Kane floats in the dark abyss once more, alone and cold but a white light suddenly joins him.

it appears above him, blinding but quickly dims down until he can make out a face with white long hair, her face.

"You again," he says, "Hello, Kane." "Kane, right. Why can't I say my actual name?" "Maxwell Reiga is dead, remember? You are born anew, well not like a baby but you know what I mean.

Your memories from your past life is a bit um, foggy.

That's what she meant when she said you must believe it," she says, "So I really I'm dead," "No Maxwell is and Kane is born,". Kane looks down at his arms, "My looks too, they have changed.

I can't even remember what I looked like," "You look good anyway. Courtesy of yours truly".

Kane takes a deep breath and lets it out, "Can you at least tell me what this whole chosen one thing is all about?" he asks and she just lets out a small laugh.

"Don't worry. You will find out in time but there is something I want you to do for me in future, as one of the prices for being reborn.

I will need you to get something for me," "And if I refuse? Wait, prices?"

"You saw that girl Emilia right? The one with the big breasts," "What? What the hell? I don't know what you are talking about," he says but she just laughs.

"You will never see her again or any other female for that matter,".

Kane folds his fists, "Are you sure you aren't a devil instead? Threatening me with women" "Shut up and it isn't a threat" "By the way, what I'm I getting for you?" "You will know when the time comes," she says.

Kane starts to feel a tingling sensation coursing through his body while the goddess floats backwards and away from him.

"Wait, who are you? What's your name?" He shouts as she gradually fades into the dark, "Shiroi," are last words he hears from her.

The harshness of cold water brings him out of his trance and he rushes to his feet, he finds that he is still in the cave with the strange elf and Emilia.

Matilda and Sanches are gone. "Welcome back, now I ask you again; who are you?" The strange elf asks the question again, Kane stands before her with a sureness in his eyes.

His brows fold together, "You know who I am, I am Kane" he says and the elf smiles at him, "Now, you believe" she says. 

"I am Lena, shaman of our tribe. It is a pleasure to meet you, chosen one", she says.

Kane's features become softer, "It is a pleasure Lena, but I do not understand what is going on or what you mean by chosen one,".

"Emilia, get the chief" Lena says and Emilia doesn't waste time to go on the errand but not before Kane gets a glance at her, "Was the goddess going to kill her if I refused?" he wonders.

"It is written in our halls of prophecy that the gods will send a hero to stop evil, the evil that is corrupting this world.

The prophecies says the hero will take the form of man but he will not be born by a woman but rather by the skies.

Your destiny is not going to be any easy one but you must face it nonetheless," Lena says. 

"Not an easy one? What is this? I was an introvert in my previous life, I am sure of it because this is already too much" he thinks.

He runs his hand through his white hair, "What is required of me?" he asks with a new aura about him.

Lena glances at him and smiles, "For now we must at least give you basic training, for time is not on our side".

"The mercenaries that are trying to take your moon, Mani, there were nice to me but they tried to kill me when Emilia came for me.

Can you tell me why?" "Mercenaries have been coming after Mani for ages but they will never get it.

Our underground world has always been a safe haven, hidden from outsiders and the forest above is far from safe even for mercenaries.

I don't know why they wanted you dead but seeing you with Emilia might have meant you have sided with our race and unfortunately, we are not loved" Lena says.

She walks around the cave, the blue lights glow against her thigh as it is exposed through the slit in her gown, "Sometimes when they catch our kind on the surface we never see them again.

Taken away from the island, sold into slavery or killed.

If you have sided with us, know that those who come to exploit these lands are not your friends," she says.

Her bright yellow eyes hold his gaze but his mind starts to wonder if he moved with the right people. 

His mind is swiftly pulled away when he hears thunderous sounds outside the cave, "What is that?", screams follow shortly and they are both forced to come out of the cave and satisfy their curiosity.

It is not fine at all, elves run around while fire burns their haven. Strange men in black armour and white masks are attacking everyone.

They seem to come out from a vortex beside the bank of the big stream. Warriors start to come out to defend the cave but their attackers are already on a roll.

Kane's eyes widen as he just stares at the chaos that is unleashed before him, he sees Sanches and a few warriors running toward himself and Lena.

"Shaman, we have to get him to safety" Sanches says. He holds his bow tightly as sweat drips down the side of his face, "I agree," Lena says.

Kane's eyes move from one to the other, speechless about the situation and before he can wrap his mind around everything a kick to one of the warriors disperses them.

Everyone scatters and recomposes themselves to find a man in their presence. 

 He stands like a lone and enigmatic figure, poised and shrouded in an aura of mystery, he is clad in a dark and intricately patterned hooded outfit, he looks like a warrior, a strong one.

A mask conceals his face but leaves his red glowing eyes exposed, he watches as his companions set the fields ablaze while fighting the resisting elves before returning his gaze to those around him, like they don't matter, like they aren't a threat.

Kane takes a step back as he feels the man's eyes on them.

Sanches and the warriors shoot arrows at him and he dodges swiftly, in a blink of an eye the man appears between two elves, he places his hands between them and flames burst through their bellies.

He moves toward another warrior and dodges an already shot arrow, he pushes his hand forward and a white snowy substance extend toward the elf and turns him to ice.

The man breaks the ice and turns to another warrior, Kane doesn't want to wait to find out what happens next.

"Screw this," he thinks as he tries to run away but before he takes the next step he sees the man with red eyes in front of him. 

This villain appears fast and unseen like a ghost, quick in his actions, he isn't here to test his strength, he is here to kill.

He throws lightning fast jabs at Kane but to Kane's surprise none touches him. Kane defends the man's attacks, showcasing sharp movements and a skill for eluding critical attacks.

They both move away from each other, Kane takes deep breaths and looks down at his hands.

He can't believe it, but before he can savour whatever this is, the hooded man appears before him and delivers a spinning kick to his midsection, sending Kane backwards. 

"Protect him," Sanches shouts as he runs toward the man, he pulls out a sword and charges.

He takes a heavy swing but the man catches the blade in his hand, lightning coats his other hand and he stabs it through Sanches' armour and into his body.

Sanches feels his body shake with agony as pain seeps in like poison, crippling his strength while blood spills out of his mouth.

The light slowly leaves his eyes as the hooded man kicks him away. 

A blast of purple light hits the man and send him flying backwards, he turns to see Lena chanting in a strange tongue.

His red eyes glare at her but he turns his attention back to Kane.

Kane's brows jump to attention as he sees the man charge towards him.

He easily uses his lightning coated hand to slice through the elves around Kane before sending his lightning charged hand towards Kane who dodges it and throws a punch but the man nods Kane's fist backwards and sweeps Kane of his feet. 

"You show potential but not enough to be salvaged," the man says in a deep and rough voice, ice suddenly appears around his hand and forms a pointy edge.

Kane looks up at the ice blade, his heart beats fast as he remembers, "I was just reborn a day ago, is this how I go? Just like that?".

His thoughts wander to the place of his rebirth, the clouds where he fell from, he remembers as the wind beat against his face even though it was scary.

The man plunges his hand downward but his blade only shatters against the ground, the man with white hair just disappeared before his eyes, "Who was that?" He thinks.

A blast of purple light hits him again but it doesn't matter to him.

"You, creature. Who was that man just now?" "Someone you shall never see again, he who will destroy evil" Lena says and extends her hand forward to cast another spell but stops when she feels something burst through her spine. 

The hooded man stands behind her with his red eyes looking down at her bleeding body, "You do not know who you are messing with, do you weakling? I am Anarchy," he says and pulls out her spine.

Lena's bloodied body drops before his feet while he cleans his hand against his attire, "Round them up,".