

"Find the Godspark", her voice reverberates through the echoing void. His vision grapples with the formless expanse, searching for her amidst the nothingness. 

A searing pain wrenches him from the abyss, forcing his eyelids apart to reveal a stark reality; he lies bound in chains, his companions sharing his grim fate.

They are chained in front of the mansion. Slaves stand arrayed before the imposing mansion, a grim tableau of human misery. They all observe as the victims bear the grotesque marks of their torment, bodies ravaged by whips and bludgeoned into submission.

The lords and lady of Grimstone stand before them, blade in Memnuh's hand as he says words that are unheard to Kane's ears.

He receives a blow to his face, forcing his ears to once again take in the sounds around them. Kane can see two bodies on the floor, Ashara, the Sith, and Maeve.

"You arrogant piece of shit. So you thought you could bribe the man that brings me wine? We have been acquainted for years and suddenly you think he would betray me for a bunch of slaves?", Memnuh raises his voice so even the heavens may hear him.

"And you champion, I expected better from you" "Better? I am doomed to die in the arena", Braga says, "An honour you don't deserve" "I agree. I deserve to die a free man. I have fought for this house for years, working my way to the top of the arena yet there is no promise of freedom" "Freedom? You are a slave. You have no freedom", the lord of Grimstone says, anger upon his features.

"It is this white monkey that has given you the balls to fuck with my authority, you even killed one of my Sith.", he says as eyes shift to Kane.

"I am tired of all this shit. Is this supposed to be the life I get after coming to this world?", his thoughts plagued in the presence of his failure.

"You talk too much. If you are going to kill me, just do it or shut the fuck up", Kane suddenly says, his true nature breaking free from pretence.

Memnuh's eyes widen and he swings his sword toward Kane who raises his head to accept his fate, at the very least he can finally go to the afterlife where he was meant to be.

Memnuh halts, his voice a chilling counterpoint to the bravado, "So you are prepared to die, but are you prepared to see someone you care about die?", a cruel smile plays on his lips, his dark eyes gleaming with wicked amusement as they shift to the brooding figure of the dark elf.

Bound and battered, she kneels amongst the others, a captive amongst captives.

"Bring her to me", he commands and the guards apprehend Emilia, their grip firm. "No, no, Kane, save me", she cries, struggling against their hold.

"No, don't do it!", he screams in desperation but Memnuh ignores him, plunging his blade into Emilia's belly while the guards let her fall to the ground, "Now, watch her die right before I kill you".

"No! No!! No!!!", he screams out his voice. 

He pulls at his chains as tears and anger trickle down his eyes, "Emilia!", his voice rivals the thunders and his presence mimics the wind as he suddenly vanishes from the courtyard.

Mind falls deep into pain and vexation, as body falls from the evening sky. Wind blows against his back while the moon smiles upon his white skin. Once again he finds himself at the place of his rebirth, the skies in which he came from and the seas below where he fell.

Eyes shine like diamond reflecting a glorious spectrum, "You have the power now. What will you do? Will you give up? Like always?". 

Unknown voice speaks to his soul as heart beats a cry of recognition to present loss and past regret. "No more regrets", he mutters to himself.

A scowl contorts his features, anger seizing control. He submits to the consuming rage, eyes squeezed shut and unleashes a primal scream, his anguish and frustration choking him like acrid smoke.

His voice echoes into the night and his mind accepts who he must become to survive this world. He cannot be Maxwell Reiga, for he would have long died and accepted the slavery that is now Kane's life.

He must grow beyond his past shell while holding on to it's best parts, he must become something else.

Kane takes a deep breath and opens his eyes, and with that he disappears.

"What is this? Where is he?", Memnuh shouts. Barabas stands, eyes vigilant as he looks around, "Search the fucking premises, I want that white haired snake found immediately", he raises his voice.

All of a sudden, a loud roar is heard across all of Pyrrhus, explosions from the east echoes like lightning in the sky. The clouds light up with flames and dark clouds - no - black clouds.

Heat rises in Pyrrhus as volcans fill the skies. Another roar is heard, hot rocks floor onto the grounds. 

"What the fuck is going on?", Lady Frieda mutters as she observes the scene play before her eyes.

"Get the barrier up and someone find that fucking slave", Memnuh roars.

"No need", Kane appears out of thin air and immediately dashes toward Memnuh who is caught of guard. Kane disarms him and collects the blade, swinging towards him but Barabas sends a blast of energy that throws Kane backwards.

"Seize him", he commands but before the guards get to him he disappears again.

Only appearing to cut through them with ease. He disappears and reappears, holding Emmet's hand, he teleports away with him and returns with only the blade seeped in Emilia's blood.

Kane teleports swiftly, bringing mayhem amongst the subjects of Grimstone, disappearing to dodge magic attacks and appearing to feed the blade with his enemies blood. 

"Kill the rest of them", Memnuh orders.

Braga screams, the roar of a beast, summoning all the strength in his body, wrenching the chains binding him to the pillar asunder.

Freed from his shackles, he anticipates the strike of his first assailant, parrying the blow with a practiced grace and plunging his own weapon into the man's throat.

Kane cradling Saphina in his arms, teleports away, while Emilia lies on the floor, blood trickling down from her wounds as the colour in her eyes slowly begins to fade.

Kane appears again and takes Braga away.

He returns to find Raven looming over Emilia, her voice a chilling command, "Surrender or die". 

He disregards her threat, vanishing in a blur of motion and reappearing beside her, his blade a ferocious beast.

"How dare you?", Kane roars, the swing of his weapon a testament to his rage. She parries his attack with her magic, a flurry motion as she counters but he matches her very move with unsettling grace.

Her comrades attempt to help, throwing bolts of red lightning towards him but he teleports behind one of them to swing his blade across the back of her neck, letting her head roll unto the floor.

Suddenly, his gaze snags on a celestial anomaly - a sapphire gem suspended above Emilia, the very stone that fuelled their daring escape from Anarchy's clutches.

Raven lunges toward Emilia, her hand outstretched, poised to unleash a torrent of arcane energy.

She is determined to have her vengeance for Ashara but fate plays both sides, giving as often as it takes. 

Kane materialises beside her, with swift movement he slashes off her hand and spins to deliver a heavy kick to her head sending her crashing to the ground.

He lands beside Emilia's body as a spectral blue veil of energy begins to enshroud them both.

Kane points his blade at Memnuh and then at Barabas, face like a wild beast as eyes gleam of sapphire flames, "One day", his last words to them as he and Emilia disappears before their eyes.


Anarchy's camp stirs to life as the harbour erupts in a cacophony of confusion. 

Some traders, gripped by a sense of impending doom, hastily gather their belongings at the sight of the ominous, obsidian clouds.

The heat intensifies, mirroring the slow, agonising descent of Pyrrhus into the infernal depths, leaving them reeling in a state of profound shock.

Anarchy steps out of his tent just as he puts on his mask, his eyes widen at the sight of it. 

He feels the waves of magic energies vibrate violently through the land, the grounds echo and grumble with great discomfort. 

He begins to lose his balance as an earthquake stretches across Pyrrhus, destroying camps and homes.

"Secure our stock", he orders as his men run out of their tents to hold onto what they can. His subordinate appears before him, "Senior, the earth rejects us. It threatens to destroy our camp", she says.

"Not in my presence", he roars, his voice echoing with authority. A soft, ethereal blue light enshrouds his fist as he strikes the earth.

The tremor subsides instantly, silenced by his fist. 

"What is happening?", his underling wonders.

A roar deep in the clouds of ash forces Anarchy to raise his head, he squints but sees something in those clouds, "Let us conclude our business and be done with Pyrrhus. It's dragon has awoken".