

Another day of gruelling training grinds on. Maxi hurls another gladiator into the dust, his strength u deniable. Kane moves with a honed precision, his movements swift and lethal.

It's a stark contrast to what one would expect from a recently injured and humiliated man, making it difficult to reconcile this display of mastery.

Farouk, a hulking beast-man clad in furs, his yellow eyes gleaming with feral intensity, confronts him. Though his blows possess immense power, their ponderous pace is no match for the silver-haired serpent.

The lithe figure weaves effortlessly through Farouk's attacks, each riposte a precise and devastating strike that echoes through the ludus.

Lord Barabas and Emilia observe the gladiatorial training from a vantage point overlooking the grounds. Their attention, initially focused on the general melee, is abruptly drawn to Kane.

They watch, incredulous, as he demonstrates a marked and unexpected improvement in skill.

"Emilia, seriously, who the fuck is this Kane? What is he?", Barabas asks the slave beside him. She stands adorned in her usual attire of hooded clothing and a veil over her mouth.

"We do not have a name for his kind my lord, but it would be wise to make him a friend rather than an enemy", she says boldly, sending a bit of shock through his head. He glances at her with raised brows, "You seem to have grown wings and a deep voice", he says with a smile across his face.

"Only when it comes to him lord, for he is the one. The only one", she says. Mesmerisation stands clear in her voice while eyes move from master to Kane, the gladiator.

"You think highly of him, I wonder what he thinks of you", "I wouldn't dare ask him, I have done nothing but brought him trouble", she says, peaking Barabas' interest, "How so?".

Emilia hesitates and looks to the ground, "Nothing. I just haven't been helpful to him in anyway. That's all", she says in a low voice.

"So you are in love with him. Good thing you are my slaves then, you can be together but as my slaves. You both will give me beautiful children, I will make a fortune out of them" Lord Barabas laughs.

Emilia clenches her fist, temptation to throw her fist calls but common sense quells it down. She knows any rash decision will only lead to more hurt, especially when she knows that they have a plan in motion.

A guard approaches, "My Lord", he announces, "You have a visitor. A servant of Lord Dorian", Barabas' eyes roll heavenward, "Doesn't he ever give up?", he grumbles, then follows the guard, Emilia trailing in his wake.

She casts a final, lingering glance at Kane, who now stands victorious over Farouk, leaving him yet again to serve their master. 

Not for long.

Some of the gladiators cheer for him as he points his wooden blade to Farouk's face, forcing the beast-man to admit defeat.

A smile appears across his face as he helps him up, "Good fight", he mutters as eyes catches Emilia and Barabas leaving the ludus.

The sight of her behind Barajas steels his heart, a reminder of the task ahead. 

His grip tightens on his sword'd hilt. "Soon", he breathes the word of promise whispered to himself, his heart quickening, blood surging through his veins.

He breathes calmly, absorbing the rays of sunlight that escapes through the dark clouds of Pyrrhus. The wind kisses his face, brushing his eyebrows while whispering to him. 

His mind walks toward serenity only yo be halted by a seven foot giant, "Little man, how are things going?", Braga asks as he towers over Kane. 

"With hope, fine." "What do you need me to do? Being idle while plan moves forward doesn't sit well with me", "You are not idle. Act natural, like nothing is going on. And don't worry about it, time will come for you to play your part", Kane says.

"What are champion and future champion discussing?", Amos walks toward them with hands behind his back and whip in hand. The sight makes Kane's body tingling, remembrance of recent experience. 

"What weighty matters occupy the champion and a future champion?", Amos inquires, approaching with hands clasped behind his back and a coiled whip on display.

The sight of the implement sends a shiver of unwelcome memory through Kane, his body tingling with the echo of recent pain. 

"Future champion?", Kane queries, a flicker of confusion in his eyes. 

"You possess the potential to ascend to such heights", the doctore clarifies, "And Braga's reign is not eternal. He will one day meet his end in the arena, a death of honour, as befits all great gladiators.

"I, too, perceive the dog's promise. A few words of guidance from my lips can only serve to benefit him", Braga tries to throw him off. 

"Of course You should eat and rest. You have a showing to attend" "Yes doctore", Braga responds and watch Amos leave.

"Your plan better work, I'm not dying in a fucking arena".

Laughter hides behind Kane's tongue but he bears it with a badger's mind. 

For even he knows, to anger Braga is to court death. A push to Kane's body almost sends him to the floor but the way Braga leaves has him thinking that might have been Braga pushing softly.

Rumbling belly calls our silver haired fool, for some unknown reason he smiles like a little child strolling through a garden when in reality he walks in the midst of hardened killers who only live for glory on a parch of sand, in front of thousands of people who wouldn't wish it on themselves.

The idea is appalling but yes, what else did he expect when he was to be reborn into a new world of magic and slavery, debauchery and chaos, goddess and death?

He strolls to a table in front of the Ludus where Madam Rakesh, a Demi-human. She has short black hair and two horns stick out the sides of her head.

She is plumpy but carries a terrifying demeanour, so no one dares tell her. Especially since she cooks the food.

She stands in front of a big table with a massive cooler, only half filled. It is a dreaded but necessary food for the gladiators, beans

Beside the cooler of beans, a basin of plates and cutlery rest on the table. A queue stretches toward the serving station, in the very presence of Madam Rakesh. A plump and busty woman she is, definitely being sought by these animals.

Kane joins the line, reaching the basin only to get a plate with no cutlery, he ventures forward and still takes his hot beans in calabash plates.

"Fuck", he groans, taking himself to the dormitories. Mind absent and body willing he walks to Emmet's cell, half-elf occupied with beans and lips.

A girl Kane does not recognise locks lips with Emmet, holding his face up until they bring their passions to an end. She leaves, swaying her hips violently to give the men a show.

"Wow", Kane opens his eyes widely and a smug smile appears across his face.

"Don't worry dog, when you become an OG like me you get to know your way around", Kane shrugs at his words, "It's not like I don't get any" "You don't get honest pussy my friend, but you have good reputation", Emmet says and pats him on the shoulder.

"Before we start talking about unnecessary shit, I need a spoon", Kane demands and Emmet spreads his hands widely, "You have come to the right place".

He drops his bowl on the floor and raises his bed, underneath it is a strapped piece of cloth and a good number of spoons for one man.

"So you are the one stealing the spoons from Madam Rakesh" "My friend there is a whole industry of spoon thieves in the ludus", Emmet says proudly as Kane shakes his head.

"You need big spoon, small spoon, tiny ones, giant ones or just take this one. You are a newbie regardless of your cool nickname", he hands him a spoon, returning his attention to the steaming beans that sits on his palm.

"Sometimes I just don't get you Emmet. And I think I'm glad I don't", Kane says with a weird feature about his face and walks out of the cell.

"So you are going to leave me after cockblocking me?", Emmet raises voice that echoes around his cell. Kane shrieks in embarrassment and walks swiftly to disassociate himself from the mad elf.

Minutes later, Emmet sweeps the front of the gate keepers' chambers. Dust rising to taint the air while the guards curse him for his foolishness.

The gates open and his eyes catch the familiar cloak of the slithering skin, surrounded by two guards she walks with a bent stature, hiding from the world.

Her presence brings message for sure, so Emmet lets himself be at alert while she walks into the premises. She knows her way after all, she sneaked in once already.

Kane returns his plate to Madam Rakesh's care, having some time to rest he walks the around the permitted areas of the mansion as he usually does.

Like a simple stroll, he cunningly finds weaknesses in the patterns of the lords' subjects. He begins to have a mental image of the compound, foreseeing his escape.

He rubs his fingers against the wall. It's rough blocks telling history of a noble family amongst the scum of Pyrrhus. Kings of the scum.

Smells of sweat and rose fill the air. 

Kane swears to himself he can even taste ash in the air but mind quickly forgets yesterday's struggle and looks unto tomorrow's reward. 

Saphina suddenly appears from a corridor to his right, eyes sparkling like water.

Her cheeks suddenly light up with crimson colours, her gaze drops to the ground while one hand grabs tightly to her blouse.

An instinctive smile spreads across his lips as she turns into a beauty of no comparison. Her long black hair hanging on her shoulders while her bosom threatens to tear the top of her blouse. 

"Saphina", her name slips out of his mouth with gentle tongue, his eyes spark a bright glow, "Kane", her voice almost a whisper but somehow it reaches his ears. 

Heart skips a beat and hand scratches head, "I have to go", she says. Kane suddenly notice the basin of clothes in her hand, "Madam Frieda won't have me late with a dresses", she storms away, suddenly dampening the feelings that swell underneath.

A memory suddenly hits him, one from a past life where he watched the first girl he loved walk away, into the arms of another man as his balls failed to drop and courage was absent in his heart.

"No, it isn't the same", he says to himself and looks down at his arms.

Kane keeps moving, eyes to unknown destination as mind suddenly falls into thought. This brings a fate meeting, insignificant it may become but exist regardless.

Kane bumps into a tall woman who eclipses him by a few inches. Sasha, she moves backward while Kane helps her on her feet. 

"Sasha, are you alright?", concern behind his voice, she suddenly grabs his crotch, protected by his loincloth, "You don't need that ugly elf, you can have me", Sasha grabs his lengthy stead, squeezing it softly beneath her grasp.



Kane grabs her hand, eyes furrowed, he glares at her, "Let go Sasha", "Just a taste", she insists.

Just behind them, Emilia appears from the same corridor. 

Eyes raised in shock, she staggers but gets her footing. She clenches her fist and on instinct she moves to land a punch to Sasha's face. 

She breathes heavily while her jaw stands stiff, Kane tries to intercede but a glare from the dark elf makes him rethink his action.

He remains unmoved as she departs, his attention in a haste to leave the taller woman. He gives no thought to her plight as she tries to frantically staunch the blood streaming down her nose.


The day that started well begins to feel strange, thoughts to return to the dormitories come to mind but he wants to reach the north of Grimstone, the direction of the hills that may prove useful in his escape.

He passes a few maids and guards, a cheerful face he presents while his mind remains to task. Finding as much information as possible to aid him.

He arrives at the mansion's northern corridor, a passage leading to the northern grounds of Grimstone. A Sith sentinel stands guard, yet he dismisses any sense of peril, proceeding forward with an air of untroubled nonchalance.

Kane halts abruptly, one foot suspended mid-stride, as a door to the corridor's right swings open. 

A prickling unease spreads across his skin.

"If it isn't the lucky one. Spared by the gods", Lady Frieda drawls, exhaling a plume of smoke form her pipe, her words laced with venom, "Fancy another fuck?".