Chapter 8 Tips

顾小凡看着钟寒,似乎想对他说些什么,但她却迷茫得不知道该如何开始.钟翰看了她几眼,见她总是犹豫不决,叹了口气说道:"你对高轩有什么看法,你有什么感情,跟我无关.如果你觉得我对他的评价不够高,我能理解.你的愿景我就不多说了,但顺便提醒你,如果你跟不上距离,可能真的错过了最后的机会.一味跟着别人走,除了成为一点跟风者,对你没有任何好处."那告诉我,我应该怎么做更合适呢?"听到他这么说,顾小凡虽然还是有些尴尬,面对钟寒这个比自己聪明的智囊团,她还是忍不住希望他能多给她指点.以前,倪然和韩乐乐总是给她出谋划策,但也许同性更懂同性,男人也更懂男人.钟寒无奈地摇摇头:"这种事情别问我.我已经给了你建议.你以前给我买了胃药,所以我欠你一个人情.否则,我不会费心去插手这种与我无关的小事."别这么说.我们是同事,相处得很好.此外,如果不使用聪明的大脑,它不会有任何兴趣.您能给我一些建议吗?顾小凡不甘心地继续争取着.钟寒无奈地看着她:"你这个时候还挺聪明的,连讨人都学会了!算了,我还是这么说,我已经给了你建议.如果你能先保持距离,那就意味着你仍然可以被拯救.我们以后再谈未来吧.顾小凡有些不甘心.但他又不好意思多问,只好不舍地点点头,结束了这个话题.两人又来到了董星海居住的小区.当他们进入社区大门时,已经是傍晚了.钟寒和顾小帆面前有一辆车,正要进入小区.保安打开了电动门,两人跟在后面开着车进去,甚至跳过了向保安解释心意,让他开门的步骤.把车开进小区的院子后,钟晗随便找了个楼间路边停好车,和顾小帆一起下了车.他们站在离大门不远的地方,远远地观察了一会儿大门.他们发现,虽然汽车进入小区不需要严格登记,但进出小区的人需要刷卡才能打开围栏门,而且大门旁边的保安室门口也安装了监控摄像头."这个社区管理人而不是汽车吗?"顾小凡远远地看了一会儿,找到了端倪."如果董星海没有跳楼自杀,凶手刚才开车过来,岂不是能引起保安更多的注意吗?""这是真的,但白天光线很好,正门的保安室前有监控摄像头.即使您可以使用假车牌或被盗或借来的汽车,您也不能保证您的外表不会通过前窗拍摄.我们去看看这个社区有多少个"官方"或"非官方"入口.钟寒对顾小凡勾了勾手指.他转身走开了.The community where Dong Xinghai lives is not small. Twenty or thirty buildings with more than 20 floors form a small "concrete forest". The facilities in the middle of the community are very complete and there are many residents. The temperature warms up in spring and it is no longer so cold. On weekend evenings, many parents bring their children to play in the community, which seems to be full of vitality.Zhong Han and Gu Xiaofan walked around the perimeter of the community and found that there were three entrances in the community. The only one that could be used for vehicles was the main gate where they had just entered. The magnetic card lock of one of the side doors was damaged by human beings, the card swiping area was smashed, and the magnetic lock beside the door was useless.On the courtyard wall in a corner of the community, Zhong Han also found a gap in the iron fence of the courtyard wall that was broken. The width of the gap was enough for a person of medium height and average build to pass through.They asked the security guard of the community by the way. The security guard knew about this matter and said that the fence had been broken several times. Every time it was found, someone was asked to re-weld it, but it would be damaged again after a while. It was suspected that it was secretly done by the garbage collectors nearby, because the community property did not allow them to come in to pick up recyclable garbage. However, that location happened to be in the blind spot of the surveillance, and even the security patrol would not often pass there, so everything was just suspicion and could not be confirmed. The surveillance camera near the side door recorded the whole process of the smashed magnetic lock. It was done by a group of drunkards one night not long ago. Later, we learned that the drunkards were actually residents of the community. Because they were drunk, they mistook the supermarket membership card for the magnetic card for entering the door. They couldn't open the magnetic lock no matter how they swiped it, so they smashed the magnetic lock in anger. Now the property company is coordinating with him on how to compensate for the relevant matters.After a long walk, Zhong Han and Gu Xiaofan came to the building where Dong Xinghai lived. The blood on the ground on the first floor had been cleaned, and there were still some wet marks on the ground. Basically, no blood could be seen. The cordon had been removed, and there were no people around. People passing by subconsciously walked around, as if they were afraid of stepping on the blood that Dong Xinghai had stained when he jumped off the building earlier. Of course, there were also brave people who stood in the distance and pointed at this side, gestured upstairs, and pointed at the ground downstairs, as if they were telling the scene of jumping off the building to people who didn't know about it."Sometimes I really can't help but feel that people are actually a kind of cruel creatures. The life and death of others, no matter how tragic the result is, can quickly turn into entertainment for others after dinner." Zhong Han looked at the nearby residents who were talking about it in the distance, shook his head, seemed a little helpless, and turned into the unit.Gu Xiaofan didn't think much about it at first, but after hearing what he said, he felt that it made sense. Looking at those excited people, he couldn't help feeling a little awkward. He quickly followed Zhong Han and changed the subject and asked, "We don't have to climb 15 floors again, do we?""Of course not," Zhong Han showed a magnetic card from his hand like a magic trick, "I just borrowed it from the security guard. It's a universal magnetic card for the property company. You can go to any floor you want. It's not like the residents here. You can only park on the floor where you live.""That's great. When did you borrow it from the security guard? How come I didn't know?" Gu Xiaofan was relieved when he heard that he didn't have to climb the stairs."When you took Gao Xuan's call and introduced our situation to him." Zhong Han replied.Gu Xiaofan's face flushed slightly: "I'm not a spy. He called to ask, and I just told him that we were in the community where Dong Xinghai lived, and came to see the situation, that's it.""I didn't say anything, why are you so nervous?" Zhong Han looked at Gu Xiaofan with a smile, "Although I have reservations about Gao Xuan, the three of us are currently in a cooperative relationship, not a competitor, so there is no such thing as a spy or not.""It seems that you were reserved at first? Earlier when we came up, you clearly summarized and analyzed a lot, but then you told Gao Xuan that you didn't find anything? How come now it seems like I'm judging others by my own meanness?" Gu Xiaofan pouted, feeling a little wronged."My speculation is just speculation, too subjective, there is no need to speak out before it is verified," Zhong Han was full of reason, "Besides, I can master the strategy, you are not good enough, don't force it."Gu Xiaofan turned his head and rolled his eyes secretly, this man's confidence is really everywhere!When he arrived at the 15th floor, Gu Xiaofan stood at the door and looked, and then he realized something belatedly: "I didn't have time to notice when I came here before, this floor is two small apartments connected to become one house!""Your reaction speed is slightly better than that of a dinosaur." Zhong Han teased her while opening the door."At that time, I had just seen the scene of the jump, and climbed up the 15th floor. I was exhausted, and there were many people in the corridor. I didn't notice it at once." Gu Xiaofan defended himself.The two put on their shoe covers and gloves at the door before going into the house. Gu Xiaofan didn't know what Zhong Han wanted to do when he came back. She stood in the empty living room for a while, feeling a little helpless."What are we going to do next?" she asked Zhong Han."Nothing, just a look," Zhong Han explained again when he saw that she still didn't understand. "Home is where a person feels most secure and relaxed, so if you pay close attention to a person's home, you can see a lot of his daily life and even his personality traits."Gu Xiaofan looked around: "I think the most intuitive thing is that Dong Xinghai is a game maniac. Apart from playing games, I don't see any special hobbies.""Then take a closer look. For example, isn't his computer there? You can see if he only plays stand-alone games or online games." Zhong Han said, and then he turned and walked into Dong Xinghai's bedroom.Gu Xiaofan also looked into the bedroom, but didn't find anything special there, so she followed his instructions and went to the computer desk and opened Dong Xinghai's laptop.However, when she opened the laptop, she was stunned. She originally thought that she would see a desktop full of game icons, but in fact, Dong Xinghai's laptop desktop was clean. Not only that, there was nothing in the hard drive. If it weren't for the wear and tear on the mouse and keyboard, she would have thought it was a brand new laptop.