and looked into the house and asked: "Didn't you just say that those who can live here are those who have worked in the company for a certain number of years, performed well, made certain achievements, and have some qualifications as "potential stocks"? Did Dong Xinghai perform very well during his internship in the company and make any special contributions to the company?"Gong Zhixue's expression became a little embarrassed when she asked this. He rubbed his hands and the soles of his shoes rubbed the ground subconsciously: "How do you want me to say this...""Just say what you should say. Don't worry, what you said to me ends here. It will never be spread, and it will not affect your work." Gu Xiaofan hurriedly comforted him.Gong Zhixue hesitated for a while, then covered his mouth with his hand and cleared his throat. He glanced at the stairs and lowered his voice to Gu Xiaofan: "Dong Xinghai's family is well-off. His parents know our boss. It is said that they are very close. Otherwise, with his qualifications, he would not be arranged as an intern, so... it is definitely not measured according to our reference standards."Gu Xiaofan nodded in understanding. Although rules are rules, the word "relationship" does exist in this society at all times and in all places. Especially in a private media company, it is understandable that the boss wants to take care of the children of his acquaintances: "Then putting aside work matters, what kind of person do you think Dong Xinghai is?""What kind of person... I don't really know him that much. "Understand, the guy just now heard someone say that Dong Xinghai and I used to know each other, so he deliberately pushed me out so that they don't have to be questioned here," Gong Zhixue said with a frown, "Dong Xinghai is the type who has no worries about food and drink and is free and easy every day. To put it nicely, he has too good conditions and has the capital to live as he pleases. To put it bluntly, he is a playboy and is not from the same world as me. Apart from knowing him, I don't know much about him. I can't answer if you ask me.""Then leave me your contact information, so that it will be convenient to contact you later." Seeing that Gong Zhixue didn't want to stay for long, Gu Xiaofan asked him for his contact information. Gong Zhixue was reluctant, but he still exchanged contact information with Gu Xiaofan, and then he took the elevator downstairs with a sense of relief.When Gu Xiaofan put on her shoes and entered the house, Zhong Han was in a corner of the living room, leaning on a computer table with his gloved hands, looking down at something on the table. He looked up when he heard the voice and found that it was Gu Xiaofan, so he asked, "What did you get?""Dong Xinghai, who jumped off the building, is said to be a playboy." Gu Xiaofan said to Zhong Han.Zhong Han smiled when he heard it and waved at her, "Then come and take a look. The suicide note of this playboy is quite literary!"