

The winds vanish as though they've never been. Silence reclaims the present, leaving nothing to appease either memory or anticipation.

This sensation, by now a familiar echo, one akin to trauma by this time. 

The void. An existence outside the mortal reality, the gods' space.

Before the silver-haired man can react, a colossal figure of the goddess materialises.

Her white hair, luminous in the darkness, cascades down her back.

Her eyes, pure gold, gaze down upon the man, a mere speck before her immensity.

"Why are you so big right now?", Kane screams.

Shiroi shrinks to his size, yet remains suspended above him.

A brow arches as she folds her arms, "Satisfied?", she asks. Her expression shifts, becoming more serious, "What's going on? Why am I here?".

"You touched something with my essence and came in contact with the Godspark's energy. That has made this window open for you and I to converse", she says.

"Isn't that normal?", "No. Not necessarily. You remember when I said you would do something for me?", "Fuck, the Godspark", Kane sighs.

"Could it be anymore obvious after hanging a dark elf onto my neck", "Don't pretend like you don't like it, at least you got to fuck her".

"Is that supposed to be a good thing", "Yes. You practically got two girls for free", "For free? We were slaves" "Not my fault you refused to fight", Shiroi shrugs her shoulders.

"This is all a joke to you, isn't it?" "What are you babbling about? At least if you die, you won't die a virgin", she says while he grits his teeth.

He wonders what type of goddess this carefree character is, furrowed brows stand firmly across his forehead.

"Well, it seems you have changed a bit", she says with a broad smile.

"The godspark has been divided into five parts, you must find them", "How do I do that?" "The dark elf. You do not know what I have given you Kane.

This body of yours is blessed in ways no one knows, not even I. It is up to you to transform your potential".

"I don't even know my potential, what can I do?" "Anything".

Shiroi suddenly pauses, she looks around with furrowed brows and concerning gaze, "Someone is here".

The first rays of light cover his eyes and he is forced to turn head away from sky. Hand raised to shield himself from illuminating spectrum, a magnificent glow.

Morning breeze blow as the lights reveal the destruction of the night. The wind caresses his scar filled body only clothed by a piece of loincloth he stands in.

His hair dance to the wind at the tip of his forehead as he turns around to see the rest of his comrades staring at him with a form of perplexity.

Emmet coughs and glances at the dark elf, "Madam destiny, is it normal for Sir destiny to stand in the middle of nowhere and rant for hours to whoever", he says.

"Whatever he does, he does with the blessing of the goddess", Emilia responds with fire behind her eyes. The little gem in her hand begins to glow and rise. 

Whispers surround it but only the ears of the chosen listen to the words of the spirits.

"We have to go to a place called High Town. That is where we will find the first piece of the Godspark", Emilia says, they turn and look at her strangely.

"Stop. You two have to explain to us what the hell is going on", Braga stamps his feet on the ground. Vein bulging down his arms he stands before Kane, eyes demanding words, "What is going on?".

"I have a mission from the goddess Shiroi. I must get the pieces of the moon that they destroyed", Kane explains, "And my destiny is to guide him", Emilia adds.

"We do not need your company, you are no longer slaves", she says.

A memory suddenly flashes in his mind, a memory long forgotten but the feelings of loneliness lingers.

"Regardless, I would ask you to come. I can't do this alone and besides, we could have an adventure", Kane says with a sheepish smile as if to swine them over to agree with him.

"There will be risk. We could die", Emmet says, "But not in an arena and Braga can die a free warrior", Braga shows enthusiasm toward Kane's words.

"I shall join you on your quest", he says, "You guys are crazy but what the hell I'm I going to do on a continent I know nothing about. I'm in", Emmet says.

Kane turns eyes to the frightened looking elf, eyes as blue as the sea, they dart to dodge his gaze.

She had been quiet the whole time and Kane finally sees why. She cannot hide it, the terror in her eyes.

She has just witnessed a battle beyond her imagination, an ancient beast of fire parading the skies, "You people are crazy", she suddenly shouts.

Tears begin to trickle down her eyes as a maniacal laughter comes over her, "A mission for the goddess. I served them and I became a slave. I am no warrior, I have no interest in your quest. Fuck the gods", Saphina says.

Their eyes all widen at her words as she backs away and in a swift turn, she runs away.

Freedom, hers to embrace. 

"Good riddance", Emilia mutters, "Do not blame her. Slavery breaks even the most faithful", Braga says.

"That doesn't matter now. If we are going to High Town, we have to put on some clothes. Emilia is the only one wearing any real clothes and even hers are torn from whip and blade", Emmet says, "We need money", Kane adds.

"This land looks richer than Pyrrhus, they will have a good arena. We can fight and place bets on ourselves", Braga suggests.

Kane raises a brow, a bit shocked of his keen observation especially since they stand in a scorched battlefield, but the buildings afar show some truth to Braga's words.

"I am not interested in fighting. I have fast hands and feet, I used to be a thief before slavery", Emmet says, earning a general gaze from them.

"We have to split up", Kane declares, "Emilia, I've seen you move, you are fast and elusive, go with Emmet and steal what you can. Braga and I will find a place to fight".

His words hang in the air as they nod, each acknowledging their assigned task.

"You, stop there", a woman in black, her face obscured by a mask and hood, halts them with a sharp command.

A hush falls, broken by the sudden appearance of a man with messy white hair. 

A dagger flashes into existence in his hand, held with poised readiness.

A black mask conceals the lower half of his face, lending him the aspect of a deadly assassin, while his dark eyes remain keen and watchful.

The group move backwards at opposite directions and Kane feels the back of his feet touch something heavy, a man.

A bald man with potbelly lies at his feet, back to the ground and eyes white like a blind man. 

Rivena reaches them, "Who are you? Return that", she says while pointing to Kane's hand. A piece of paper with words, "Find the Godspark, from Shiroi". The paper must be what carried her the goddess' essence. 

If he hadn't been in the range of the moon, all he would have gotten was this paper.

Kane hands the paper to the lady, she stares at the strange group and immediately recognises the dark elf as one out of place. 

The situation, one worthy of investigation but they have no time.

"Celsius, come. Let's get Duke Clarion out of here", she says and Celsius pockets his dagger and goes to meet the unconscious man beside Kane. 

Shrugging at Kane to move aside so he can take the potbellied man away.

They stare as the ninja looking figures disappear with what Kane supposes is their master.

"That is an odd group", Braga says, "Not much different from ours. Emilia, you are a dark elf which is rare in the world. We need to do something about your appearance", Emmet says.

As if in response, the little gem in Emilia's possession flashes brightly for a second and dies off, revealing Emilia with skin changed to white, she had become a normal elf much like Saphina.

"You can do that?", Kane asks in surprise, "The gem. It's magic" "And it waited till now? This world is fucked up", Kane sighs, "Let's get going. We will rendezvous here", they agree and depart in two groups; Kane and Braga while Emmet and Emilia enter the streets of Rolandia.


The morning dawns over the ashes that float above Grimstone and stains the balcony and walls. Smoke and heat fill the air of the country while creatures of fiery embrace roam the lands. 

Destruction on those with no protection is the norm on this day.

But not everywhere can be attacked without repercussions, for even when there are monsters, there are those who slay them.

A dome covers Grimstone, keeping the outside terrors at bay. Much of their men have left their tents outside to enter the walls, refuge is given and punishment is to served to those who made attempt at Grimstone's gates.

Memnuh and wife sit on twin, throne-like chairs in the middle of the courtyard. Barabas, ever-present, stands sentinel at their side, while two young children frolic in Lady Frieda's affectionate embrace.

Another young lad stands beside Lady Frieda, trying to help to control the little ones.

The courtyard is surrounded by Grimstone's men, warriors ready to kill for their lords. And before their lords, kneels five men and a wealthy lord who lies on his belly in plea.

"Dorian, I cannot believe you thought you could escape after making attempt at my gates", Memnuh says.

"I meant to harm no one, I swear", Lord Dorian cries on the floor, "Yet, I lost a Sith. Ashara, she was the youngest in my keep and she didn't reach her full potential. Why?

Because of slaves? So what they are rare. I do not care", Memnuh says.

"I will give you many more exotic slaves. Slaves of the rarest kind", Dorian pleads with tears running down his cheeks.

"My brother thinks the same. And you can give even more, wealth and reputation. 

Not a bad deal if you ask me, but you see, I am lord of Grimstone. I have reputation, I have wealth. And you attacked my gates.

Grimstone shows no mercy to her enemies", he snarls.

"Please Memnuh, mercy".

"We will show you mercy if you answer me this", Barabas says and Memnuh's head snaps to glare at him, "What is Kane? My silver haired slave", he asks.

"I will talk, I will talk. Long ago they were a race that ruled the world with an iron fist. They were so scary they called them White Death. Their stories are long forgotten to history, as for the actually name of their race, I do not know.", Dorian cries out.

Barabas turns gaze to a frowning Memnuh, "You can kill him now brother", Barabas says and walks away.

Memnuh signals his men and they begin to stab the five men kneeling behind Dorian. The lord screams and turns on the floor as their blood trickle down toward him.

He crawls backwards, retracting toward Memnuh and his family, an unfinished journey for Memnuh swings an axe downward and splits open Dorian's head.