Chapter 24: The Beating Incident
没想到,龚之雪并没有对温静看好.顾小凡有些惊讶,忍不住又看了这个长相平平的男人几下.之前她在恒久传媒设计部的时候,两位男同事就迂回夸了温静.如果一个女同事说了什么贬低温静的话,男人们会立即帮助她.顾小帆想,任何一个和温静共事过的男同事,至少都会对她有好感,哪怕不佩服她.没想到,龚之雪是个例外.也许她的惊讶写满了脸,龚志雪也注意到了,他无奈地笑了笑,说道:"像我这样的人,知道自己的体重.像我这样的人,就是那种对美丽而现实的温静不感兴趣的人.我甚至不需要假装友好.相反,更容易看清她的真面目.一旦你看清楚了,你就不会有任何幻想.与巩建中等无论能力,颜值还是财力都比较优秀的男人不同,温静绝对不会在他们面前展现自己势利的一面,所以他们没有机会看到,还是觉得这个女孩特别完美.""看来龚建中对温晶的兴趣在你们公司还是个未知数,真的不是什么秘密了!"钟寒听了他的话,顿时笑了起来,"平时应该很明显吧?龚志雪点点头:"龚建中的行为一直都是那样的,比较高调,比较霸气,气场很强,尤其是那种不容忽视的."如此强大霸气的气场,客户做生意会喜欢吗?"顾小凡虽然看到了前一天在董星海家门口看着热闹的龚建中,但只是匆匆忙忙地迎面而已.他记得自己高大健壮的外表,对其他事情都没有很深的印象.今天早些时候,他听说龚建中是恒久传媒公司的顶端员工,现在又听到龚之雪说他是个霸道的人.这与他心目中对推销员的印象大相径庭."我猜,也许他在外面面对客户时不是这样的.他是一个人.他不可能只见过一次.而且我对他不是很熟悉.我们在工作中没有太多的联系.想想看,我负责公司里的网络和电脑系统,龚建中负责在外面跑来跑去联系客户.工作范围相差太大,确实没有太多的接触.说实话,他我之间的所谓交集多了一点,不过是在董星海来我们公司实习之后.我估计你们都认识温静,董星海不可能不知道他对温静感兴趣.他认真地追求了她一段时间,公司里很少有人不知道这件事.当时,不知道是谁先发现我和董星海是中学同学,所以龚建中一度把我当成了对手的帮凶.每次他看到我,我的鼻子都不是鼻子,我的脸也不是脸.我不想提我有多委屈.龚志雪叹了口气."你的意思是,龚建中和董星海发生了冲突,还以为你们是同一群的.所以他也给你添麻烦了?"事实并非如此.我们住在同一栋楼里,当我们乘坐电梯上下时,我们不可避免地会相遇.正是在那段时间里,他看到我时说话更加严厉.但后来他发现,我和董星海过去只是同学,但我们根本不熟悉,更不用说好好的关系了,所以我们再也没有那样做过.龚志雪一边说着,轻轻地呼出一口气,仿佛想起了当时的解脱感,继续摘完还没摘完的豆子.Zhong Han leaned against the door and watched him pick vegetables. Just when Gu Xiaofan thought that he would follow Gong Zhixue's words and ask about the so-called domineering and strong aspects of Gong Jianzhong's daily life, and whether he had any friction or conflict with Dong Xinghai, he asked Gong Zhixue: "How long have you been in the same class with Dong Xinghai?"Gong Zhixue didn't seem to expect that he would suddenly jump to him. He was slightly stunned before saying: "Well, he was transferred to our class when we were divided into arts and sciences in the second year of high school. We have been classmates in the same class for two years.""Didn't you just tell us that Dong Xinghai especially liked to play pranks in middle school? Then you two have been in the same class for two years. Have you ever been tricked?" Zhong Han asked curiously.Gong Zhixue paused while picking vegetables, but did not speak immediately, as if he was recalling something. After a while, he said, "It seems that I did. I can't remember the details. At that time, more than half of the students in our class, especially the boys, were pranked by him. I felt very embarrassed at the time, but later I gradually forgot about it and got over it. Now I can't tell you why.""But from your expression, you don't look like you have forgotten or gotten over it." Zhong Han seemed determined not to let Gong Zhixue off easily on this issue.Gu Xiaofan also felt that although Zhong Han's straightforward statement seemed a bit harsh, when Gong Zhixue was asked whether he had encountered Dong Xinghai's pranks in middle school, his whole posture became a little stiff and unnatural. Although there was no obvious change in his expression, even Gu Xiaofan, who thought he was still a little incompetent, could see that he was clearly pretending to be indifferent."How should I put this..." Gong Zhixue was embarrassed by being exposed so bluntly. He put the selected vegetables in the sink and turned on the faucet to rinse them to hide his embarrassment, and said, "Maybe people are like this. Memory is one thing, and feeling is another. There was a saying before that when people miss their first love, it is not that they can't forget that first love, but that they can't forget the feeling of their first love. I guess it's the same in other aspects. When it comes to the prank played by Dong Xinghai in middle school, I really can't remember the cause and effect of the whole thing, but when you asked about it, I did remember the feeling of being particularly ashamed and embarrassed at that time in an instant. I didn't mean to hide it on purpose. If you ask my high school classmates, maybe some of them remember it. Maybe they can really remember it. I'll tell you something. Aren't people more likely to remember other people's affairs than their own affairs? ""That's not necessary. I just asked casually. Why do you need to go to so much trouble to verify it?" Zhong Han smiled and waved his hand. "I'm sorry for asking you an embarrassing question. Let's talk about Gong Jianzhong. I heard that Gong Jianzhong beat Dong Xinghai. Is that true?""Gong Jianzhong beat Dong Xinghai? I don't know. When did it happen?" Gong Zhixue seemed very surprised when he heard this, but he quickly reacted. "Oh, I think I know what you are talking about, and you may have made a mistake. That incident doesn't seem to have anything to do with Gong Jianzhong.""When did the incident you are talking about happen? I think we need to check the time first, so as not to talk about two things as one thing, which will go in opposite directions and waste time." Zhong Han asked.Gong Zhixue thought for a moment: "It's probably two or three months. It was quite cold back then. Are you asking about that time? If not, I don't know. I only know about that one time.""In that case, then we should not be talking about the same thing. Why do you say that thing has nothing to do with Gong Jianzhong? Gong Jianzhong told you?" Zhong Han asked again after confirming that there was no discrepancy in the time."How could Gong Jianzhong take the initiative to tell me such a thing? This is what happened. We all lived in the same building and worked in the same company, so we often ran into each other. I met Dong Xinghai first and found that he had a wound on his face, so I asked him how he got hurt. He said that he went out to play with friends on the weekend, and got into a fight with others in the billiard hall while playing billiards. He was beaten up." Gong Zhixue hesitated for a moment after he finished speaking, then changed the topic and said, "Although this is the answer Dong Xinghai told me, I don't know if it is true. When I was recalling this incident just now, I remembered that I heard others talking about it in the company. They said that someone asked Gong Jianzhong if he beat Dong Xinghai because of Wen Jing's matter. Gong Jianzhong didn't say yes, nor did he say no. He just People like Dong Xinghai deserve to be beaten, and no matter who beats him, it is considered to be eliminating harm for the people, so others say that this is equivalent to tacit consent. ""Then why do you think Dong Xinghai chose to lie to you about this matter?" Gu Xiaofan asked, "If the person who beat him was really Gong Jianzhong, why would he lie to cover up for Gong Jianzhong?""Who knows? I think it is unlikely that Dong Xinghai covered up for Gong Jianzhong. The fact that the two of them have a bad relationship is known to everyone in the company. I think Dong Xinghai is so proud, and he and Gong Jianzhong look down on each other. If he admits that he was beaten by Gong Jianzhong, wouldn't it be embarrassing and make others think that Gong Jianzhong beat him?" Gong Zhixue expressed his understanding.After listening to it, Gu Xiaofan felt that this explanation was indeed reasonable, so he didn't ask any more questions."How was this matter handled afterwards? Have there been other conflicts or interactions between Dong Xinghai and Gong Jianzhong?" Zhong Han continued to ask after listening to Gong Zhixue.Gong Zhixue shook his head: "I'm not sure, probably not. If there was, even if I'm not in the design department anymore, I would have heard that there was something. I heard that Dong Xinghai's attitude towards Wen Jing became a little cold after he was beaten, but Gong Jianzhong and Wen Jing were the same. Others privately speculated that Dong Xinghai was a little scared after being beaten by Gong Jianzhong, so he didn't dare to provoke Wen Jing again and automatically withdrew. Many people thought that Wen Jing and Gong Jianzhong might be able to succeed, but Wen Jing suddenly resigned a while ago and gave everyone wedding candy, saying that she was engaged and her fiancé was abroad. Gong Jianzhong had a dark face for several days after that, and he must have been quite shocked.""Wasn't Wen Jing forced to resign because of Dong Xinghai's incident?" Zhong Han asked Gong Zhixue using the statement he heard from Hengjiu Media during the day.Gong Zhixue smiled and shook his head: "It was the female colleagues in our company who said that, right? They guessed privately that Wen Jing's fiancé had never been seen by anyone, so there must be no such person. They were embarrassed to say that she was forced to resign, so they made up an excuse. I think their statement is unreliable. They probably don't want to believe that Wen Jing has a better home, so they are unhappy and deliberately say this to vent their anger."