Chapter 1 Lost Her

The ear splitting thunderstorm was striking in the sky along with the pouring rain which grieved for the loss of someone dear to here. The nature exuded the gloominess as she has lost her energy to support the life stemming in chaos. In midst of the sadness, sat a man in front of the grave. His hunched back clothed in hospital clothes was drenched from the rain while the tears falling from his eyes got blended with the pour.

His eyes unfocused, staring blankly at the tombstone, lost in past memories giving him epiphany he never felt. The flashback of the person he was familiar with happened to be the person he unconsciously loved the most.

He never loved anyone…. He loved her...but now he never ever will love again….

The aching pain his heart felt as something has been howled out from his heart and was so painful that he started feeling nauseous, holding his head he wailed brashly causing him to lose his consciousness in the front of his beloved resting place.

Tag Hash Hospital.

The bloody hand streaked the handsome face of a man. Her hand gliding over the smooth and sharp jawline tracing it as to crave his face in her memory and to give the final ounce of warmness which was left in her essence to him as a upsetting farewell.

"Fengfeng… I believe this would be my ultimate operation with you…Haaaahh." She smiled through her misty eyes cupping the face of the man who was sobbing like a baby.

"No, you can't leave me. I don't allow it. No, just leave by my side. Okay! Please! I will be alone without you. I can't…. Please Maya…. Please!"

She laid on his lap staring at his face affectionately before removing her hand to clutch her wound which was dangerously spilling a lot of blood. She wiped his tears before chuckling and continuing her last words.

"Taifeng only if I was not bad at making choice…. Only if…." The hot tears flowing from her eyes.

"Maya! No!" The man shouted on the top of his lungs.

"Just wait for me… Okay! Just wait I will be calling the emergency medical staff. Till than wait for me Maya. Don't close your eyes. I will be back."

The man made the woman lean on the half standing wall sprinting to the opposite direction. The women eyes followed him till it became motionless like a mannequin.

By the time the man came back with the medical staff, he found was not his comrade rather a cold body with a tear-stricken face.

Room 70

"Maya! Maya! Where is my Maya! Maya!"

Hearing the shriek of the patient the nurse and the doctors which were few steps away from the room ran toward it. When they opened the door what they saw was a patient tearing of all his fluid pipes from his hands shouting and jumping out of the bed maniacally.

Seeing the man losing his mind few personnel in military dress came to subdue him on the board.

"Nurse! Quickly prepare a shot of anesthesia. The patient is having a fit of anger. Fast."

The doctor understanding the seriousness of the situation ordered the nurse.

The man which was held by the military men on the bed clutching his hands and legs was thrashing his limbs here and there waiting for the opportunity to run free from them.

"Leave me! I said leave me I…I…I have to go. Maya is waiting for me. Let go. Maya…. Maya…. Maya."

The doctor was successful to administer the drugs into his body in middle of all the hassle. Slowly the limbs of the man started getting soft, his eyes closing simultaneously spilling the tears. Though in unconscious state he kept calling her name but eventually accepting the truth….

That he has lost her... His Maya.