Chapter 49 The Man with the Mole

"那告诉我们,那个人长什么样子?"钟寒并不是不相信李大崔的意思,他认真而认真地问道.他的态度让李大垂觉得很有用.毕竟之前有人质疑他的话真伪,这让他感到有些不舒服.现在他终于有机会证明自己,并不是一个整天只会吹牛,胡说八道的人.李大垂似乎特别担心.他清了清嗓子,但没有立即说话.相反,他微微皱眉,翻了个白眼,苦思冥想.想了一会儿,当年轻的摊主脸上已经露出意料之中的冷笑时,他终于开口说道:"答他个子不高,不胖也不瘦,有点黑,留着短发,没什么特别的.他进来时戴着一副墨镜.我觉得很奇怪,他进屋时还没摘下墨镜,所以我就多加注意他了.""就这样?你说你出门的时候,不需要找这个外表的人.你一眼就能发现其中的十八个!钟寒和顾小凡还没来得及说话,年轻的摊主就大笑起来.虽然之前对魏鹏程的事情有些震惊,但毕竟只是一个熟人.当涉及到个人利益时,人们不禁觉得这不关他们的事.如今听到李大垂这么说,他忍不住想调侃道:"你憋了这么久,才想出这几个字来?去处理你的事吧,别在这里乱来!"你看你,怎么能这么说话!"李大垂大概是个习惯了随便跟别人开玩笑的人,但被年轻人这么说之后,尤其是当着两个警察的面,他不由得自尊心有些受伤,赶紧赶上了一副严肃的样子:"我一点儿都没胡说.当人命危在旦夕时,我编造谎言讲故事,只会惹麻烦.我不会做任何有害的事情.我现在这么老了.我知道该说什么,该开什么玩笑.我说的是真的,根本不是编造的!"我们相信你不会拿这种事情开玩笑,但这个朋友说的话并非没有道理.你的描述确实比较笼统,我们很难根据你的描述找到人.钟寒说.李大垂想来,咧嘴一笑,突然一巴掌拍了拍他的大腿,道:"嘿!我真的想起了什么,这次就够帮你认出那个人了!我看到的那个人眉毛之间有一颗痣!它不是很大.它大约有一粒米那么大.它是黑色的.要不是刚才问我,那个人好黑,还戴着墨镜,我都差点忘了他脸上的黑痣!顾小凡赶紧在笔记本上写下了"眉间有一颗黑痣".然后他问道:"除此之外,还有其他特征吗?例如,走路姿势,特殊的运动习惯等?"哦,我真的不知道!我只见过那个人两次,怎么能这么仔细地观察他呢?说实话,他第一次来的时候我觉得很奇怪,我又看了他两眼.当他第二次来时,我甚至懒得理会他.我只记得他似乎走路很轻松.他走得很快,我真的不记得其他任何事情了.李大初想了想,回答道."为什么你第一次见到他时感到奇怪,但第二次见到他时却没有?"顾小凡有些困惑."我不是刚才说过吗,当我第一次看到那个人时,他站在外面,把头伸直了进去.我问他想买什么,他什么也没说,转身就走了,所以我觉得他很奇怪.第二次来的时候,还是把头探向小魏店的门口.我以为他可能认识小魏,所以我就没怎么注意.李大初回答.钟寒听了,向他点了点头.这个想法很有道理:"它是什么时候发生的?"哦,从现在开始...可能两个多月,大约三个月."那个人是只来过两次,还是后来才来,但你因为把他当成魏鹏程的熟人,所以没有怎么注意他,所以记不清了?""就那两次,我可以肯定.后来觉得那个人和小魏是认识的,所以就没有当初那么重视了.但如果那个人来了,我肯定会看到它.你可以看到我们的生意有点安静.每天都没什么可做的.不就是坐在摊位上看人玩吗!这就是李大垂能提供的全部信息.与他提到的人相熟的年轻摊主甚至表示,对他完全没有印象.对于这件事情,一老一少两个人,都有些疑惑.一个认为对方是想破坏,一个认为对方故意编造谎言凑热闹.Seeing this scene, Zhong Han and Gu Xiaofan realized that it was meaningless to stay here any longer, so they left their business cards so that they could provide clues at any time, and then left the building materials city. After leaving the building materials city, Zhong Han immediately drove to the next destination, and soon arrived at another hardware and building materials market, where there was another stall of Wei Pengcheng, which had been taken care of by Xiao Feng."If Xiao Feng was here, I'm afraid it would be difficult for us to find out the situation from the people around us, right?" Gu Xiaofan had her own concerns.Zhong Han didn't think it was a problem: "Xiao Feng won't be here. If you don't believe me, we can make a bet. How about it? Dare you?""Don't dare," Gu Xiaofan answered decisively, "If you dare to say that, you must have a chance of winning. I won't be stupid enough to fall into your trap! How do you know Xiao Feng won't come today?""Because her boyfriend was just found out yesterday. If she comes to the stall to do business normally today, others will think she is cold-blooded and has no humanity. So don't say that she may not be strong enough to support herself to continue doing business. Even if she is really that strong, the wise choice today is to pretend not to be strong. There is another point that cannot be ignored," Zhong Han winked at Gu Xiaofan, "Everyone has a selfish instinct. Xiao Feng and Wei Pengcheng are just lovers, not married, and there is no common property. When Wei Pengcheng was alive, she helped take care of the business and made profits from it. There is naturally no problem. If the two of them get married smoothly in the future, she will at least be a legitimate young boss. Now that Wei Pengcheng is in trouble, even if she takes good care of the business, she is still running the business for others and making profits for others. You also know what Wei Pengcheng's parents think of her. At this critical moment, I don't think she will behave so great."Gu Xiaofan felt that Zhong Han's idea made sense, so he was relieved. When the two found Xiao Feng's stall, they found that as Zhong Han had expected before, she did not set up the stall to do business today.Compared with Wei Pengcheng's indoor store, Xiao Feng's stall is much simpler, and the environment in the building materials market is noisier than Wei Pengcheng's. The stalls here are not too spacious, and the piled-up goods make it even more crowded. I don't know if it's because the building is relatively old, but there is a damp smell in the air, which is not very pleasant. This surprised Gu Xiaofan a little. She originally thought that Wei Pengcheng asked his girlfriend to quit her job and come back to take care of the business for him, and at least it would be a better environment than the small stall in front of her.The business here in the building materials market is better than Wei Pengcheng's. There are buyers checking the goods or bargaining in front of the stalls around the stall that Xiao Feng is responsible for. Zhong Han and Gu Xiaofan waited for a while before finally waiting for the opportunity to talk, and chatted with several stall owners who were looking after the shops around them.Most of Xiao Feng's neighbors are middle-aged men or couples. They have a good impression of Xiao Feng. They say that she is a young girl who sells hardware accessories. She is dedicated and comes to the store on time every day. She never leaves early at night. Recently, she finally has the opportunity to take a break and go out for a few days. It's not easy. When they heard that Xiao Feng didn't come to the store because her boyfriend had an accident, everyone around was surprised. A middle-aged woman who was watching the stall with her husband couldn't help but sigh with regret."Oh, how could such a thing happen to a young woman? It's really unpredictable! It's a pity that the couple has such a good relationship. Xiao Feng must be very uncomfortable now! It's so pitiful!" She shook her head and sighed."Have you seen her boyfriend?" Gu Xiaofan felt a little strange after hearing this. Previously, at the building materials city, a stall owner who was familiar with Wei Pengcheng also mentioned that although Wei Pengcheng was not very serious about business, he was still in the store from morning till night. The building materials city was not very close to here. Would Wei Pengcheng have time to come here and show his affection with Xiao Feng?"How could I not have seen him? That young man always comes to see Xiao Feng when he has nothing to do. Sometimes at lunchtime, he brings food and drinks over. The two of them eat together at the stall, talking and laughing. They have a great relationship! I once told her boyfriend that he should come to help his girlfriend when he has nothing to do. It's too hard for a girl to take care of the stall by herself. Xiao Feng even interceded for her boyfriend, saying that it's not convenient for him to come all the time. I didn't feel embarrassed to ask him what he does." The middle-aged woman said, "Anyway, they have a great relationship.""Does the boyfriend you are talking about have a black mole between his eyebrows?" Zhong Han suddenly asked, gesturing at the center of his eyebrows with his hand.The middle-aged woman nodded, and couldn't help but said with a little bit of blame: "Of course, otherwise what else would he look like!"