

The stale wind fails to stir his dense beard, his gaze locked, a fierce intensity burning. He parts lips, a command for guards poised to erupt, but the assassins, honed and swift, anticipate the command.

Celsius claps his hands together and a wave of translucent light spreads around them to bury all sounds within its perimeter. 

Leaving their voice with no escape beyond their presence.

"Guards! Guards!!", the King screams but receives no reply.

"No one is coming your majesty", Malice says, matching the intensity of his gaze.

"No problem. I wanted to test out my new strength anyways", the Queen says. 

She moves in a blitz, blurring into the wind in an attempt to catch Malice but Celsius hits her with his shoulder, forcing her to lose balance while Malice blasts her with an offensive spell.

The King charges as his wife flies into the air, his blade glows in hunger for blood. He swings hard and a massive force of wind blasts their attackers against the walls.

Celsius recovers first, snapping back to awareness, he moves with a feral grace, a blur of limbs.

Dashing with speed in an unpredictable motion, suddenly aloft, his heel a descending strike that slams the king to his knees.

His claws tear through his shoulder but the king ignores the pain and rolls away before Celsius can finish the job.

The King taps the golden sword and whispers to it.

A light of gold encircles him and begins to take the shape of a bird, an eagle born of gold fire with wing spread out wide.

The eagle attacks Celsius but he is swift, dodging the bird as it passes through everything like a ghost. 

Malice shoots a beam of purple lightning towards the King but the Queen appears before him to offer her body as shield, taking the brunt of the blast.

She groans but feels only a sting.

She claps her hands together to create a force that pushes Malice against the wall. 

Without hesitation, she strikes behind the eagle's glided form, just as Celsius dodges it she appears before him to deliver a whirlwind of fists against his abdomen.

Thin claws shoot out of her hand and she swipes to take his head but he proves elusive once more, dodging and putting distance between them.

He pulls his mask slightly to spit out blood, "Malice, I'm not sure we can take them", he says only to have the eagle attack again.

He dodges the eagle but it doesn't circle back for another attack, it heads straight toward Malice who still struggles to get on her feet. 

Celsius dashes forward in an attempt to save her but feels the heat of magic charge into his chest.

His vision almost goes dark as the scent of his smearing flesh fills the air and Malice's screams echoes.

"No one can hear you scream. You will tell us who sent you, just before I kill you", the Queen says.

The king stands beside her, sword tight in his hand, "So, who sent you? And how did you know of the relic?", he asks.

Celsius laughs a little, his dark eyes carry a yellow glow, "You are a werewolf", the King recognises his kind.

"You burnt Malice with your magic", he says under his laughter, "Big mistake", he says and as if on cue an explosion occurs, sending the royals flying.

They almost fly off the balcony but Celsius uses magic to hang them midair, he glances to his side to see Malice fuming. 

Steam comes out of her body as she breathes heavily and her pink skin brightens.

"Please, calm down", he says and she glares at him. 

Enough to deter him from further attempt in cooling her rage, "Drop them", she orders.

Before they land on the floor she appears in their midst and slams the queen against the ground. 

She grabs her face and watch the queen scream as her smooth skin begins to burn in Malice's hands.

"Yes, just like that".

Dark purple veins, an extension of Malice's cruel being, now snake from her hands, a living whip of corruption.

They lash out, sinking into the Queen's flesh and a fresh wave of agony rips through her.

The king, blood trickling down his nose, tries to stand. 

He reaches for his sword but Celsius kicks it away, "Now, where were we?".

The king goes flying through the walls and back into his chambers, "Stay down, while we kill your wife", Celsius says and turns his attention to the target of their mission. 

"Give me the godspark, dead wench", Malice says as the Queen's face begins to break into cracks.

"You want this power? Over my dead body", the queen spits back, "Don't worry, you will be", Malice replies with a wide smile creeping onto her face.

The Queen's eyes begin to glow brightly, she grips Malice's forearm and her claws dig into her arms. 

The purple veins begin to burn out from her body.

Keeping her grip on Malice, they both float upwards and come crashing into the ground with haste.

Malice groans but snarls like a deranged animal while the Queen does her best to annihilate the animal.

She smashes Malice into the ground again, rising to the air she opts out of a third attempt. 

Instead, the Queen sinks in long fangs into Malice's shoulder, sucking on her blood like a dark creature.

A string of gold light encompasses the King, his speed and movements change drastically as he rises from the floor.

His swiftness surpasses the assassin, using his blade to deliver slashed messages of pain onto his chest.

Celsius growls, his body begins to change at a rapid rate. 

Clothes tighten and tear under the pressure of his growth, white furs replaces his white skin and his mouth comes forward like a canine creature.

He howls as he takes the form of a white werewolf.

He charges at the king with a pace to match his own, dodging the royal's swings and returning the favour in form of thick sharp claws. 

He slashes the King's thigh before slapping him to send to the ground.

"How dare you?", he points his golden blade at Celsius and an energy of similar spectrum blasts the werewolf away.

"Argh!", Malice screams as the pain reaches heights of no endurance.

She creates a large ball of flame and blasts the Queen off her.

She falls to the ground, body bruised and burnt, her gaze finds the King standing with sword in hand, he looks for Celsius amongst the rubble of dirt their battle has created.

At demon's pace, Malice moves behind the unsuspecting King. A blade manifests into her grip, encased in energies of magic, she swings to cut off the King's arm.

His blood and his blade drop to the ground while he screams.

Malice hold him from behind, hand around his throat and blade pointed to his midsection just below his liver.

"Surrender, dead Queen! Return the godspark and peacefully pass on to the afterlife or your husband will go before you", Malice threatens.

The Queen rises, brows furrowed with veins across her head, "Let him go!", she shouts back, "That's not how it works". 

Suddenly her hand burns the King's flesh and he lets his agony speak in his cry.

"You heard my demand", Malice insists.

Tears trickle down the Queen's eyes, "Please", she says in a whimper, "Swallow those tears and give me what I asked. Show me how much you love your husband", she says, scorn standing behind her voice.

The Queen bends down, eyes to the ground while her hair falls forward. 

She raises her head and the look in her eyes carry a gloom, she gazes at her husband.

She hasn't seen his face in years or felt his touch. 

She has been in a coma for years, a curse placed on her a long time ago. Killing her slowly.

And now she gets to live again, she gets to see him again, her son and her people only to lose it once again.

"No", she mutters, weakness in her voice.

"Speak dead woman", Malice mocks, "I said no", the Queen becomes bold. 

With a last glance at her husband she speaks, "Forgive me" and in a swift movement, she appears before them. 

Just as Malice stabs the blade into the King's abdomen, the Queen sends her fist through his chest and through Malice.

Tears roll down her cheeks, the dam behind her eyes become broken as its salty waters flow out. 

"Forgive me", she cries as the King coughs out blood. 

"You crazy woman", Malice struggles to speak as blood flows from her mouth and the light slowly leaves her eyes.

"Die, dead woman", the Queen grunts and crushes Malice's heart.

Celsius stands up from the rubble and his eyes widen to see both Malice and the King dead with a hole in their chest.

His eyes lock onto the queen who has their blood on hand. 

She uses the King's attire to wipe the blood off, "You", she growls.

Celsius puts his hand forward and vanishes into a portal leaving the Queen to wail in her victory and loss.