


Twilight deepens, silencing the town's glamor as refugees settle into Stonefield.

The peculiar band of former slaves halt before tavern, their gazes fixed on the gaudy sign proclaiming, "Sloppy Bar".

A shared, fixed smile graces the men"s faces, their eyes locked on the hypnotic pulse of the neon magic letters.

They remain silent, yet Emilia senses a single, unified thought humming between them.

"Men", she mutters, a dismissive scoff escaping her lips.

"Let's find another bar", she attempts to lead them away but her belly betrays her, letting out its cry of hunger.

Kane holds her hand, pulling her close, "I know it sounds gross. But we are here to eat, we eat and we get out. Alright?", he says with a soothing voice.

She puffs her cheeks and turns back toward the bar, "Let's just go", she says and storms forward.

Emmet slings an arm around Kane's shoulders, a boisterous grin splitting his face.

"Kane, my brother, man of the people. That was sleek, pure artistry. You get it".

Braga, less verbose, slaps Kane's shoulder, "Good one", he grunts and follows Emilia into the bar.

"Hopefully we get to see some girls blessed with massive endowments", the half-elf whispers to Kane as they walk, forcing him to break out a mischievous smile which he tries to hide, "Don't hide it, I saw that".

They walk into the bar. It doesn't look big but there are enough tables and customers to make the place lively, a strong smell of jasmine and rosewater stretches through out the bar. 

Somehow protecting it from the smells of ale and drunken men that would usually prevail in such environment.

Most of the customers turn to look at the newbies in the bar, the giant catches the eyes of others, no surprise. 

It is hard to ignore the seven footer, left scar on his cheek with dark eyes that could scare even the dead.

"Let's catch a table", Emmet says, his gaze flicking to the hulking figure drawing unwanted attention.

"Too many eyes on the giant", he spots a vacant table and, with a subtle nod, guides them toward it.

They sit and almost immediately they are approached by a waiter. 

She wears a maid's outfit, in typical black and white, with has long furry ears. 

Her thick brown eyes dashes from Braga on the far left to Emmet on the far right, "Here. What will you be having?", she asks while handing them a menu.

Sloppy Bar

Hunter's roast

Fisherman's Catch

Shephard's pie

Vegetable and Grain Stew

"I will go for Hunter's roast", Kane speaks first, belly longing to fill its empty compartment. 

"Shepard's pie, got any side dishes?", Emmet asks, "We have crusty brown bread, Roasted root vegetables, steamed seasonal greens and a side of Pickled vegetables", the waitress says.

"Uh, you guys like your veggies don't you? I will have the bread", Emmet says.

"I will have the hunter's roast", Braga says, "Fisherman's catch, it's been a while since I tasted fish", Emilia sighs.

"Ale or mead", "Ale!", the men scream in unison while Emilia rolls her eyes, "Ale", she says silently.

"Look at that one", Emmet points toward a group of girls standing behind beaded curtains. The curtains act as a door to separate this room from another. 

"Even the maid isn't bad my friend", Emmet smiles mischievously as he watches the maid walk away with a furry tail dangling down her skirt.

"I thought you and Maeve had a thing. How can you recover so quickly?", Kane is amazed by the half-born's recovery.

Emmet sighs, a gloom comes over him, "Yes, she died. But even then, we didn't know each other that long. I mean I would have loved for her to be alive but life must go on.

We must enjoy in it for the sake of those that cannot" he says.

Braga looks at the smaller man, then again, every man is the smaller man to him.

"Bring us ale so we may drink to our lost comrades", Braga raises his voice like a storm, slamming his hand on the table.

"I hope he isn't the one handling our money?", Emilia whispers to Kane who finds a place to throw his gaze, "He is, isn't he?". 


The Queen sits in her chambers, dressed in black attire laced with gold trinkets. She sits backward, mind lost in thought and grief as she stares at the broken wall. 

The evening winds blow, invading through the broken wall, whistling behind her ears like a ghost. 

Guards and councilmen stand outside, whispering words to each other. Words far from her ears, words carried by the wind.

They all stand at attention as the prince appears.

With two guards behind him, he walks past them and into the royal chambers.

The Queen, with teary eyes, quickly embraces him.

"Son", she speaks. The first words he has heard from his mother in years. 

He stops in his tracks as he sees her thick black hair, matching her dress she almost looks like the mistress of death and not the loving image of the kind hearted woman that raised him when he was a child.

"Is she alright?", thoughts fly in his head. 

Joy and terror somehow claims him. 

She was always sick and weakly since the day she was cursed but now she runs with energy to embrace him. 

Almost lifting him from the floor.

Her grip is firm, one would argue that she suddenly had the strength of a man. 

"Mom", he blinks with no control before her, a miracle upon the royal household.

Goosebumps stand on his body as his heart jumps in the warmth of her embrace. 

His knees become weak in her presence and his eyes get glassy to reflect her face like a mirror.

"Mom", he hugs her tightly, he holds and takes in her scents of sandalwood. 

Her hair smells like rose as always, he wants to hold his ground and compose himself as crown prince of High Town but her warmth melts his walls.

"Alaric. Look at you, you are a man now. 

You are so thin, have you been eaten properly? Are they feeding you well little Al? Where is the head of the kitchen", the Queen starts with a motherly tantrum.

"Mother, calm down. I am okay. I am just shocked that you are alive. I had almost given up", he holds his voice as firm as he can in its shaky form.

He holds her by the shoulders and looks deep in her eyes, "Mother, what is wrong with you? Your eyes look blood-like", he says.

She blinks as if the number of times her eyes close would change their colours, "Why are you blinking so much?", he suddenly notices her pale skin. 

Her presence pushes the death of his farther out of mind but it is not a matter that can be buried.

"You look almost as young as you were when the curse gave you the sickening sleep. Maybe even younger", he observes, "How?", he wonders.

"Oh please, you have turned into a flatterer. Sweet tongued boy", she ruffles his brown hair. 

He takes a step back and a wriggling feature briefly cross his face. 

"Mother.", he draws closer to her and bends beside her ear, "Mom, I missed you but I am the crown prince and unfortunately the commander in charge.

You are embarrassing me", he says then pecks her on the cheek.

"I'm just so happy", her smile crosses her face broadly, almost unnatural even. 

"Queen Gwendolyn, I can't believe my eyes. How is this possible?", a man with thick brows and tied up bun for hair appears. 

His blue eyes stare while his forehead folds into ridges. 

"Lord Jaxriel, you must inform the rest of the council. I am risen but unfortunately the king is dead and meetings must be held", feet stamped firmly as she speaks.

"My lady you must rest for now, you just came back to life after ten years.", Jaxriel says and turns his gaze to the prince.

"Mother don't worry, I will handle everything", Alaric says with a warm smile, "It is nice to have you back mother", he hugs her again.

"I have had the maids arrange another chamber for you, tomorrow we will get you some maids and some ladies to follow you to the market. 

You have been away for ten years and I know how much you love to be current on the things of fashion and status", he says.

She squints her eyes, "I said it, sweet talker. I don't know how to feel, losing my husband and gaining back my son. 

I don't know if I should weep or be filled with joy", "Don't worry mother, there will be time for both", the prince watches as his mother follows a maid away from the desecrated royal chambers.

Lord Jaxriel appears beside the prince like a spirit on his shoulder, ready to whisper foreign words to accepting ears.

"My lord the Queen has returned and already wants to start arranging meetings", the air gets thicker as the council man gets closer to the prince who does not hide his disgust on the infringement of his personal space.

"Space Jaxriel, space", he waves him away.


The Sloppy Bar, unfortunately had a few free rooms and talks of scarce hospitality was beginning to spread in the bar since everyone from the small town has come to Stonefield. 

It isn't exactly a genuine outcome for some of the members of their group. 

But at least two of the guys feel some joy in their current situation. 

They had a meal and still had enough for a couple of drinks which they indulged. 

But with liquor in their bellies and a mind far from straight, the men set their eyes on the beautiful women standing at the edge of the passageway covered in beaded curtains.

Their primal desires itches them, loins hungry for a wet meal.

"Sorry, to rent a room here you must take in one of our girls for the night", a maid at the bar responds to their request to pay for a room.

"What do you mean?", Kane raises a brow, anticipating an answer while Emmet rubs his hands together with a ravenous smile. 

Even Braga can't hide his amusement.

"We use our rooms for customers my dear, so if you want to get a room out of commission for a whole night you will need to take a girl up", the maid says.

Her skimpy top exposes the top of her busty elements, sending sensations that make drunk men blush. 

"It is settled then. The Halfborn and I will take a woman each", Braga raises his voice. 

"No, wait. How much for a room?" "One silver coin with a girl, two silver coins without one", she says as she swipes up a lollipop from her pocket. 

"Then we will have two rooms for four silver coins". "I have to tell you, the rooms with a girl cost only a silver coin. We are going to close up real soon so they are mostly done.

We just don't want them to sleep alone. A goodnight's pleasure, a woman or a man to warm your body while you pay in the hospitality of your rooms", the maid says while batting her long lashes.

Tearing the wrap of the lollipop in a single swipe and dumping its colourful content into her mouth, she makes a "pop" sound with her mouth and licks her lips. 

Emilia folds her fists tightly but does her best to maintain calm demeanour, eyes looking straight into the maid's while nails dig into her palms.

"I will be taking you on that offer my dear. Emmet Halfborn,", he stretches his hand over the counter to introduce himself to the maid. 

"You don't have to worry little man. You have your woman with you, you can have another for one silver", the seven footer says and winks at Kane.

Kane on the other hand rubs the back of his neck, sweat dripping down as he avoids looking at the dark-elf. 

"We will give you two silver coins then. We can't be cheap when the bed won't be enough for the three of us", Emilia says and swipes the pouch of coins from the intoxicated giant.

She pauses for a while and turns to look at Kane who just stares blandly at her.

The giant burst into laughter as he quickly recognises the look on her face, the same one Kane had when they were at the arena. 

"She knows nothing of coin. Let me handle the matters of money.", Braga grabs the pouch back and removes two silver coins to give the woman. 

She licks her lollipop one more time as she collects the coin. She passes the coin to another maid and gives keys to the group, "Please, make sure to enjoy yourselves". 

"Oh, we plan too", the half-elf smiles.

Kane drags his feet just behind the excited men, Emmet smiles and shows a peace sign. Mockery Kane keeps to mind so that one day he may remind the half-born.