

Kane stumbles from Barabas' chambers, his vitality draining with each weary step. Leaning against the col stone, he utters low, guttural curses.

The irony is not lost on him - these forbidden indulgences, under different circumstances, might have brought him a measure of forbidden delight.

His body, no longer his own, is deemed the property of Lord Barabas and Memnuh, though primarily Barabas.

He endures this state of subjugation, his silent struggle unfolding as the household descends into slumber.

He proceeds with deliberate caution, his solitary journey interrupted by the encounter with the guards.

"If it isn't the great White Death", a guard says and his comrades laugh.

Kane notice a jug of ale on the floor, an idea pops in mind as he greets with a bow, having no strength to give conversation. 

"Won't you join us?", one of them say with drunken pace, "Lord Barabas suggests I take rest for tomorrow's battle in the pits", Kane says calmly, "You can throw Lord Barabas' name all you like, it won't always save you", the guard says and they give way for him to pass.

Staying in Grimstone, he has learned that no one likes to piss off the lords of Grimstone. And from a little bit of experience he knows why.

Everyone under their command is like a pawn, a tool to be commanded.

The thoughts of The Sith comes to mind and he scuffs, grunting as he makes his way to the gladiatorial dormitories, the cells they have turned to their homes. Not for long.

Kane hears grunts and the heaving of heavy breathes while flesh smacks against flesh, he passes and pauses briefly as eyes meet Maxi.

With hands firmly around Sasha's waist, he grunts and gives a nod toward Kane who nods back and continues his walk down the hall of cells.

He reaches his own, stopping movement under the rushed sounds of feet and body.

He enters to see Emmet on one side of his bed, taking deep breathes and someone in black hooded cloak.

Her hands show her scaly skin, she gently unveils herself to reveal her snake-like eyes and body, "Kane, this is Maeve. A snake-kin. She is Lord Dorian's servant", Emmet says.

"My lord has great interest in you and the dark elf", she says. 

Kane's mind is still trying to grab the idea that there is a woman with greenish scaly skin in front of him, he glances at Emmet as previous sounds suggest certain actions had taken place.

"We are interested in switching masters, we need his help to escape.", Kane speaks, he lets himself slide to the ground, back to wall and ass to floor.

"North of here. There are cliffs, it is rarely guarded and since this is Grimstone, not many people go there. It would seem like you were trying to spy.

We can use there to escape", he says, "From there we reach the borders and hide till nightfall before leaving Pyrrhus forever. We need a distraction", Emmet adds.

"Something to remove focus from our activities. Can your master manage that?", "Yes", Maeve says.

"We will also need some coin, to make the plan go smoothly", Kane says, eyes keen on Maeve. She removes a pouch from her cloak and hands it to Emmet, he weighs it and makes a face, "Good weight", he confirms.

"I will tell my master about what you said", Maeve declares, rising to depart, "How will you leave?" "The same way I came", she says and with a chilling swiftness, vanishes into thin air. 

Emmet moves backwards while Kane just lies against the walls, "It would seem everyone can teleport now", Emmet says, clearly freaked out, Kane giggles, "Or you were making out with a ghost", he laughs.

"Even with all that pain you can still laugh", Emmet shake his head. 


Night falls before the Grand Sorcerer can have his altar-like structures erected. The duke, a tankard of ale sloshing in his hand approaches the Grand Sorcerer, who meticulously examines the progress made.

He glances down at the duke with a side eye, before fully turning to face the man.

His eyes wide open, it looks like he sees through you. "Grand Sorcerer Tanix, Tanix, can I call you that?" "No", the Grand Sorcerer states plainly.

"Okay.", Clarion eyes the structure, "What does this do? It looks very important".

The wizard stares down at him and grunts, "Accessing such a divine relic with pure magic force alone will not do it. 

This altar channels the magics of nature, once you get it running it keeps going on its own till the altar burns", Tanix says, "Quite handy.

You seem to know what we are dealing with up there", Clarion states, "What are you implying round man?", Tanix says with eyes squinted at the duke.

"I am not trying to anger you my friend, I simply want to be educated by a wise man", Clarion says before sipping from his cup.

The Grand Sorcerer stretches his hand and takes the cup from the duke, he empties it in a single gulp and tosses the cup aside.

"That is the embodiment of the gods will. A godspark. I never thought I would see one in my lifetime. But there are suppose to be five of them. This could just be one", he says.

Two cups of ale suddenly appear in his hand and he hands one over to the duke, "This power is dangerous, so tell me.

What interest does Merdona have in it?" "Like you, we simply want to know what unnatural phenomenon is about to enter our world" "This should not be here", the wizard says and drinks.

"Great sorcerer, how powerful would you say the Godspark is?" "You ask too many darn questions fat man. Drink", Tanix urges.

The two men sit at the altar-like structure, "This magic should not be in our world, it could bring about war. Men like you will try to seize it", the man removes some dirt from his beard.

"What do you mean?", the duke chuckles, feigning ignorance to the wizard's words, "You must think me an idiot if you think I believe that Merdona is interested in this moon just for educational purposes".

"Of course not. We need to know if it is a threat, a threat to Rolandia is a threat to us. Our nations working together is beneficial for us both", Clarion sips on his ale.

Tanix laughs, "No wonder they sent you. Cunning little fool", he says and gulps down on his cup.

"How secure is this thing? We don't need it falling into the wrong hands", "Don't worry, it is well protected".

Hours into the night

In the covers of a dark spell that covers them from mortal eyes, the duke and his guards stand alert in his tent. They prepare themselves for what they must do.

"How long will your spell last?", Malice asks him as she tightens her gear against her body, "Don't you worry about it my dear.

He holds a cane in one hand, smiling widely he shifts gaze from guard to guard. Malice, Pain, Tyson, Celsius and Rivena; all dressed in dark attires to match the night while Clarion's magic keeps them out of sight.

"Now, remember stay clear of that fucking altar. Celsius, keep watch", he instructs.

"When we start the extraction, we will summon master Zarek. We must not waste this opportunity", Malice says and leads the charge out of the tent.

They dash out into the camp of their allies, hidden beneath a magical spectrum that leaves them absent in the eyes of others, courtesy of Clarion.

They move fast like the wind but the potbellied duke stands on a flat projectile that floats in the air. He will not be burdening himself with strenuous physical activities when he is blessed with the magics of this world.

They begin to float into the air, heading towards Mani in its glorious light.

Before they cover a good distance, a blast of fiery projectile hits the moon and sparks a loud boom. 

"Who is this fool?", Malice hisses, venom lacing her words. They pivot the eyes to see the one who has come to spoil their plans, gaze fixed on the enigmatic figure who dares to appear.

A woman, ethereal and vibrant, hovers before them, her form encircled by a mesmerising dance of coloured energies. Her hair is cropped close, her eyes blazing with defiant fire and a smirk plays upon her lips.


"Heh, so it can withstand that", the woman says with a hint of excitement.

"Who the hell is that?", Pain, one of Clarion's guards asks, his dark eyes sticking to her with malicious intent.

"That is Freya, they call her the daughter of the stars. She is the champion of High Town, their golden warrior", the duke answers, "She is going to fuck this shit up", he says, "I agree".

"Who is that?", a sorcerer flying towards Mani bellows, Freya glances at him and returns her attention to the crescent moon.

She moves in a blur and appears underneath the moon, its radiant lights bathing her like a goddess. She mounts her hands on the moon and squeezes.

At a safe distance, hidden in shadows, Clarion and company watch this, "Is she crazy? Can she really carry it?", Malice suddenly pauses as shock take over her features.

Freya pulls on the crescent moon, trying with all her might to move it. "Stop it in the name of the king", the sorcerer shouts but she clearly ignores him.

Mani begins to bulge under her pull but a black lightning suddenly strikes Freya.

Turning everyone's gaze to the tall man that stands meters away from her. Clarion and his team open eyes in shock, "What is pain doing there?", the duke snarls.

His black spiky hair and his pitch black eyes stand out, "Get away from that thing wench", pain orders, voice deep and rough against the blades of the wind.

The sorcerer comes close, he stands between them, "Leave this place, it is a restricted area.

Leave before I call for reinforcements", "Boy, you should have called for reinforcements first", and with that Pain zaps him with black bolts of lightning.

His screams fill Pain's ears, pleasant to him as he electricutes the man.

His body falls from the skies which they glide as his consciousness and magic slips away.

Pain and Freya watch as the sorcerer falls to the ground, "Is that suppose to frighten me ninja mask man?", a wide smile appears across her face.

A force of wind blows from Pain's body, sending shock waves for miles ahead, Freya generates her own force, sending a shockwave of her own. Freya cracks her neck, "Please, make this fun".