Chapter 10 Poisoning

董星海的聊天记录很多,但是浏览过之后,除了让人有打哈欠的感觉之外,没有什么有价值的收获.董星海登录聊天软件的时候,大部分时间都是在几个不同的聊天群里和别人聊天.这些团体的名称大多与电脑游戏有关.还有一些团体的主题从名字中看不出来.就连顾小凡和钟寒也得花不少功夫,才能理解他们里面的火星语是什么意思."看来我再也无法拒绝承认自己的老年了.为什么我不能正确地说出来?我得让它变得奇怪,这些文字看起来不像文字,图片看起来也不像图片.聊天的根本出发点不是让别人理解我在说什么和我的意思吗?只有这样,我们才能在沟通中找到共鸣,对吗?顾小凡被一个游戏玩家群里大量的火星语弄得头晕目眩.董星海的手机被设为"显示密码",所以钟寒已经通过掌握董星海的账号密码,在电脑上登录了他的账号.他和顾小帆分工,一个部分没人负责浏览.听完顾小凡的抱怨,钟寒一脸淡意,耸耸肩:"获得共鸣的方法也不同.就像许多动物依靠气味来判断敌人并找到自己的部落一样,那些喜欢使用火星语言的人,就是想用那种更独特的表达方式,找到能够与自己交流的"同族人".像你这样不能理解和接受的人,已经相当于没有共鸣,所以你不需要进一步理解和沟通."我没意识到你比我大一岁?你对新事物的接受度真高!顾小凡没想到钟寒竟然会有这样的反应.他不禁觉得,两人的年龄差不多,只是从心理年龄上来说.他和钟寒之间还有一点差距.然后她俯身看了看钟寒电脑的显示器,发现钟寒正在浏览的那个聊天群,从群名到里面的人的用户名,还有对话的内容,都是正常的.别说那漫长的火星语,甚至连一个令人费解的奇怪匹配都没有."我觉得你的思想和想法是如此时尚和前卫!你在作弊!顾小凡立刻忍不住抗议."你是故意的,对吧?把那些用"天书"聊天我听不懂的人给我,正常的人你负责看!"你不是这么说的,刚才不是承认吗?你比我小一岁,所谓三年代沟,我们之间有三分之一的差距,所以我当然觉得你比我年轻.你更容易理解新事物,所以我把这些留给你了.你这么说之后,看来觉得你的年轻不是好意吗?钟寒认真地叹了口气.看来他感到很委屈.顾小凡无语.她心里清楚清楚,钟寒是故意把他不想去的麻烦都扔到她身上的,可是他说出这句话,仿佛被高估了似的.她忘恩负义.于是她做出了睿智的反应,盯着钟寒,哼了一声,什么也没说.关于这几个月的合作和接触,我不敢多说什么.有一件事,顾小凡明白得非常深刻.如果有争吵比赛,钟翰即使捂住半张嘴,也能在几分钟内消灭她.所以利用自己的短处去触碰别人的长处,绝对是不理性的.After a while, they browsed almost all of Dong Xinghai's chat records, sorted them out simply, and found that Dong Xinghai's number of friends in the chat software was not particularly large, and the number of friends who talked more frequently was even more limited. Fortunately, it was also impossible for them to screen them all so quickly. Dong Xinghai has almost never talked to anyone about serious topics such as work and career. Most of them are about eating, drinking and having fun. It is not difficult to see from the conversations of the chat partners that there are basically no colleagues among them. Most of them are netizens he met online. From the tone of some people, they seem to have known each other for a long time. From time to time, Dong Xinghai would complain about how his parents, the "old man" and "old lady" as he called them, put pressure on him and made him uncomfortable.In the more than one month before Dong Xinghai got into trouble, he chatted less frequently in other game exchange chat groups. Instead, he often appeared in a group called "Nostalgia". There were only a few people chatting with him, and the content was still related to games. It seemed that he was playing an online game with others, and the topics discussed were all related to game strategies.Before Gu Xiaofan could even sigh at Dong Xinghai's high enthusiasm for games, forensic doctor Liu called the criminal police team and said that they had reached a further conclusion about Dong Xinghai's body, and if it was convenient, they could go there now. Zhong Han and Gu Xiaofan set off immediately. The forensic doctors had not yet gone home to rest because of this unusual jumping incident."It seems that Gao Xuan is the first one to finish work among us today." Zhong Han said to Gu Xiaofan, not knowing whether he was teasing or mocking Gao Xuan, "This is my fault. If I hadn't reminded you at the beginning, you would have been working with Gao Xuan and would have been resting at home now. You wouldn't have had time to eat and stayed here!""I'm not the kind of person who is afraid of hard work!" Gu Xiaofan didn't think much about it and waved his hand casually.When they arrived at the forensic department, Forensic Doctor Liu was already waiting for them. On his desk were a few photos taken earlier at the scene of the suicide. In addition to the full view of the body, there were also some clear close-ups of some parts. When Gu Xiaofan and Zhong Han sat side by side next to Forensic Doctor Liu's desk, although they kept reminding themselves not to look, the more they reminded themselves, the more they couldn't control their eyes. They would glance at the photos from time to time. Every time they looked at them, they felt their stomachs churning.Zhong Han sat down and exchanged a few words with Forensic Doctor Liu, while casually picking up the photos and flipping through them for a while. After reading them, he intentionally or unintentionally put the photos into a stack and put them on the table in front of him."You two haven't finished your work yet?" Forensic Doctor Liu looked a little tired and sat down to drink a few sips of water.Zhong Han nodded: "It just came to an end. If he hadn't received the call, he might have passed away by now.""What do you think? After you did some other investigations, do you still think Dong Xinghai didn't commit suicide?" Forensic Doctor Liu did not immediately state their conclusion, but first asked Zhong Han about his personal opinion.Zhong Han still insisted on his previous opinion: "Yes, I still think that all the signs make me think that Dong Xinghai should not have committed suicide.""Then congratulations, Dong Xinghai is indeed unlikely to commit suicide," Liu, a forensic doctor, nodded approvingly, "After further examination of the body, many signs were indeed found. For example, there are traces of binding on the wrists of the deceased, and there are some scars on the body that do not seem to be caused by falling from a building. Judging from the location and severity, there should have been a fight, but it was not too intense. Whether he was subdued or the deceased himself compromised and gave up struggling, I can't make a conclusion about this.""Then what is the cause of death? Was Dong Xinghai's death caused by falling from a building?" Zhong Han asked. After all, as a layman who is not a forensic doctor, he simply judged from Dong Xinghai's state after falling to the ground and the amount of blood he shed that he did not think it was like he died from falling from a building. However, in the final analysis, the conclusion should be drawn by real experts."Didn't you suspect that the deceased fell from the building after death? Judging from the current examination conclusion, you are right," Liu, the forensic doctor, couldn't help but smile when he saw that he cared so much about the result. "Although the deceased fell from the 15th floor and was in a mess, the real cause of death was respiratory paralysis.""Respiratory paralysis?" When Gu Xiaofan heard this term, her mind immediately associated with a case handled by the criminal police team before. Although it has been a while, she wrote the subsequent work reports, so she has a deep impression. She remembers that the death in that case was also caused by respiratory paralysis, so she boldly asked, "Is it like the case of one corpse and two lives handled last summer? Was it poisoned? Rat poison?""You are right. It seems that the training in the past few years has not been in vain. Experience has accumulated!" Liu, the forensic doctor, had known Gu Xiaofan for a long time. He also knew that she was timid and dared not go to the scene or look at the body except to get reports. He originally thought that she was basically an insignificant role in the criminal police team and her work ability must not be very good. Unexpectedly, she learned from one thing and made him look at her with new eyes. "Yes, we found capsules that had not been completely digested in the stomach of the deceased, as well as a large amount of rat poison ingredients. It is estimated that the rat poison was originally put into empty capsules and swallowed by the deceased. The dosage was very large, far exceeding the upper limit of poisoning. After being poisoned by rat poison, the poisoned person will generally vomit. We have also verified this. There is residual vomit in the nasal cavity of the deceased.""Then can we infer how long before the deceased fell from the building that he was poisoned and died?" Zhong Han asked.Forensic Doctor Liu thought for a moment and said, "If the amount of highly toxic rat poison was large enough, it would have caused death within a few minutes. A large amount of blood was still flowing out of the wound after the victim fell from the building. In addition, when we got the news and rushed to the scene, rigor mortis had not yet appeared and the body temperature was still relatively high. We all believe that the victim was pushed out of the window within a short period of time after being poisoned, such as within an hour."