Chapter 33 Intercession
"董星海那天找到了什么样的朋友?"他那么正义,那么可敬,我告诉你这件事之后你就放他走了?钟寒用半真半假的语气问道,听起来很可疑,但并非真的."我明白了,兄弟,你不相信我!"李银虎并没有不高兴,反而笑了起来.他的笑容有些无奈,但他似乎很了解钟寒."你觉得我看起来不像个好人吗?无论如何,事情就是这样.我从心底告诉你.我无能为力,你信不信我.无论如何,我对一件事有信心.我们现在处于一个法治社会.你们警察也要注意程序和证据.即使你不相信我说的话,你也得找点别的东西来证明我撒了谎.你不能指责我吧?虽然他说别人不会指责他,但其实这些话巧妙地给钟翰和顾小凡戴上了一顶大帽子.这不仅仅是一顶帽子,还是一个紧箍,一个不软不硬的威胁,提醒他们不要在没有证据的情况下怀疑别人,否则就会违反职业规范.顾小凡对李银虎的印象在谈话中慢慢发生了变化.他发现这个男人并不是他第一次见到他时所想的那种简单的类型.他在社会上生活了很长时间,因此更加圆滑和老练.他的头脑比他最初想象的要复杂得多.钟翰听了李银虎的话也笑了起来,开玩笑地点点头,说道:"你可以这么说,我们评人的标准不是凭外表的."我确实认识那天帮助那个孩子代祷的人,但如果我们谈论友谊,实际上并没有特定的友谊.你知道,在我们的工作中,我们可以与各种各样的人取得联系.我不怕你嘲笑我或对我有任何其他想法.那天帮助那个孩子代祷的人和我可以说是通过争吵认识的.我忘了之前是什么,但无论如何我们还是打了一架,但那已经是几年前的事情了.那时我还很年轻,很冲动.反正就算我们在那之后认识了,事后也没什么怨恨.我觉得他挺正直的.所以我有了一个新朋友.在此期间,我们没有太多联系.那天真是巧合.他其实认识那个男孩,并在电话里告诉我,他和那个男孩关系很好.他说,这个男孩被家人宠坏了,不知道他在哪里.事实上,他根本没有任何能力.他让我不要和他争论,所以我只是帮了他一个忙."李银虎说."我不明白这一点.既然你看到董星海一开始的态度太嚣张,就想替你的双胞胎弟弟发泄怒气,为什么你这么容易就因为一个关系不亲密的朋友而改变主意呢?钟寒对李银虎的话并不感动.李银虎无奈地摸了摸自己的后脑勺.说:"唉,我知道如果我说这些,你不会相信我.让我这样说吧.我确实与帮助代祷的人有一些友谊.我是一名商人.基本上,我必须与每个人交朋友,我不能冒犯任何人.我也有我的无助.我哥哥是个脾气暴躁的人.他就像一颗炸弹.每个人都知道这一点.我必须比任何人都更了解它.他可能会生气,但实际上,他冷静下来后,这并不是什么大问题.所以如果没有人为那个孩子求情,我一定会帮他发泄怒气.但既然他发了话,我实在不想因为这么小的事情得罪人,以后给自己添麻烦.那个人也是一个在乎面子的人.得罪他对我没有好处.反正我哥也没吃亏,就算了吧!"那个人叫什么名字?他做什么?顾小帆问道.李银虎淡淡一笑,道:"这件事我就不告诉你了.不是我故意不配合你的工作.让对方参与这件事就足够了.我们不要把无关紧要的人拖进水里!他为那个人说话,这表明他是他的朋友.想要调查我们兄弟,想怎么调查就调查什么.我无话可说.毕竟,我们几乎是轮流和他打架.你以后可以问别人,但我真的不能做会给别人添麻烦的事情."但是..."顾小凡不情愿地问道,却被钟寒拦住了.他向李银虎点点头,说道:"好,既然如此,我明白你的意思,我也能理解.我不会给你添麻烦的.李银虎又客气地说了几句,就送出去了,一路走到了店门口.他还让酒保把两瓶饮料递过来,说会给顾小凡和钟寒."I believe you don't smoke, but you two can't even not drink the drinks, right? Do you look down on me and don't consider me a friend?" Seeing that Gu Xiaofan and Zhong Han were determined not to take the drinks, he pushed them harder.Seeing him say that, Zhong Han motioned for Gu Xiaofan to take the drinks, and then said goodbye to Li Yinhu. After Li Yinhu returned to accompany his friends, he left the money for the drinks to the bartender and left."Guess what we're going to do next?" Zhong Han asked Gu Xiaofan after getting in the car.Gu Xiaofan was twisting the bottle cap to drink the drink. Because Zhong Han paid for the drink, she felt more confident in drinking. When Zhong Han asked her, she quickly swallowed the water in her mouth and said, "I'm not sure, but I'm sure that we will definitely not go to the billiard hall where Dong Xinghai was blocked to find the bartender there to verify Li Yinhu's statement.""Oh? Why are you so sure we won't do that?" Zhong Han asked."How simple it is. Those bartenders earn money from Li Yinhu's pocket. How could they betray their boss to provide us with information? Li Yinhu dared to say that. He must have already arranged the words with the other side, or he really told the truth, or he knew very well that his employees would not dare to talk nonsense. In this case, why should we waste time there!" Gu Xiaofan said confidently."Not bad, there is progress. I finally know that if I don't keep my brain, it will expire and become useless. I know to use it!" Zhong Han praised Gu Xiaofan very "sincerely"."You're here again," Gu Xiaofan glanced at him with some resentment, but after such a long time, she also learned to be smart, knowing that she would never be Zhong Han's opponent in bickering, so she simply changed her strategy, "I have always used my brain, but of course my brain can't be compared with a genius like you!"Zhong Han didn't seem to expect her to answer him like this, he laughed out loud, nodded repeatedly, and said: "Not bad, not bad, you have learned to be clever, it seems that you have made great progress recently!""No more joking, really, what are we going to do next?" After laughing, Gu Xiaofan also put away her smile and asked Zhong Han seriously.Zhong Han looked at the time: "You call Tang Hongye or Gao Xuan and ask them where they are, let's meet, and then talk.""Why don't you make this call?" When Gu Xiaofan thought of Zhong Han's previous reminder that Gao Xuan's attitude might be cold, she felt an indescribable worry and awkwardness in her heart.Zhong Han seemed indifferent: "Okay, but I didn't bring headphones. You know, it's unsafe to talk on the phone while driving. Then I'll park the car on the side of the road and you'll drive. I'll be responsible for the call?""No, you drive and I'll make the call!" Compared to making a call, Gu Xiaofan was even less confident in her driving skills.After thinking about it, she decided to call Tang Hongye. Tang Hongye's speed in answering the phone was not slow, and his attitude was neither cold nor warm. It was obviously very different from his usual chattering style. Gu Xiaofan asked and learned that they were having dinner on a street not far from Dong Xinghai's house. They just sat down and the food was not served yet, so they made an appointment to meet there later.The two drove over. When they got there, Tang Hongye and Gao Xuan had already eaten half of their meal. Seeing them coming, Gao Xuan symbolically put down his chopsticks and greeted them. At first, Tang Hongye just ate his head and didn't even raise his head. It was only after Gao Xuan gestured to him that he reluctantly put down his chopsticks."We just came to chat with you. You two can eat as usual. You've worked hard all day, so you can't have an uncomfortable dinner." After sitting down, Zhong Han signaled Gao Xuan and Tang Hongye not to delay dinner because of their arrival."Thanks to you, we are not as tired as yesterday!" Tang Hongye glanced at Zhong Han and said something in a sarcastic tone.Zhong Han just smiled and said nothing. Gu Xiaofan didn't know what to say. Gao Xuan didn't try to smooth things over as he did in the past. He just ate his meal in silence. The four of them suddenly fell into an awkward silence."How are you today? What did you gain?" Gao Xuan and Tang Hongye sat in a position closer to the corner. The tables around them were empty and there were no guests. Gu Xiaofan could also ask after they had almost finished eating."There is nothing specific to gain. It is nothing more than indirect understanding and grasp of some personal information about Gong Jianzhong and Qiu Gaoyang. Didn't you also contact them at Hengjiu Media before? You must have a certain understanding of them. We just started today and haven't dug out any deep information." Gao Xuan answered in a very flat tone, without any warmth. Even when he was talking, he looked at Tang Hongye or even Zhong Han most of the time, and rarely looked at Gu Xiaofan.Gu Xiaofan felt a little uncomfortable, but Zhong Han had already explained it in advance, so she had to pretend to be calm and not care much.