Dear Harry,
You indeed contacted the right official in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Organizing the Triwizard Tournament has indeed been a tremendous responsibility, and I greatly appreciate your recognition of my efforts in this regard. I have familiarized myself thoroughly with the intricacies of the rules and their finer points.
To address your inquiries, as a champion, you are permitted to leave Hogwarts grounds if it is for purposes related to your preparation for the tournament. That said, I recommend informing Professor Dumbledore beforehand to ensure everything is properly accounted for. Regarding your obligations, your attendance is required at the Wand Weighing Ceremony, the three tasks, and the Yule Ball. Outside of these events, your time is your own to prepare, though I trust you will still give due attention to your studies even though you are released from them this year.
As for the matter of using magic outside of Hogwarts, your situation is somewhat unique. While you are technically considered of age due to the tournament's rules, your OWLs qualifying you for wand usage are still incomplete, and the Trace placed on you remains active. Magic performed in emergencies or directly connected to the tournament is unlikely to cause issues, but I would strongly advise against unnecessary spellcasting to avoid potential complications.
I trust this clarifies matters. I am confident you will approach this challenge with maturity and determination, bringing honor to Hogwarts and Gryffindor. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to write again.
Best wishes,
Percy I. Weasley
Department of International Magical Cooperation
P.S. Please remind Ron to take his studies seriously. A focus on one's future is always worthwhile.
Yup, Percy Weasley has become the pure incarnation of a bootlicking ministry official, still a useful contact to have. Just a bit of flattery, playing to his 'importance,' 'qualifications,' and 'good work,' and he got all the questions he needed answered.
Hedwig had found him just when he left the kitchen after his breakfast with his packed lunch that he asked the elves for. He decided to avoid the Great Hall for now.
A contact in the ministry would come in handy; after all, it was better to keep them on his side, especially if they were so easy to manipulate like Percy.
Percy was ambitious and wanted to climb the Ministry ladder, and Harry was a famous hero in the Wizarding World, a symbol that the Ministry wanted behind them. So it was easy for Harry to use Percy, while the Ministry had a positive attitude towards Harry.
While his original self hated his fame, the current him, with far more knowledge about the universe, could see the positives in using it. Especially since he was such a small fry right now, he could use every advantage.
Of course that didn't mean he would follow every recommendation Percy made; Harry was only interested in the actual rules. He had no plans of informing Dumbledore about anything before he left Hogwarts.
Dumbledore was a wildcard that Harry didn't know the true allegiance of. Even if he was just a man planning for the good of the Wizarding World, it didn't necessarily mean that this good was also for Harry's good.
Harry is certain that Dumbledore, according to his original plan, had no idea whether Harry would survive getting hit by a killing curse the second time.
Even knowing the books and movies, Harry currently wasn't certain how his original future self had survived. Was it an inherent nature of a Horcrux in a living host that it would die first? Would Nagini have died if she had been killed by a Killing curse?
Or was there more to it? After all, there were multiple unique circumstances for Harry at that point in time. There was the whole sacrificial protection thing his mother had left behind. The fact that Voldemort and he shared the same blood after his revival. Or that Harry had been the true Master of Death when Voldemort used the Elder Wand to kill him.
Circumstances that were so unique and a situation that was unlikely to be replicated again.
No, Harry wouldn't risk it. Dumbledore couldn't be trusted.
But he still needed to tell someone that he was out training; it was fine once he was in the other world; even the old man couldn't find him.
Who should he inform?
Ron? Currently jealous and, thanks to his meta knowledge, untrustworthy. Pretty much a bad friend. Looking back, even their friendship looked like a setup. Still not a question he could solve now.
Hermione? She would tell a teacher or try to stop him. While she means well, she is too sure of herself.
Any other student? Far too risky.
Still standing in front of the kitchen, Harry had an idea.
All Harry heard was a small pop, and all the wind was knocked out of him as a squealing house-elf hit him hard, hugging him so tightly that he couldn't breathe.
"The Great Harry Potter has called Dobby!" The excited elf squealed, "Dobby has been hoping and hoping to see Harry Potter, sir! And you called Dobby!"
Dobby let go of him and took a few steps back, beaming up at Harry with his big eyes.
"That's great, Dobby. Why were you hoping to see me? I wasn't even sure you could come to Hogwarts if I called you." Harry said, not giving away that he already knew what happens in the future.
"Dobby has come to work at Hogwarts, sir!" Dobby squealed excitedly. "Professor Dumbledore gave Dobby and Winky jobs, sir!"
"Makes sense." Harry nodded, "If I need your help, will you come?"
"Of course, sir. Dobby is always happy to help Harry Potter, sir!" The elf replied excitedly, his eyes glittering as if a dream was coming true for him.
"How does your current employment with Hogwarts work? If I shared a secret with you, would you be forced to answer if Dumbledore asks after it?" Harry asked carefully.
Dobby blinked and shook his head, "No, Harry Potter, sir. While Dobby is employed at Hogwarts, he is still a free elf, not bound by a magical bond. Dobby can keep any secret he wants! Dobby will never betray Harry Potter, sir!"
"Thank you for your trust, Dobby. You are a true friend!" Harry said with a smile. He felt a bit bad about using such a cheap trick to secure Dobby's loyalty, but his own position was just too dangerous right now. And a house-elf that can freely leave Hogwarts even after this year was too great of an ally to not have.
"A friend?" Dobby said, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
"Yes, I consider you my friend. And I need your help, Dobby. I am going to leave Hogwarts for a few days. I need to prepare for the tournament and have a great opportunity outside of the castle." Harry quickly explained, before Dobby could start crying, "But unfortunately Dumbledore would stop me from leaving. Still, I need to inform someone that I am gone. That's where I need your help. I will leave the castle as soon as everyone is in class. I need you to hand this note to Professor Dumbledore and this one to Hermione. That's my bushy-haired friend, not the redheaded one. But only tomorrow, sometime in the afternoon. If they ask you for more information, you can just tell them that I am off training and nobody is able to find me or harm me. Can you do that, Dobby?"
"Dobby will do that, sir!" The elf replied dutifully while nodding his small head.
"Thank you, Dobby." Harry smiled as he handed the two notes over.
While leaving, he also sent a quick message in the group chat.
[ Harry Potter (Admin): @Jibril @Irene Belserion, be ready to exchange some books today. I am about to go shopping. ]
After his short meeting with Dobby, Harry's day had become extremely busy.
Making sure that he was seen by quite a lot of students and portraits, Harry headed back to the Gryffindor Common Room. It was important to be noticed so that Dumbledore or others would be alarmed by his disappearance yet.
He ignored the excitement of the Gryffindors who had the first period free and were hanging out in the common room and directly headed towards his dorm.
Which was luckily empty since his year didn't have the first period free.
Grabbing his trunk, he stored it with all his things in his inventory, only leaving his schoolbag out so he wouldn't appear suspicious.
Next he left the common room again, heading towards the Owlery, where he would be instantly greeted by Hedwig, who came fluttering down and landed on his shoulder.
"Hey girl, how are you?" Harry asked as he patted the white feathers of his beautiful owl, who hooted happily, "Want to go on a trip?"
With Hedwig still on his shoulder, he headed out of the Owlery. Once he was on the stairs, out of sight from any portraits and the owls, since he didn't know whether Legilimency could be used on them, he began to prepare to open a portal.
There was only one small problem: he had no idea whether the other side was clear.
This time he tried to focus on a small portal at the height of his eyes, which he could look through. In a size just inconspicuous enough so nobody would notice it.
Harry even managed to move that small portal around to get a detailed look. Although it was far more exhausting than using the portal normally, which was already taking a toll on his stamina yesterday.
Once he confirmed that the entrance to Diagon Alley behind the Leaky Cauldron was empty, he expanded the portal and stepped through it.
From there he got extremely busy. His first stop was Gringotts, which was quite informative.
While he technically was an adult, it turned out the fanfictions were wrong. His vault was the actual Potter Vault and not a trust vault.
Trust Vault exists, but they were mostly used by richer noble families, which the Potters were not. While they were quite well off, if he wanted to, he would never have to work, although he couldn't spend his money extravagantly.
It was enough for a normal life.
Else there were some documents in the vault for some empty properties, nothing more. The only property that had anything of value on it was Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow that had been pretty much taken by the Ministry far under value and turned into a monument.
Which was only possible because no Potter of age was alive who could disagree.
The Potters were old and pure-blooded until Harry, but they were not the most ancient or most noble family or whatever the fanfics had come up with.
Most of his gold was left behind by Fleamont Potter, his grandfather, who had owned a successful potion business and generated quite a bit of wealth.
He wasn't the only one who had contributed; each generation of Potter had added some savings into their collective wealth, including his parents. Harry had checked the account statements. The empty properties had once been populated by different Potters, but over time they turned into disuse.
Another mystery he had cleared out was the one of an inheritance test.
Turns out he wasn't the secret descendant of Merlin and heir to the Throne of England who was about to become filthy rich because he asked the Goblins for a test.
At least the Goblins couldn't tell him if he was, since all the Inheritance Test does is tell the person taking it his closest relative holding a vault in the family.
Even if he were a descendant of Merlin or King Arthur, Gringotts wouldn't be able to tell him, because all his test would say was his relation to the Potter family.
Gringotts is simply a bank holding currency, items, and documents for their customers in their vaults.
At most they transfer the wealth from one customer to another if he is the inheritor. If no inheritor exists and nobody claims it after a certain period, the wealth falls partly to the ministry and the bank, according to ancient agreements.
Well, at least he managed to accomplish the things he mainly wanted to do in Gringotts.
He exchanged a part of the gold ingots he received from Jibril into wizarding currency, adding a part of it to the Potter Vault, contributing quite a bit of gold to it now, while most of it he kept on him for his shopping.
In Diagon Alley he worked off a list of things he had come up with to prepare for his journey, beginning with food and other supplies.
Then he bought out multiple sets of books at Flourish and Blotts that he needed for his own studies and the exchange with Jibril and Irene.
Potion ingredients and the necessary tools, in case he would be experimenting with potions. Although he wanted to focus more on mastering his wand magic.
One important aspect he had remembered was potions. Quite an underestimated aspect of the Wizarding World, while so versatile.
He stocked up on different sorts of healing potions, antidotes, and Pepper Up Potions to last for quite a while. But what had truly interested him were the potions with more specific effects, like the stamina or the strength potion granting a temporary boost for his physique.
Wit-sharpening potions would help him study and learn new things. Turns out there were similar potions assisting in physical training, enhancing the effect of physical workouts multiple times.
Veritaserum, Polyjuice, and other similar potions were unfortunately highly regulated and couldn't be just bought in a regular potion store. They could have always come in handy, but this quick he just couldn't acquire them.
Harry also bought new clothes and a wizarding tent to always have a spot to sleep with him. It was fully furnished with 3 sleeping rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a laboratory, and a living area.
From Diagon Alley he headed into the non-magical world, where he visited a pawn shop, exchanging some of the jewelry he had found in the Room of Hidden Things for a few thousand pounds.
He used part of the money to buy some more normal clothes for himself and some more books that looked interesting. Mostly survival, workout books, and topics that looked like they would come in handy.
The rest of the money he sent with Hedwig to Sirius, informing him about the tournament and that he would be gone for a while to prepare for it. All that money would come to Harry for a fugitive mostly hunted by magicals.
Sirius should also look after Hedwig for a while. At least until the wand-weighing ceremony.
Lastly he exchanged the additional books in his possession with Jibril and Irene for the basics in the different branches of magic in their world and whatever they deemed useful to him.
Now in a back alley of London, Harry muttered, "It's time. Initiate random world jump."
This time he felt Dimension Lost and his Magic acting on their own. Like before, they formed a purple portal. Only this time he couldn't see what was on the other side; it was completely purple.
Not being the first time he had walked blindly into the unknown, Harry just stepped through the portal. It wasn't like he had another choice if he wanted to visit a different world.
It was far rougher than his normal portals, and it took longer. It felt like Minutes where he fell trough a purple flashing tunnel.
After a while he could see another portal on the other end of the tunnel, which he fell through.
Harry landed roughly onto a patch of grass. As soon as he could make it back onto his feet, he noticed that he was in the middle of a clearing in a forest.
The first thing falling into his eye was a massive tower he could see beyond the forest on the horizon. It was very high; that's the only reason why he could see it in the middle of a forest.
And he recognized it.
( End of Chapter )
HP - DXD - HP - DXD - HP - DXD
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